Xiao Junrong's mother hurriedly brought up the food and drink from the house.

"Hello, my name is Yun Zhe, Xiao Yun Zhe, I am one year older than you. Xiao Yunzhe and Xiao Junrong also spoke.

"Then, then you are my brother, Huan, welcome home. At this point, Xiao Junrong still felt cloudy.

However, the children were similar in their youth, and it didn't take long for them to talk about each other.

Xiao Junrong saw Xiao Ming looking at him, and hurriedly greeted Xiao Ming: "Uncle." "

Hey!" Xiao Ming smiled and nodded.

Xiao Junrong saw that Xiao Ming's attitude was so gentle, and this uncle gave him an inexplicable sense of intimacy from the beginning, so he happily said to Xiao Ming: "Uncle, since I can remember, I have always heard my uncle talk about you.

"I've been listening to this for more than ten years, but I didn't expect to see you today.

"I didn't expect to meet you one day. Xiao Ming replied in a good mood.

In the chat afterward, Xiao Ming had a certain understanding of Xiao Junrong.

"Uncle?" After talking for a while, Xiao Junrong suddenly thought of his boss's attitude towards him as an uncle, so he asked curiously: "Xiang Jiangtao, do you know each other?"

Xiao Junrong nodded and said, "He is my immediate boss." "

Really?" Xiao Ming was slightly surprised, and then, with a happy smile,

he didn't expect that Xiao Junrong was working in his company.

"I'm his boss, I can't say anything about this in one sentence or two, when will I have time to talk to you in detail. Xiao Ming said with a smile: "Right now, the most important thing is to complete your life's major events, don't worry, my uncle said that he would give you a great job, and it would be a great deal."

Xiao Junrong has been stunned again, this uncle is his boss's boss

? What is the situation? What is the

origin of his uncle? Although this uncle has never shown his landscape since he appeared, but looking at his temperament and extraordinary bearing, Xiao Junrong faintly looked forward to his wedding.

"Hehe, then, then let you worry about it, uncle. Xiao Junrong smiled, and he directly told him that this uncle would definitely not let him down.

"You kid, why are you so polite to your uncle, we are all a family, go back, if you need your uncle's help with something, you can tell me, come, let's talk about your wedding."

At this time, Xiao Junrong's mother, Sun Qiuyue, was talking to her family about the wedding.

Sun Qiuyue sighed helplessly and said: "This Huihui's aunt asked us to raise the specifications of the banquet, in such a short period of time, where did the hotel arrange it, even if they arranged it, we can't come up with the money at once."

"I see, Huihui's aunt is a vampire, and she wants to sell Huihui to our family."

"No, she's drained our family, and that's not enough. The

one in the room complained dissatisfiedly.

"Brother-in-law, hello, my name is Xiao Ming, and I am Xinran's cousin. Xiao Ming listened to it and walked over to say hello to Xiao Junrong's mother.

Sun Qiuyue heard Xiao Ming and her father-in-law Xiao Shan say so much, and she already knew his identity, but she was worried about her son Xiao Junrong's affairs at the moment, and she was really in no mood to be polite, she replied with a wry smile: "Big brother, welcome back." Sun

Qiuyue looks like she is in her forties.

"Brother-in-law, where is the hotel where Junrong is located?"

"In the town, according to Huihui's aunt's request, it was the best hotel in our town, and thirty tables were booked, and now, they asked for fifty tables, and they had to eat and drink the best. "

This request, we are really..." Sun Qiuyue is really helpless now, for the sake of this marriage, the Xiao family is really exhausted.

She is really worried that her daughter-in-law Song Huihui's aunt is so difficult that the two children can't get married, so what should the son do in the future?"

Xiao Ming said indifferently, his tone was very light, but with undoubted affirmation.

"What?" the

people in the room all looked at Xiao Ming in surprise when they heard this.

At this time, it is already noon, tomorrow is

the wedding, only half a day to prepare, at this time to return the hotel, where to go to a better hotel? Sun Qiuyue was taken aback for a while, and asked hesitantly: "Big, big brother, you give up, where will Junrong's wedding be held?"

"Go to the Diyun restaurant in the city." Xiao Ming replied: "Brother-in-law, you go and talk to the guests of our family, the wedding will be held in the Diyun restaurant in the city, as long as it is relatives who are willing to come, please come, if necessary, you can also arrange a car to pick up and send it." Sun

Qiuyue and the relatives in the house all live in the countryside all year round, how do you know what kind of place Diyun Restaurant is.

They don't know, but Xiao Junrong does, he hasn't been to that place, but he's heard it, it's not a place that ordinary people can afford, I heard that people who go to eat are super rich people.

It was one of the most local tyrants in Cloud City.

It was a place to burn money, and ordinary people couldn't even afford to drink a bottle of water.

"Uncle, that, that restaurant..." Xiao Junrong was so surprised that he couldn't even speak smoothly.

"Huh?" Xiao Ming wondered.

Seeing her son's reaction, Sun Qiuyue asked suspiciously, and Xiao Junrong briefly explained the situation of this restaurant.

The people in the room, after listening to Xiao Junrong's explanation, were dumbfounded.

"Such a high-end restaurant, it must cost a lot of money, how can it start with 200,000 yuan, right?" The

room full of people all looked at Xiao Ming in surprise, Xiao Shan's nephew, how much of a tyrant must be, how dare to hold a wedding in such a high-end restaurant?

In fact, they all said that it was less, and it would cost millions to hold a wedding in such a place.

Xiao Ming didn't say so much to them, this has to be explained, and he can't finish talking about it for three days and three nights: "Brother-in-law, you go and talk to your relatives, I'll arrange other things." "

OK. Sun Qiuyue replied.

After Xiao Junrong came back to his senses, he was surprised and delighted.

Xiang Jiangtao is a big tyrant in Yuncheng, and he can be majestic wherever he goes, but he has such a respectful attitude in front of his uncle.

This uncle said that he was Xiang Jiangtao's boss, so what a powerful boss he must be?

Moreover, this uncle is still so easy-going, and with such a powerful uncle, then wouldn't their Xiao family have to go to the pinnacle of life from now on?

Just thinking about it, Xiao Junrong's heart is beautiful.

He had a guess and a question about his attitude, and wanted to confirm it to this uncle, but after thinking about it, he still forgot it.

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