Xiao Yunzhe and Geng Jingshu subconsciously glanced at each other, both secretly surprised why Zhao Yixuan came here.

"Yun Zhe, his name is Zhao Yixuan, three years older than you, and he is the president of Chiyuan Co., Ltd." Teacher Wu Pengqing saw Zhao Yixuan enter the door and hurriedly introduced the two.

When introducing Zhao Yixuan, Wu Pengqing was full of pride, Zhao Yixuan was the most outstanding student he taught, and now he is the president of a large company.

Zhao Yixuan is a proud protégé of Wu Pengqing, and Zhao Yixuan's ability also shows that Wu Pengqing is very good at teaching and educating people.

Actually, Xiao Yunzhe is also very good, when he was in school, he was a top student, and the school had two places to submit for overseas study, and Xiao Yunzhe accounted for one at that time.

It's a pity, this child's life is not very good, if he was born a little better, he could go out to study and study well back then, maybe now his grades are no less than Zhao Yixuan.

But creation makes people.

However, even if Xiao Yunzhe failed to become a big climate, Wu Pengqing still loves this student, after all, people's hearts are flesh and blood, not to mention this child's background, not to mention sympathetic, and he has been with him for several years, and his feelings are very deep.

"Senior Brother Zhao, I have seen him, I didn't graduate at that time, when our school celebrated, I saw him when he came, what he said at the time, I still remember that Senior Brother Zhao is a role model for our younger brothers and sisters, and everyone likes him." Xiao Yunzhe got up and said as he stretched out his hand to Zhao Yixuan.

"Senior brother!"

"You're welcome!" Zhao Yixuan didn't have any senior brother, the big man shelf, and shook hands with Xiao Yunzhe casually: "I didn't expect that my influence would be so great, thank you for your love."

Zhao Yixuan inexplicably felt that Xiao Yunzhe was very familiar, but after carefully searching in his memory, he didn't remember that Xiao Yunzhe was such a person.

Looking closely, he didn't see anything special from Xiao Yunzhe, and he couldn't help but feel a little confused: "The junior brother also came to see the teacher?"

"That's right." Xiao Yunzhe nodded: "What about Senior Brother?" I just learned that our school is going to hold a school celebration, was my brother invited to participate in the school celebration?

"I came to see our teacher, and when I caught up with the school anniversary, I also went to participate." Zhao Yixuan said.

Zhao Yixuan said very naturally, not making people feel that he was perfunctory, which made Xiao Yunzhe's impression of him a little better, with such an achievement, but he could not be arrogant or impatient, this is what a person who does great things should look like.

Unlike Xiao Yunzhe's other classmates, who have a gun and a stick when they talk with one mouth, and they are full of anger, such a person, Xiao Yunzhe feels that it is a waste to say a word.

There are few people like Zhao Yixuan who are so cultured.

"I've heard of you, you are also a more proud student of Teacher Wu, so speaking of which, then we are brothers and sisters, you are younger than me, if you don't mind, just call you Yun Zhe?" Zhao Yixuan looked at Xiao Yunzhe with an inquiring gaze.

"That's a good feeling, how can I mind." Xiao Yunzhe nodded.

At this time, Zhao Yixuan's gaze looked towards Geng Jingshu: "Yun Zhe, is this your object?"

When Zhao Yixuan looked at Geng Jingshu, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he secretly thought that this woman was also really good-looking, and she was amazed just by looking at it.

However, Zhao Yixuan was not the powerless person, so he quickly retracted his gaze and nodded slightly to Geng Jingshu, saying hello to Geng Jingshu.

"Hello senior, Yun Zhe and I are in the same session." Geng Jingshu responded with a gift, and after that, the group sat down under the greeting of Teacher Wu Pengqing.

"Yixuan is too busy now, so you don't have to always think about me, an old man, just send a WeChat or something when you have time, don't delay your work." Wu Pengqing said to Zhao Yixuan.

This is not a polite meaning, Wu Pengqing is engaged in finance, he knows how busy Zhao Yixuan is, and he is not an unreasonable person, he can come to see him occasionally, or say a few greetings, it's okay.

He knew that Zhao Yixuan's state at this time must be when he worked overtime every day, otherwise, his company would not have developed so fast.

"It's okay, no matter how busy I am, I still have time to come and see the teacher." Zhao Yixuan replied.

Zhao Yixuan's words made Wu Pengqing's face look gratified.

"Yun Zhe too, if you have the heart to come and see me, I'm very happy, come and sit with the teacher when you have time in the future, if you are busy and don't have time, then just send WeChat, you young people, you have your own things to be busy, and the teacher can understand." At this time, Wu Pengqing turned to Xiao Yunzhe again.

When Wu Pengqing faced Xiao Yunzhe, his mood was really complicated.

At that time, Xiao Yunzhe was also a school he was very proud of, and he tried his best to cultivate, but his birth was really...

At the beginning, when he learned that he gave up the opportunity to study abroad because he didn't want to leave his two younger sisters behind, he felt touched and sad.

At that time, he thought that if Xiao Yunzhe could have a better birth, the ending might be different.

He heard that some students talked about Xiao Yunzhe's situation, saying that he started his business not long after graduation, and he didn't want to fail, so he didn't want to fail, and he didn't want to put all his worth into it, not to mention, and he owed a lot of debt.

He would love to do something for this kid.

It happened that Xiao Yunzhe and Zhao Yixuan came to see him together, and now Zhao Yixuan's career can be regarded as prosperous, he thought, if Xiao Yunzhe needs it, he will tell Zhao Yixuan, please ask Zhao Yixuan to arrange a good job for Xiao Yunzhe, he still has this face.

"Yun Zhe, where have you been working lately? What do you do? Wu Pengqing asked with concern.


Xiao Yunzhe didn't know Wu Pengqing's intentions, after thinking about it, he replied truthfully: "I work in the president's office of Minghui Group.

He took out his business card from his pocket, handed one to Teacher Wu Pengqing, and also handed one to Zhao Yixuan.

"What?" Hearing the four words of Minghui Group, Zhao Yixuan was stunned, where is Minghui Group, Zhao Yixuan knows, he looked at the teacher Wu Pengqing on the side in shock, and saw that the teacher was also shocked.

Zhao Yixuan sighed secretly, he didn't expect that this junior of his would work in such a powerful company, and in such a powerful company, he could enter the president's office and work beside the president, and he would be a celebrity next to the president.

The CEO of Minghui Group is the new richest man in the five-star country.

With this, then he is nothing in front of him Xiao Yunzhe?

Don't look at him as the president of a company, Xiao Yunzhe is just a part-time worker for the boss, this is left in normal times, if Xiao Yunzhe goes to his company to do something, he, as the president, has to greet and entertain him respectfully.

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