Wang Yuling's relatives didn't believe it, went to the original hotel, and heard the original hotel say that the guests had returned the banquet, so they all came to this hotel with the mentality of giving it a try!

Seeing that the wedding was so magnificent, Wang Yuling's relatives were amazed, and they were all discussing and speculating with the people around them about the man's family.

As the guests entered, Xiao Yunzhe saw Wang De'an and his wife in the crowd: "Dad, Brother Wang and Miss Ning are also here, you see, it seems that he has invited a lot of people to come."

Xiao Ming followed his son's line of sight, and then smiled, this Wang De'an, who is quite brainy, invited so many people.

Xiao Ming could see that the people who came with Wang Dean were all from their bureau, and there were several of them, all of whom had status in the bureau.

Wang De'an's kindness, Xiao Ming is naturally the essential, Xiao Ming motioned for a few children to follow, and walked over to Wang De'an.

"Mr. Xiao, congratulations!" Wang Dean took the lead in greeting Xiao Ming.

"Thank you, thank you, welcome, welcome..." Xiao Ming nodded with a smile.

Then, he said to his son, "Son, in a while, you have to have a drink with your friend." What

Xiao Ming said to Xiao Yunzhe was actually for others, his friend of Xiao Ming's son, which was tantamount to admitting in front of everyone that Wang De'an had a great relationship with their Xiao family.

Xiao Ming has always been like this, you respect me, I respect you.

On the other hand, it would be ugly.

Seeing that he was treated like this by Xiao Ming, Wang De'an was extremely happy in his heart, Xiao Ming's attitude had already explained everything, and he hugged his thighs successfully.

In the future, infinite beauty awaits him.

And the people brought by Wang De'an, after meeting Xiao Ming, they were all extremely excited, and they all wanted to come forward and say a few words to Xiao Ming, but they also knew in their hearts that they knew Xiao Ming, but Xiao Ming didn't know them, so they had to hold back the excitement in their hearts and look at Xiao Ming with a polite smile.

Wang Dean hurriedly introduced a few people: "Mr. Xiao, I brought a few friends, and in addition, I invited my leader, everyone heard that today is your nephew's big day, and they all want to come and ask for a cup of wine."

"Okay, welcome!" Xiao Ming stretched out his hand to face and greeted those people who played Wang De'an!'s

"Welcome, I'm Xiao Ming." "

Luo Jun!" The man led by Xiao Ming saw Xiao Ming stretching out his hand to him, and his excited hand trembled slightly: "Mr. Xiao, I have heard of your name for a long time, but I didn't expect to see you yourself, lucky, I am so lucky!" "Mr. Luo

, welcome, come, please inside." After Xiao Ming greeted the people brought by Wang De'an, he made a gesture of please.

The people brought by Wang Dean were all extremely happy when they saw Xiao Ming shaking hands with him.

Unexpectedly, a big guy like Xiao Ming actually shook hands with them?

They all stared and groped their hands that they had shaken with Xiao Ming, and their hearts were surging!

Even Luo Jun heard that Xiao Ming had come to Cloud City, and that Xiao Ming's family was going to have a happy event, so he pushed off the important work in his hand and rushed to the wedding scene of the Xiao family.

It seems that they are here to have a banquet, but in fact, everyone has a thought, that is, they want to have a little relationship with Xiao Ming, a big guy.

Moreover, Luo Jun is the leader of Cloud City, and it would be great if he could have the opportunity to persuade Xiao Ming to do something for the development of Cloud City.


?" "Who is talking to Mr

. Xiao?" Have I seen it there?" "I've seen it, how can I not see it, isn't that the leader of our Cloud City?"

Xiao Ming, Xiao Shan and Xiao Xinran led Luo Jun and the others to the main seat in the hall and sat down, and the people on Wang Yuling's side were all dumbfounded when they saw it.

"Oh my God, this Xiao family, what the hell is it, even the bigwigs in the city came to the wedding. Someone

exclaimed, and the others followed the man's line of sight, and then they all whispered in surprise.

Not only Luo Jun came, but also the deputy leader of Yuncheng, and together with the leaders of several relevant departments, at a glance, all of them were figures with heads and faces.

And these people's attitude towards Xiao Ming is extremely good.

But this is not over, and when everyone is still immersed in shock, they see another big man walk in.

"Oh my God, who did I see, it was actually the boss of the International Trade Jade Capital, Zhao Dequan?"

"Will there be Ali's

Ma Baba?" "Not only that, but Teng Xu's Ma Baba, the two big guys, they both came at once." "

Emma, there are others in the back, all of them are famous rich people in our five-star country, worth tens of billions, what is the situation, is it the wedding of the Xiao family or a gathering of bigwigs?"

The people who came to attend the wedding talked excitedly.

Even Wang De'an, Luo Jun and others, who had just been led to the throne by Xiao Ming, were stunned, and they couldn't understand whether this was really happening or a dream.

The pair next to him touched Luo Jun, who was in a daze, and reminded in a low voice: "Mr. Luo, this opportunity is too rare."

"At a glance, all of them are rich, as long as we can negotiate an investment with one of them, then the economic development of our cloud city will definitely rise to an unimaginable height."

Luo Jun listened and nodded approvingly: "It's not, I didn't expect Mr. Xiao to invite so many bigwigs." "

He hadn't forgotten what he was here for.

The Xiao family and Wang Yuling's family are actually ordinary people, and the conditions of Wang Yuling's family are a little better, but the difference is not much, and the relatives on both sides are also ordinary people.

Others, they don't know each other, but those big stars who came, and two Ma Baba, they know each other, and they have seen them on TV.

Outside the restaurant, the person in charge of the ceremony, like everyone else, was stunned when he saw these big guys.

After these bigwigs gave gifts and went to the restaurant, they couldn't wait to discuss the gifts given by these bigwigs with the people around them.

It didn't take long for the news to reach everyone's ears.

Those sky-high gifts blinded everyone's eyes.

Zhao Dequan, president of the Yudu International Trade Center, is 2.2 million yuan! The

two Ma Ba Ba are both 2.68 million yuan.

Those sky-high figures are unimaginable to many people, but they gave them to the Xiao family.

Here, everyone finally understood why there were so many rich people and celebrities at the Xiao family's wedding banquet.

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