She suddenly seemed to become a very small woman, and then, with a very easy wave of her hand in front of him, at last, very dashingly, she turned away from here.

Looking at his departing back, he just sighed helplessly, and in the end, he stayed standing by the window.

It wasn't until this woman got into a car after she got out of the company that he put his heart down.

In the end, he kept both reports and passed them on in the form of photos.

In any case, he won't take this thing casually, he must verify his authenticity.

Because, only in this way can these things really come in handy in their own hands.

Zong Long was awakened by urine in the middle of the night.

He came out of the room, wanting to go to the study to get some water.

At that moment he heard a tinkling sound coming from the first floor, and he felt very strange, how could there be movement in the middle of the night?

He walked to the railing, and then, looking down, found that the movement was coming from the kitchen.

He glanced into the corner of the first floor, and at this time, the light in the subordinate's room was still off, which proved that the subordinate was not in the room.

So, he walked down curiously, and then came to the kitchen.

He pushed open the door and looked inside, and found that his own daughter was in the middle of nowhere, not knowing what she was busy with.

"Monnie, what are you doing here? Why don't you sleep at such a big night

?" "Oh, Dad, you, you're scared me to death, why don't you make any sound when you walk?" "

Hehe, I don't have a voice yet, I just went to shout loudly in front of you, I obviously knocked on the door just now."

"Oh, Dad, I really didn't hear that.

Zong Long said don't walk over, he saw that there was a pot of soup boiling on it, he didn't know what this soup was used for.

It's just that there are a lot of things in it.

There were some things that he couldn't even name.

"You, what are you tossing in the middle of the night? Why, what about boiling soup and drinking at this time? If you want to drink soup, can't you just let Sister Zhang boil it for you tomorrow?"

"Dad, you don't understand, this is a soup that women drink.

"What? The soup that the woman drank, what's wrong with you?"

"Oh, Dad, you don't care, you go up and rest."

"No, you've never been like this, you tell me, what's going on? Who are you making this soup for? I ask you, you won't

take it to the hospital, right?" "That's right, I really brought this to the hospital, and this is also a home remedy I found from the Internet, saying that it should be of great help to the recovery of the body vitality of a woman who has had a miscarriage."

"Monnie, I know what you think in your heart, but, in this situation, do you think people will accept you?"

"It's their business whether they accept it or not, but it's my business whether to send it or not."

"Monny, why are you so stubborn?

"Dad, don't say anything, this matter is a disaster caused by me, so I will bear this responsibility, if not, I can bear legal responsibility."

"What are you talking about, how can you still have legal responsibility? As long as Dad is here, how can you possibly bear such responsibility?"

"Well, okay, Dad, you go to sleep quickly, if you are here, it will only affect my progress."

"Okay, then after you are done, hurry up and have a good rest, and besides, if you want to go to the hospital, arrange for a few people to go with you, and you must not go by yourself."

"Okay, I see, don't worry.

As Zong Mengni spoke, she impatiently pushed Song Long out of it.

Although Zong Long is still a little uneasy, but seeing his daughter like this, he has no choice but to do it.

He knew that Zong Mengni was actually such a person, and it seemed that she was just a young lady, but in fact, he was still very kind in his heart.

Even, this conflict, he didn't know what the reason was, but he just firmly believed in it.

That is, if the other party is not excessive, then his daughter will never do this.

The next morning, when he got up again, Zong Long found that Zong Mengni had already disappeared.

When his daughter is older, everything will be married because of him, and Zong Long has already arranged for people to follow him all the time before, and he will definitely not leave an inch in the past few days.

Just like what Zong Long imagined, Zong Mengni arrived at the hospital early in the morning.

He came to the intensive care room and saw at a glance that Xiao Yunzhe was squatting on the chair at this time.

Obviously, he also stayed up all night.

When he walked over, this Xiao Yunzhe raised his head and took a look.

It's just that there is a sad cloud, which soon appeared on his face.

"What are you doing here? You are not welcome here, please leave now. His

voice disturbed the people next to him.

Xiao Jingrou quickly walked over.

Because Xiao Jingrou had never seen this girl before, and she didn't know who she was.

"Brother, how do you talk about this, did people come to visit your sister-in-law, Miss, what do you call it?" "What do you know, do you know how your sister-in-law got hurt?" "What do you mean? She is, is she the one who locked up her sister-in-law

?" "That's right, it's him, if it weren't for her, do you think your sister-in-law would be like



Jingrou's face changed greatly after hearing this.

"Then if that's the case, I really don't know where you got the courage to dare to visit, you are not welcome here, please leave immediately. "

I know, I know you don't welcome me, but this is a little bit of my heart, you take it, this soup is very helpful for her to regulate her body, I boiled it all night, and I put it here."

As she spoke, Zong Mengni put the thermos bucket on the window next to her.

"I'm really sorry, I don't want this to happen, if you want me to take on something, then I'll wait for you, I'm sorry.

After Zong Mengni said these words very sincerely, she bowed deeply.

"Take it, I don't need your soup.

When Xiao Yunzhe saw it, he lifted the thermos bucket, and then fell to the ground.

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