Xiao Ming patted him on the shoulder: "Lao Meng, you, you just think too much, money is a thing, it is something that life does not bring and death does not take away, people have to make themselves feel comfortable in life, why do you make yourself so tired, I plan to retire and go home to retire." "

That being said, but Xiao Ming also understands Meng Zongping, they are all more ambitious people, but Meng Zongping is more persistent than him.

At first, Meng Zongping developed on mobile phones, not just to make money, he said at the time that he wanted to create a five-star country's own brand, hoping that his mobile phone could be accepted by the Chinese people and promote the development of the motherland.

He did it.

Today's Longyao mobile phone can be said to have entered every household in the five-star country, and Longyao mobile phone is his rice bowl for eating, and it is also his faith.

The brand created by Meng Zongping has also fed thousands of people, Long Yao is not only his personal dream, but also the dream of his company's employees and agents.

It was also because he knew this clearly, so after Xiao Ming heard Meng Zongping talk about his difficulties, Xiao Ming agreed to take over without hesitation.

"How? Lao Xiao, have you thought about it? After Meng Zongping hit the baseball in his hand, he looked at Xiao Ming and asked.

"I said yesterday that I took over, but I don't know what price you plan to sell at this side?"

"Long Yao is the pride of my life, he is like my child, to be honest, if it is not a last resort, I am really reluctant, Lao Xiao, you are a cheerful person, in this way, I will give you this price, what do you think?" Meng Zongping reluctantly stretched out a few fingers.

Xiao Ming saw it and smiled indifferently: "Come out today, let's relax, let's play a game, you win, I'll sign it immediately, I'll make a number, I won, you can sell so much to me quickly, how about it?"

Xiao Ming also stretched out a few fingers.

Meng Zongping nodded, the two looked at each other and smiled, and started the game.

The game is a game that is sure to be won or lost, Meng Zongping asked Xiao Ming to start first, Xiao Ming was not polite, the result can be imagined, Xiao Ming won.

Seeing this, Meng Zongping smiled helplessly: "That's it, I lost, according to the number you said, Long Yao will give it to you."

Xiao Ming laughed twice: "Haha, Lao Meng is a cheerful person, then it's decided, let's sign the contract when we go back."

Meng Zongping didn't have any opinion: "Okay, okay, but Lao Xiao, how can I feel like I'm in your pit, I'll just say that you have nothing to ask me to come to the stadium, it turns out that it's fake to let me relax, you are still the same as before, too fine, I admit that I am not your opponent, haha!"

"Haha! Then I'll praise you for me, haha! After that, both of them laughed, and instead of talking about work, they played baseball happily.

A few people played until almost noon before leaving, and when they left, several children were still unsatisfied, and they chatted with Xiao Ming on the road.

"Daddy, I didn't expect playing baseball to be so interesting, it's so decompressing." Xiao Yuchun said excitedly to Xiao Ming, if it wasn't for the fact that it was close to noon, her stomach was already protesting, and she wouldn't be willing to leave so early.

Xiao Ming looked at her cute appearance and laughed: "You are so interested, I will say hello to the people in this venue when you go back, you can come and play whenever you want, disintegrate and stress, and exercise, it's good." "

Okay, okay, thank you, Daddy!" Xiao Yuchun immediately applauded.

Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yunzhe are more concerned about what Xiao Ming said before.

"Daddy, aren't you here to talk about things? What are you talking about, are you done? Xiao Jingrou asked curiously.

Xiao Ming told his daughter without concealment: "Talking about the acquisition of Long Yao, it has been negotiated, and we are waiting to sign the contract."

Three days later, Longyao Company held a press conference and told the media that Longyao Company was ready to sell the company to Minghui Group.

The name Minghui Group has a deep impression in the minds of the five-star people, and when the news broke out, everyone naturally thought of Xiao Ming.

"Oh my God, the boss of Minghui Group, our national father-in-law, is actually going to buy Longyao Company?"

"Long Yao's mobile phone, if it is taken over by Big Guy Xiao, it will definitely make amazing achievements and surprise everyone again."

"I don't know how much money was acquired, but I heard that many banks have sent people to Minghui Group to squat, which is to send the money to the door to lend it to Big Xiao to buy Long Yao.

Yuxi villa.

Xiao Jingrou, Xiao Yuchun and Xiao Yunzhe, brother and sister, were sitting on the sofa with Xiao Ming leisurely watching the news.

Although they had seen Xiao Ming's amazing operation many times, the three brothers and sisters were shocked again.

A few days ago, Xiao Ming said that he had negotiated with Meng Zongping to acquire Long Yao, and they were still skeptical, but they didn't expect it to be true, which is too resolute.

"Dad, I didn't expect you to play baseball with Uncle Meng two days ago, really to talk about acquisitions." Xiao Yunzhe looked at Xiao Ming in surprise: "Dad, tell me how you negotiated it?"

Xiao Ming briefly told Xiao Yunzhe about the process of talking, and Xiao Yunzhe hurriedly came to Xiao Ming in surprise: "Dad, you are too powerful, you have lowered the price so much in a baseball game."

"It's not as exaggerated as you think, Meng Zongping and I have known each other for many years, and we both know each other's personalities, so in fact, it's just such a fuss, he is willing to sell it to me, and the price I give is also very fair." Xiao Ming said.

"Really? So, you've already agreed on it, and that day you were going out to play, and by the way, you completely finalized this matter, right?

Xiao Ming nodded.

Xiao Yunzhe was so surprised that he was speechless, his major was finance, and he knew what it meant to acquire this company.

Long Yao was originally a well-known company in a five-star country, and Xiao Ming had just been promoted to become the richest man in a five-star country.

"Dad, how much RMB did you use to take over Long Yao?" Xiao Yunzhe asked curiously.

Xiao Ming raised his eyebrows slightly: "Black Rice Company, you know, right?"

"You know, what's wrong?" Xiao Yunzhe asked inexplicably: "I used a black rice mobile phone."

"The market value of black rice is 50 million, and Long Yao was originally under the name of Huayao, which is about one-third smaller than the scale of black rice, and finally I negotiated it at a price of 30 million."

"This kind of transaction money is paid in several installments, and I agreed with Meng Zongping that it will be paid in five installments."

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