Then, Liu Peipei, a woman, was beaten from head to toe.

To be honest, it's really not an exaggeration to say that he's a stunner.

However, the key is Xiao Ming, for him, it seems that there is no interest at all.

"You used to study finance, so these things should not be difficult for

you, right?" "What do you mean?"

"Come, come with me."

Xiao Ming suddenly seemed to feel the value of Liu Peipei.

So, he waved his hand, and after that, Liu Peipei quickly followed him into the office.

"I told you before that I was going to buy the shares of their Xingya Group, and now, I have 40% of the market shares in my hands. "

Oh, I know that. "

When I was acquiring these shares, I noticed one thing.

"What do you mean?"

"I found out that these shares were not put on the market for the first time, but were recycled, and then, diluted, and put back on the market.

"Diluted? That is, the value of the stock is not so much?"

"Yes, you can take a look at some of the previous trends of this stock, and I will look at all the stock trends of the first year, you can take a look.

After saying this, he turned the stock interface directly, and then put it in front of Liu Peipei.

Although Liu Peipei is engaged in finance, she is also relatively good at financial things such as stocks, to be honest.

"Well, that's right, you've really analyzed it thoroughly, he did shut down for a while in October last year.

"Don't you think, this

is a little strange?" "This, normally speaking, there is nothing strange, after the company concludes, and then, after the reorganization, the stock will be re-launched, this is also a normal operation."

"Then I would like to ask under what circumstances will the stock position be closed?"

"This should be something major in the company, and especially the financial crisis.

"Yes, but as far as I know, this Xingya Group has been going smoothly, and since his acquisition in April last year, it seems that there has been no real loss.

"That is to say, do you mean that his shutdown is for no reason at all, and there should be another hidden reason?" "That's right, there is definitely another hidden reason, and, you

look at this again.

As he spoke, he moved another monitor over again.

In the end, he just took a closer look, and it was still a fluctuation chart of the market, but this fluctuation chart was obviously different from the fluctuation chart just now, and all the characters marked on it were English characters.


, this is a foreign stock?" "That's right, this is a foreign stock, you see, it's two banks. "

Oh, I see, you mean that the stocks of these two banks are also under his control, right

?" "That's right, look at the two of them, what are the differences, or are there any similarities?"

At this time, it really gave this Liu Peipei a problem

, and besides, it has been so long since he left this piece, and now, if he picks it up again, it is indeed a little difficult.

He simply sat down on the couch next to him, and then began to analyze it carefully.

At this time, Xiao Ming was not in a hurry.

Because, this is a result of his analysis after watching it all night last night. He

knew that even if she was talented, it would take a while to sort it out.

"I see.

Unexpectedly, only ten minutes had passed, and suddenly, he heard an excited voice from Liu Peipei's side.

He turned his head quickly, and he couldn't believe it all.

"You, what are you talking about? You know, do you know what I asked you to see? I asked you to compare these two banks, and what kind of relationship does it have with Industrial Company?"

"Yes, I understand it now. "

Hehe, I see, okay, then tell me, what do you see?"

"Just looking at Xingya's stock, it was shut down in October last year, and this process lasted for eight days, right?" "That's


"I was looking at these two banks, also in October last year, and all of a sudden, there was a drop in the stock and it fell to the issue price.

"Yes, this is the same, so what results do you analyze?"

"So, the result of my analysis is that it is impossible for stocks to fall for no reason, and moreover, it is still a bank stock, which is generally favored by people, unless it is a sudden withdrawal.


"That's right, if I'm guessing correctly, the money should have flowed to Xingya, and then, after Xingya was repackaged, these shares were diluted, and then put back on the market."

"What about this process?"

"You can also understand that it is called money laundering.

"Money laundering?"

"Yes, that's how I understand it anyway, but I don't know what other ulterior secrets there are in this process, after all, I don't know much about these two banks." "

You're really impressing.

After Xiao Ming was stunned here for a long time, he finally said this sentence.

Because, it took him a whole night to analyze this result before, but he didn't expect that in just ten minutes in front of him, all these mysteries were completely solved.

"Why, until now, Mr. Xiao only knows what makes me special?" Liu

Peipei seemed to be talking to him as if she was showing off.

"Hehe, okay, since you have this ability, then, I'll keep you in the company for the time being, maybe, it can still be useful. "

Mr. Xiao, you, are you telling the truth

?" "That's right, but for now, you can only start as an assistant by my side, there's no problem with this, right?" "

Okay, Mr. Xiao, don't say it's your assistant, let me do anything, let me sweep the floor in your company, I'm willing."

Xiao Ming knew that such women came for themselves, and there were actually many such women outside.

"Okay, then let's focus on dealing with this Xingya group, I feel that there must be a lot of secrets hidden in it. "

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