Netizens are very excited, but except for Ma Baba's Weibo, the official has not yet spoken, everyone hears some gossip, and what the final facts are depends on the official statement.

In the next two days, Xiao Ming took several children to play abroad for two days, and only returned to China on the third day.

What they didn't expect was that netizens didn't know where they got the news, knowing that Xiao Ming and others would return to China on this day, they had just walked out of the airport, and they were surrounded by Xiao Ming's fans.

"Welcome back with a national treasure!" Outside the airport, those fans shouted a unified slogan and held various fan signs, which were stronger than the cards of popular actors.

Fortunately, Xiao Ming's family was prepared in advance, they all wrapped themselves tightly, and as soon as they left the airport, bodyguards escorted him to the car.

They went straight home.

At this time, netizens also got the exact official news.

Official Weibo: "Welcome the return of the national treasure of our five-star country to the motherland."

When I saw this Weibo, netizens blew up again.

For tens of thousands of people, these treasures are the culture left by ancient ancestors and the pride of the motherland.

These treasures also represent the dignity of the country, and if they can't bring the treasures back, what kind of mood will future generations feel when they know about this history.

Now it's okay, Xiao Ming spent a lot of money to realize this dream of the people, and it was realized beautifully.

On this day, after netizens got the official news, they expressed various words of worship to Xiao Ming among netizens.

"It's worthy of being my male god, a blockbuster, and it's not okay if you don't accept it.

"Fifty-two billion, the national father-in-law is simply handsome.

"I heard that at this auction, our national father-in-law slapped those gringos in the face at the auction, and the picture is very pleasant just to think about.

"Not to mention anything else, now that our national treasure is back, then our children and grandchildren will be able to see the treasures left by our ancestors in the future, and life will be a great event."

"Father-in-law, strong! "

In the beginning, the style of painting was pretty much the same.

As he spoke, the style of painting suddenly changed, and a group of netizens with other ideas came out.

"I think that since it is a national treasure, Mr. Xiao should hand it over to the state and put it in the national museum for the people to visit.

As soon as this comment came out, those netizens who stood on Xiao Ming's side immediately became unwilling. They have spoken out and criticized.

"Is it okay for this brother to bring some

brains when he speaks?" "Do such people have brains?" I'm afraid that even if they do, they are filled with bean dregs, this is bought back by people with real money, and you can donate if you say donate? You are so powerful, why don't you go to the auction to fight your skills?" "

This guy is completely standing and talking without backache, and he speaks well, where are you when you are doing the right thing? Now come out and spray feces all over your mouth, you are an afterthought!

"That's it, it's bought by people with money, and it's someone else's business to do what they want to do, so I need you to teach it?"

"I also agree with you, standing and talking doesn't hurt your back, people can give 5.2 billion US dollars, who said how much money did you donate? Hurry up and go home, don't be embarrassed here." "

The thinking of the masses is always surprising, there are rational people, there are also people with double standards, with the first voice that is different from others, that kind of people slowly emerge.

"This is a national treasure, how can it become a private product, I also admire the behavior of that big guy Xiao who spent a lot of money, but I think that since it is a national treasure, it should be donated to the country.

"I agree to donate national treasures to the country, since you are so rich, you should do something for the country." More

and more people are making this kind of voice, and some people are even talking and talking, and there is a taste of hatred, and the words are becoming more and more ugly.


Early in the morning, because they had just returned home, everyone felt very tired, and they did not return to the workplace immediately, but chose to choose to rest at home for a day.

After breakfast, Xiao Ming and Xiao Yunzhe played chess in the garden, while the other girls had fun on the swings in the garden.

Xiao Yuchun blocked the swing, swiping her mobile phone, and stopped at the news on the hot search list about Xiao Ming bringing those treasures back to China.

Seeing the words of those netizens who stood and spoke without backache, Xiao Yuchun was instantly angry.

"Daddy, these brain-dead netizens are too shameless.

She said to Xiao Ming angrily, while looking at the comments: "Some netizens actually said that we should donate those treasures to the country, because they are national treasures."

"There are also people who say, if you have money, you should do something for the country, I really want to blow up the brains of these people, see what is in it, when the money is paid, where did they go?

Xiao Ming waved his hand, Xiao Yuchun immediately handed over the mobile phone, and when he saw the news on the Internet, he sighed slightly and was silent!

If this is a powerful person or something, he must be too lazy to take it to heart, but netizens speak out, he has to pay attention to it, the power of the Internet, in today's society, is a very powerful force.

If he doesn't handle it well, he may be blackened from now on, and it will cause immeasurable losses to the industries under his name.

"Dad, you spent so much money to buy it, you won't just donate your few treasures, right?" Xiao Yunzhe looked a little calmer, but it was still very distressing to think of the treasures that his father spent so much money to buy back, and just donate them like that.

Xiao Ming waved his hand: "Don't worry about this matter, I'll take care of it."

On the afternoon of this day, Xiao Ming issued a statement in the name of Minghui Group on the official Weibo of Minghui Group.

The central content is that Xiao Ming donated the Azure Sheep Ding, and the other two pieces will be placed in his personal museum for everyone to see.

Moreover, there is no charge.

After the news came out, netizens blew up again.

Xiao Ming does this, and those who understand can understand it, which is simply too clever.

It was bought back by him with real money, and at this time, he had already donated the most expensive one, leaving only the other two, and no matter who it was, he couldn't find anything wrong.

If anyone wants to provoke right and wrong, they have to consider whether they will annoy the big guy.

Xiao Ming's statement had just been issued, and netizens immediately applauded, and without waiting for those afterthought netizens to speak out, other netizens took the preemptive action.

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