"Mr. Xiao, I, I just haven't eaten. "

Oh, then you can go down and eat.

Xiao Ming's cold attitude did make Liu Peipei feel a little disappointed.

She actually had a very simple idea, that is, she wanted to have dinner with Xiao Ming, but in desperation, he didn't give herself this opportunity at all.

Liu Peipei was depressed and walked out of the room.

When she came out, she just clenched her teeth and clenched her fists.

No matter how much he pays for this man, it seems that he can't see it in his eyes at all.

Moreover, I always think that everything I am doing now is all taken for granted.

She was still in front of her sisters before, preaching that she would definitely control this man in her hands.

As a result, the result turned out to be the opposite, and he was actually controlled by others.

Such a big gap change did make her have a big gap in her heart.

In the hospital, Xiao Yunzhe was no longer willing to stay here.

This time, what Geng Jingshu did did make him feel a little chilled.

He felt that if it weren't for her short temper, maybe the child wouldn't have any problems at all.

He put all the problems, and now he has gradually pushed them onto this Geng Jingshu.

"Brother, where are you going?"

Xiao Jingru had just walked into the hospital when she saw Xiao Yunzhe preparing to get up and leave the ward.

"Oh, I'll go inside the office, I haven't been there in days.

"But, sister-in-law's situation, it's a little inappropriate for you to leave now, right?"

"There's nothing inappropriate, aren't her parents already here? Besides, I don't think she's in any big trouble, and she should be discharged from the hospital if she goes to raise her for two more days." "

Oh, that's fine, then you can talk to Dad too.

"Okay, I see, you don't have to run here if you don't have anything to do.

"I see.

After speaking, Xiao Jingru nodded, and then watched Xiao Yunzhe get up and leave from here.

She turned her head and looked at Xiao Yuchun.

"Do you feel that the eldest brother's attitude has changed a little in the past two days

?" "That's right, it's indeed a little changed, I don't know, is it because of this incident that I've been hit?"

"No, I can feel that he doesn't seem to care so much about his sister-in-law."

"No, what the hell is going on, and besides, this time it is also reluctant, the child has fallen, and no one wants to.

"Well, who knows, anyway, it looks complicated, alas, what is this thing.

When she walked to the door of the ward, she saw a thermos bucket on the ground.

However, they have already had this pink thermos bucket more than once, and this time, it is still fresh in their memory.

"It seems that the woman is here again.

"She really doesn't give up, she comes twice a day, and each time she brings something different.

"Otherwise, let's really take it in and see if my sister-in-law can eat it?"

"Forget it, let's not look for this thing, and besides, when mentioning this woman, it may be a little irritating to her."

As he spoke, Xiao Yuchun walked over, then lifted the thermos bucket, walked to the trash can, and threw it directly into it.

When Xiao Yunzhe left the hospital, it was already four o'clock in the afternoon.

He didn't drive because he was in a hurry, and he was standing on the side of the road.

At this moment, a red luxury sports car slowly stopped in front of him.

He was very strange, the red car, he didn't seem to have it.

So, he bent down, and the passenger window, slowly rolled down.

He saw at a glance that it was Zong Mengni who was sitting in the car.

"This point is when you get off work, and if you want to take a taxi, you really can't take a taxi.

"Oh, I see.

Xiao Yunzhe said coldly.

But this time, although he said that his attitude was cold, he didn't scold her, and he didn't refuse her.

Therefore, Zong Mengni felt that this matter had finally eased.

"Where are you going? Otherwise, I'll give you a ride, anyway, I don't have anything to do at this moment.

"No, you can get busy with yours first.

"I've already told you, if you're standing here, you won't be able to get a taxi, and if you don't believe me, you'll wait here.

After listening, Xiao Yunzhe just frowned, then raised his head and glanced around.

It's true, there is not a single empty car in the surrounding area, and all the taxis are all marked with passengers.

He looked at the time, it was indeed not early, and if he went back later, he was afraid that he would not even be able to see Mr. Wu's face.

He gritted his teeth, and then went straight to the woman's car.

As soon as he came up, he smelled that there was a very light smell in this carriage.

I can't tell you what kind of smell it is, but it smells very pleasant.

"Are you going to

Minghui Group?" "Well, Minghui Group.


Zong Mengni stepped on the accelerator hard.

Along the way, there was no conversation between the two men at all.

Seeing that she was about to arrive downstairs in the company, Zong Mengni didn't want to waste such an opportunity to apologize.

"Xiao Yunzhe, your name is Xiao Yunzhe, right

?" "What's wrong? Do you find out my news so clearly?" "

No, no, I didn't mean that.

"If you have anything to say, just say it."

"What happened before, really, I really didn't mean to, and, I locked them up at the time, to be honest, I just wanted to teach them a lesson, and the rest, I didn't think about anything.

"Lesson?hehe, the purpose of your lesson this time has finally been achieved, right?"

"I didn't think that things would happen to this point, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry."

"Okay, I don't need to apologize, I've heard enough.

"But while I apologize to you, there's one thing I don't know how to talk to you.

"What's the matter?" Xiao

Yunzhe turned around, and then, looking at her curiously, asked.

"It's like, just a few days ago, I went to the room where they were held, and I felt that there was something strange about that environment.

"Strange? Isn't that your territory? What does it have to do with me?"

"I mean, that environment is completely empty, and there's nothing to trip it up.

"What do you mean by that?"

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