But for Xiao Ming, a person who has gone through so many worlds and so many ups and downs, it is nothing.

Xiao Ming saw the reactions of several children, and was silent, he said: "In a while, take you there to play, and you should see the world." "

Dad, let's not go to that kind of place, right?" Although Geng Jingshu had never been there, he had heard more or less about how deep the water was in that place.

"It's fine. Xiao Ming said disappreciatively: "How to sing that song, society is very simple, what is really complicated is people's hearts, if you can grasp yourself, there is nothing terrible in that place, there is nothing wrong with going to see more." Xiao

Ming just wants to take a few children to see the world, so that they won't be too curious about that place in the future.

His Xiao Ming's children, in the future, will inevitably have to go in and out of various occasions, and it is not a wise move to let the children be frogs at the bottom of the well.

In the past, he would occasionally go to the casino with some business friends, but he always knew that the water in that place was too deep, and he went there occasionally, just to cater to business friends.

For so many years, he has always been able to treat gambling sensibly.

"Daddy, shall we all go?" Xiao Yuchun was afraid and curious about that kind of place.

Although the other children didn't show it, after hearing Xiao Ming say this, they also wanted to take a look.

"Of course. Xiao Ming nodded and said, after finishing the activities of the foot bath center, he took a few children to the casino opposite.

He exchanged 200,000 yuan in chips, distributed them to several children, and said: "Go play, it doesn't matter if you win or lose, there is no psychological burden, I brought you here to experience life." Listening

to what Xiao Ming said, the hearts of several children are indeed a lot less burdened, and they all want to experience what it's like to be on the table.

Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu were a combination, Geng Jingshu was more interested in the turntable, so he took Geng Jingshu to play the turntable.

Geng Jingshu's luck was good, and after a few times, he actually won: "Baby, I didn't expect your luck to be so good."

"It's our child's luck, and my luck is all brought to me by him, hehe." Geng Jingshu smiled in a good mood and stroked his slightly bulging lower abdomen.

And Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yuchun, who were two simple girls, lost all their chips in two clicks.

However, they didn't take it to heart, their father said that it doesn't matter if they win or lose, they just take them to experience life, yes, they have experienced it enough, and they have seen what gambling is all about.

After that, the two little girls were tired of Xiao Ming's side and watched Xiao Ming play.

Xiao Ming chose fried golden flowers, a simple and crude way to play.

Xiao Ming's brain is spinning very fast, and his judgment is also extremely accurate, he can judge the opponent's confidence through the opponent's expression, the speed of the movement, whether there is hesitation, etc., whether there is confidence, that is determined by the size of the cards in his hand.

And he, one is that he doesn't care about winning or losing, but after so many years in the shopping mall, he has long cultivated a calm heart.

The big kids of the cards are bad, and they can't affect his mood.

Xiao Ming has always been in a state of small losses and big wins since he came on the field, and after a while, the chips in his hand have multiplied several times.

"Oh my God, Daddy, you're too powerful, aren't you?" Xiao Yuchun saw it and cheered happily.

Xiao Ming asked Xiao Yuchun to sit beside him and played with Xiao Yuchun.

After Xiao Jingrou got over, she didn't seem to be so interested in gambling.

"Daddy, I'll go to the bathroom. Xiao Jingrou came to Xiao Ming's side and said hello to him, Xiao Ming nodded, and Xiao Jingrou walked in the direction of the bathroom.

Xiao Ming was not at ease, and glanced at a few bodyguards not far away, and those bodyguards immediately followed Xiao Jingrou.

Those bodyguards, all invited by Xiao Ming, are all women, and it will be much more convenient for the protection of his daughter and daughter-in-law, they are all very powerful martial arts masters, and their abilities are no different from those senior bodyguards around him.

They were all dressed as ordinary people, and no one could tell the difference.

This place is a place where demons and monsters are concentrated, and he doesn't worry about his daughter being alone.

Facts have proved that Xiao Ming's worries are not unreasonable.

After Xiao Jingrou came out of the bathroom, she was just about to walk to Xiao Ming's side, but she didn't want to, but a man in his twenties blocked her way, and looked at Xiao Jingrou with a pair of eyes squinting.

"Beauty, are you here alone? Do you mind making a friend?" The man approached Xiao Jingrou with a grin, and the other party was also a five-star countryman, and directly used Chinese and Xiao Jingrou's words.

Those eyes seemed to be buckled down and pasted on Xiao Jingrou's body.

Xiao Jingrou knew at a glance that the other party had bad intentions, and she was too lazy to deal with him, so she turned around and was about to leave.

But as soon as she turned around, the man immediately went to the other side to block her way.

"Beauty, let me introduce myself, I am Chen Moyu of Qingqu Group. The man didn't care about Xiao Jingrou's indifference at all, and looked like he was going to entangle to the end.

"Get out of the way, I'm not interested in who you are at all. Xiao Jingrou was a little panicked, such a man, she felt disgusted when she looked at her more, and if she continued to entangle, it was hard to guarantee that she would not do something to her.

But Chen Moyu still looked hippie smiling: "But I'm interested in you." Xiao

Jingrou is about to listen, this man is also cheap, he can say such shameless words.

At this time, the bodyguard sent by Xiao Ming to protect Xiao Jingrou stepped forward to protect Xiao Jingrou behind him, a pair of indifferent eyes looked at Chen Moyu coldly, didn't say a word, only tilted his head and got away in frustration Chen Moyu.

Chen Moyu still wanted to entangle him, but he didn't want the bodyguard to grab his wrist directly, so he immediately took a few steps back in pain, with an angry face.

Just as he was about to order his entourage, at this time, Chen Moyu saw the valuable jewelry on Xiao Jingrou's hand and neck, and immediately understood that the identity of the other party was not simple.

The movement here attracted the attention of everyone in the casino, and in the face of everyone's eyes watching the show, Chen Moyu endured the unwillingness in his heart and bowed to Xiao Jingrou 2030: "Sorry, I'm sorry to disturb you." Then

he left with his entourage.

Xiao Jingrou looked at the woman in front of her who was protecting her behind her in shock, and there were several women who looked powerful standing not far away.

Xiao Jingrou immediately understood that this was arranged by her father to protect her.

Daddy was too thoughtful, otherwise I don't know what would be waiting for her.

"Thank you!" she said, and hurriedly returned to Xiao Ming's side.

Seeing that her face was not very good, Xiao Ming asked distressedly: "Jingrou, what's wrong?

Did something happen?" Xiao Jingrou told her father everything that had just happened, Xiao Ming was immediately furious when he heard it.

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