The three of them were terrified when they thought about it.

Xiao Ming knew that the two girls were pretending to be angry, but he still couldn't resist his daughter's angry face.

No way, who made him a daughter slave!

Xiao Ming nodded obediently: "Okay, I know, I just don't drink it in the future." "

Xiao Ming usually doesn't drink much, but he is so happy in Cloud City during this time.

"That's pretty much it. Xiao Yuchun's face is a little better.

At this time, Xiao Jingrou stood up and moved her muscles and bones, and Xiao Ming remembered that in the past few months, she found that her youngest daughter's waist and cervical spine were not very good.

From Yuncheng to Anjin, it takes a lot of time to take the high-speed rail, although they buy a first-class seat, but the long journey is still quite tiring.

"Daddy, you can drink some sour plum soup, so that you can feel better. Xiao Yuchun intimately handed Xiao Ming a bottle of sour plum soup.

When Xiao Ming saw it, his heart warmed to the extreme.

"Uh-huh!" Xiao Ming took a few sips, and he was indeed much more comfortable.

So, he simply picked up the bottle and drank it directly.

A bottle of sour plum soup, he solved it after a while, he was still unsatisfied, he raised the bottle and poured the last drop of sour plum soup into his mouth, and shook the bottle again, and saw that there was indeed no sour plum soup in the bottle, he was finally willing to put down the bottle.

At this time, he saw several children, including his daughter-in-law Geng Jingshu, staring at him with very surprised eyes.

"Daddy, you..." Xiao Yuchun's eyes were full of shock, as if he had discovered a new continent.

"Daddy, you, you would do this?" Xiao Yuchun happily looked at the bottle in Xiao Ming's hand, and then looked at Xiao Ming.

"Uh..." Xiao Ming was also stunned by Xiao Yuchun's smile.

After a while, Xiao Ming smiled helplessly and said, "What's wrong? Why can't I do this?"

"Daddy, you are... You're too cute, aren't you?"

Xiao Yuchun wanted to say that Xiao Ming is a big Internet celebrity who is popular all over the Internet, and the big guy with countless assets actually has such a cute side.

Thinking that this was a public place, for fear of causing unnecessary trouble, Xiao Yuchun endured it and didn't say anything.

Xiao Yunzhe also laughed and said, "Dad, if you take a picture of your cute side and post it on the Internet, it will definitely become popular again."

As soon as Xiao Yunzhe said this, he suddenly had a sense of picture in his mind.

"The title is called: The five-star country boss who is popular all over the Internet, the appearance of drinking the last drop of drink!" he

said, and several other children also laughed happily.

Xiao Ming smiled awkwardly: "You're almost there, don't you see so many people here?"

When their family got into the car, they were specially dressed, and if they continued to make such a fuss, it was hard to guarantee that no one would recognize him, and at that time, it would be troublesome.

Sure enough, being famous really has no benefit at all, but unfortunately, his low-key time is gone.

At this moment, a very good-looking woman walked past him.

Xiao Ming was a little helpless, but fortunately, the woman just looked at him, and then walked away.

Afterwards, Xiao Mingxiang sat down to take a good rest, but although they sat first, it was still too noisy, so he couldn't have a good rest at all.

He had to say helplessly: "Jingrou, Yuchun, after you go home, remember and remind your father, let's buy a plane, so it's easier to go out." "

It's my own plane, so it's much more convenient to do a lot of things, you can arrange it yourself, and it's more convenient to go out with Geng Jingshu.


Xiao Yuchun and Xiao Jingrou were suddenly stunned.

Daddy is starting to be arrogant again, and he buys a plane if he doesn't agree with him...

At this time, a woman walked past Xiao Ming, perhaps because his words were too shocking, the woman paused for a moment, and fell to Xiao Ming's body in a daze.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's hand quickly supported her.

Xiao Ming noticed that this woman was the beautiful woman who had just walked past him, before, he had only taken a general look, but now he took a closer look, this woman was really unusually beautiful.

Xiao Ming said helplessly: "Beauty, you hurt me." The

woman hurriedly got up from his body and apologized, "I'm sorry, I'll help you with Rourou."

The woman stretched out her hand, but froze again, not knowing where to put it, and her face was as red as a ripe peach.

"It's okay, you go. Xiao Ming waved his hand.

The woman bowed to Xiao Ming again and left, but she looked back at Xiao Ming step by step, Xiao Ming

was slightly flustered, what is the situation

? Did the woman recognize him? Or was she fascinated by his handsome appearance and temperament?

In fact, the woman didn't recognize him at all.

She didn't even know the existence of Xiao Ming, a big Internet celebrity.

The woman's name is Zuo Qianqian, she has been living abroad with her parents, at this time, but he has just returned to China, because of the New Year, the peak period of travel, she did not buy a plane ticket to Anjin, she can only choose the high-speed rail, I didn't expect to meet this interesting family.

The man looked quite young, but he didn't expect the children to be so old, and his two daughters who looked so beautiful surrounded him.

And the sons are all married?

This is a winner in life.

What's even more deadly is that this man is too handsome.

Zuo Qianqian has lived abroad for many years, and she has seen good-looking men, but she has never seen such a handsome man.

Moreover, there is such a cute side.

Zuo Qianqian's footsteps were walking very slowly, and her eyes couldn't help but look in the direction of the man.

It's so handsome, but it's too good.

Why do you want

to buy a plane when you go back? As if you think you have a lot of money, did you buy a plane casually? Can you

pretend to be it, but it's a pity that it's a good skin! Zuo Qianqian sighed regretfully, such a good-looking man, if he didn't pretend to

be like that, it would be too perfect.

The woman walked not far away, and she walked to her position, and the woman's eyes didn't understand Xiao Ming very much.

Xiao Ming could ignore it at first, but gradually, he couldn't bear it anymore.

What the hell is trying to make trouble with looking at him with such hot eyes?

It's really not good to be stared at all the time.

"Girl, what are you staring at me all the time?" Xiao Ming asked straight to the point.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yuchun saw Xiao Ming's sudden voice, they both looked at Xiao Ming suspiciously, and then followed Xiao Ming's gaze.

Zuo Qianqian was so embarrassed that she twisted her head to look back.

Thinking of what she had just done, the man and his family looked at her in unison, and she suddenly blushed.

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