"It's still for the good of my friends, you are so kind, why don't you do charity?" Xiao Jingrou said mercilessly: "Are you robbers?

Xiao Jingrou was originally a person with a very light personality, but at this time, she was so angry that she wanted to tear Yu Siying's annoying face.

She knew all too well how uncomfortable it felt to be when the people she least loved were being treated unfairly.

Xiao Jingrou's words made the originally arrogant Yu Siying even more intense, and pointed to the contract she threw to Xie Mengke and said to Xie Mengke: "Xie Mengke, don't challenge my patience, you'd better be interesting and sign the contract quickly, which will be good for you, otherwise, you will blame me for being polite."

After speaking, she waited for a while, but she didn't see any relief from Xie Mengke, so she said: "Miss Xie, I suspect that you have plagiarized our company's works, come here, search for me."

"Take the work on their computers and drawings back and investigate. Yu Siying commanded.

Subsequently, the people brought by Yu Siying began to rummage through boxes and cabinets in Xie Mengke's studio, as if they were robbers.

"What are you trying to do? Are you robbers? Leave them all down. Xie

Mengke didn't expect the other party to rob it directly, even if her studio couldn't be opened, but her drawings were all treasures, if they were snatched by Yu Siying, then she wouldn't be able to make her wallet full?"


Bastard, you're going too far, you don't want to take my studio stuff and fuck me off. Xie Mengke saw that his things were about to be taken away, so he hurriedly stepped forward to stop them.

Those people who were angry wanted to do it Xie Mengke.

When Xiao Jingrou saw it, she was so angry that her lungs hurt, she couldn't watch her former friend being bullied by others, so she also rushed forward.

"Mengke, don't be afraid, I'm coming!" She

rushed up and bumped into the man who was going to hit Xie Mengke without thinking about it, no, the man saw Xiao Jingrou rushing up, and suddenly aimed the contradiction at Xiao Jingrou, and was about to slap Xiao Jingrou's face

! Seeing this, Xie Mengke panicked, picked up the thing at hand and smashed it!

A baseball bat smashed on the man's head, Xie Mengke subconsciously exerted force, but he didn't expect the force to be heavier, and directly knocked the man unconscious!

When the man was paralyzed on the ground, he coincidentally fell on some glass shards that were broken by them. The floor was immediately blood-red!

"It's over!" "

Mengke!" In the studio, there was an exclamation, and everyone was frightened, especially Xiao Jingrou and Xie Mengke, the two people's minds were suddenly blank, and after a long time,

Xie Mengke finally came back to his senses.

"Sister Jingrou, sister... I seem..."Xie Mengke was stupefied, and when she saw the man lying motionless on the ground, covered in blood, she thought the man was dead.

"Xie Mengke, you, you are killing someone. Yu Siying and the others saw it, and hurriedly stepped forward to check the man's situation.

Seeing that the man was still breathing, Yu Siying and the others breathed a sigh of relief, Yu Siying saw that Xie Mengke was frightened, so he deliberately said: "Xie Mengke, killing people is to pay for your life, you dare to kill someone, you are dead." "

I'm telling you, you will definitely lose your family and property, and you will lose your whole life, if you had been more sensible earlier, then there would be these things?" Yu Siying looked at Xie Mengke aggressively and said angrily.

Then, she looked back at the people she had brought and asked, "Did you see that Xie Mengke deliberately hurt people?" "

Yes, it was the woman who deliberately wanted to kill Ah Biao, and a few of us can see it clearly. The person brought by Yu Siying said firmly.

"You... You guys...... You are framed, despicable... No, shameless..."Xie Mengke couldn't say a complete sentence in a panic, she had long been mentally prepared to lose everything in the studio, but she didn't expect that human life would be involved.

People live innocently, and she doesn't want to suffer a life lawsuit.

The employees of Xie Mengke's studio were also stupid, they didn't expect things to develop to such an unmanageable point.

After a while, the people on Xie Mengke's side, after slowly coming back to their senses, looked at Yu Siying fiercely: "It's too despicable, is this what big enterprises do?

Yu Siying had already called the emergency number during the period when Xie Mengke and others were distracted, and when she saw that Ah Biao was not dead, her mentality immediately recovered, and she was secretly happy in her heart at this time, feeling that God was helping her.

She hadn't thought of a good way to clean up this woman, but she didn't expect the opportunity to come like this.

Xie Mengke was so frightened that his whole body was trembling, his center of gravity was unstable, he fell to the ground, and his face was bloody: "What should I do... What should I do..."

Xie Mengke suddenly fell to the ground, and the movement made Xiao Jingrou came back to her senses, she hurriedly stepped forward and comforted: "Mengke, it's okay, they came to find trouble, they started beating people first, I will never let them frame you." "

Hmph, framed, don't talk nonsense here, do you see, my people are really hurt by you, you say I framed, what about the evidence?"

"I tell you, I will definitely hire the best lawyer to defend my subordinates, you want to get out, do your spring and autumn dreams."

Yu Siying was very proud: "Heh, you'd better pray that my subordinates can be rescued, in that case, I can at most let you lose your family and spend the rest of your life in prison, but if the person really dies, Xie Mengke, you will pay for your life."

"Then you're a murderer, haha!" Yu

Siying said, holding her hands in front of her chest, her chin tilted proudly, and she looked like a victor.

Xie Mengke and the others were afraid to approach the man named Ah Biao for half a minute, so they could only wait for the ambulance to arrive, hoping that this man would not really die here.

Some girls were even scared to cry.

"Sister Jingrou, now, this is over, if my parents knew, I would be scared to death. In

the tormented waiting, the ambulance finally came, but there were also police officers, and when they saw those people, Xie Mengke, who was already scared, was even more frightened at this time.

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