"Haha, that's all I can say so far." Xiao Ming laughed out loud: "I built a laboratory some time ago, we have to make good use of this hard-won resource, so that they can study the high-end technology of aerospace technology and mobile phones."

Xiao Ming felt excited when he thought about it, he didn't expect that he would dig up so many powerful talents at once, as if everything was ready for him, it was just right.

It is precisely because of these top scientific and technological research technicians that Xiao Ming agreed so happily when he heard Meng Zongping say that he was going to sell Long Yao.

Meng Zongping's core technology for manufacturing mobile phones was cut off by the United States, which was devastating for Meng Zongping, but for him, it was not a problem.

Mi Guo is unwilling to give, so he can study it himself.

"Dad, in that case, aren't we too lucky, Long Yao will not only be able to bring the dead back to life in your hands, but will also take another big step." Xiao Yunzhe said excitedly, he couldn't sit still, he stood up directly, and happily circled around the study.

"Dad, you're too prescient, you're too powerful."

Xiao Yunzhe still thinks that he is very good, but now it seems that in front of his father, he is simply weak.

After that, the two talked about work again, and after the end, Xiao Ming said to Xiao Yunzhe: "Didn't you say that you have a teacher who is very good?" You go and make an appointment, and if you can, ask him to have dinner. "

Okay, Daddy, I'll go to his house in the afternoon." Xiao Yunzhe responded.

"Yun Zhe, Jingshu, have you ever talked about her studio? I remember that she and you both studied finance, and her grades were good, and since she was going to marry you, it was a pity for her to keep selling her house. "

In Xiao Ming's hands, there is no shortage of people, and besides, all the talents in his hands are first-class talents, but no matter how talented they are, they are all outsiders after all, so they must be on guard.

But when there is a family member who stays in his company, it is different.

The relationship between Geng Jingshu and Xiao Yunzhe has been tested, and through his contact during this time, he also recognizes this girl's character, although she has not confirmed her marriage with Xiao Yunzhe, it is already a sure thing.

But anyone with a little brain can't come out of a moth at this time.

Xiao Ming also saw that Geng Jingshu was a very smart child, and if he could stay by Xiao Yunzhe's side to help him, he would be much more relieved.

"I didn't talk to her, I went back and talked to her to see if she had any ideas in her own hands." Xiao Yunzhe shook his head and replied, "By the way, Dad, aren't you going to pay some high-level employees for dormitories?" Jingshu and their company have opened a new real estate, which is quite close to our company. "

Haha, you kid, I really can't forget your daughter-in-law." Xiao Mingle laughed: "Seeing you so affectionate, your father and I are also happy in my heart, okay, I'll let the secretary take a look when I go back, and if I can, I will buy it in their new real estate." "


At this moment, Geng Jingshu is resting in the sales department and her office.

It's not that she puts on a leader's shelf, but even if she goes out to work, no one will let her work, all because Xiao Ming bought a lot of houses in their sales department before, and because Xiao Yunzhe often came to see her, seeing that Xiao Yunzhe drove a luxury car every time she came, everyone also knew that she was about to become the daughter-in-law of a wealthy family, and they held her high.

She was bored, so she could only stay in the office and brush her mobile phone, and by chance, she swiped the acquisition of Long Yao by Minghui Group, and she was instantly surprised.

Her future father-in-law has just been promoted to the richest man in the five-star country, and now she has engaged in such a big wave of operations.

In the afternoon, Geng Jingshu, who was too bored, planned to go out for an activity, and as soon as he went out, he met his top boss.

"Jingshu, you are the most powerful salesman in our company, I heard that your future in-laws are the new richest man in our five-star country, right? You're so blessed, too.

"Our company has just opened a new real estate, the geographical location, all aspects of the conditions are not bad, I don't know if your mother-in-law's side is interested, you can help inquire."

"Look at our company, it's always been good to you, don't say anything else, you have to say good things for our company, don't you say?" Geng Jingshu's leader said flatteringly.

When Geng Jingshu heard this, he complained in his heart.

Is it good for her?

Everything about her, but she worked hard to get it, because she offended Xiao Yunzhe's grandmother Wen Fengshu before, the house she sold was returned again, and she was scolded for nothing.

"I'll go back and see, but I can't guarantee he'll buy it." Geng Jingshu said perfunctorily.

This leader is planning to use her as a cash cow, but he is using her hard, isn't he?

No matter how rich his father-in-law Xiao Ming is, it is also Xiao Ming's, and he has nothing to do with buying so many houses.

"Okay, okay, you go back and ask, by the way, on behalf of the leaders and all the employees of our company, say hello to Mr. Xiao." The leader nodded happily.

The leader knows in his heart that a big guy like Xiao Ming will not buy it if he doesn't buy it, and if he buys it, it will be an astronomical amount.

Moreover, if anyone knows that the daughter-in-law of the richest man works in their company, it is simply a live advertisement.

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe's video called.

Geng Jingshu saw that everyone in the hall was looking at her, so she was embarrassed to put on earplugs and picked up the phone, but everyone already knew that it was her boyfriend who called.

"That, Jingshu, was it your boyfriend calling?"

"yes." Geng Jingshu nodded, and after she hung up the phone indifferently, she turned to the leader and said: "He said that his father knows that we have opened a new real estate and plans to buy dormitories for employees, and he will send a secretary to come over to see if it is suitable, and if it is suitable, he will buy our house."

When the leader heard this, his eyes immediately lit up: "Really? I am our Jingshu and I am the most capable in the company.

"However, he just wants to come and see, in case it is not suitable..."Geng Jingshu said again and again.

The leader hurriedly replied: "I know, I know, don't worry, it's good that you can build a bridge for our company." "

That attitude is simply not too good.

The leader was too excited, and in front of Geng Jingshu and all the employees, he called the company's boss and told him about the matter.

The employees in the hall all cast envious glances at Geng Jingshu.

Before, they all heard that Geng Jingshu had a boyfriend, a poor boy, and they had gossiped in private, and even sympathized with her, but they didn't expect that it had only been so long that Geng Jingshu had become a person they couldn't climb.

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