"Zhao Yixuan.

Suddenly, he called his name behind him, and Zhao Yixuan stopped at this time, and then looked back.

And in the end, he turned his head and said something to the little girl beside him, and then he walked this way alone.

"Jingshu, what's the matter? What's the matter, why don't you call me?"

"Zhao Yixuan, look at your mobile phone, I have already called you several times in the morning, but no one answered. "

What? Have you called me?"

After Zhao Yixuan finished speaking, he took out his mobile phone curiously, and after that, he only frowned slightly.

"Oh, look at my brain, this morning, the boss had a meeting, so I didn't have time to turn my phone to silent, what's wrong? Is there anything important?"

"Now, can we take a step to talk.

"What? is there something going on?"

"I'll talk about that later." "

Okay, then you can come with me.

As he spoke, he took Geng Jingshu and turned around and walked towards the back alley of the company.

Walking through this back alley, what they saw turned out to be a park.

Then, the two of them stood at the location of the park pavilion.

Because it's noon, it's almost impossible to see anyone in the park.

"Okay, there's no one around here, I've seen it, if there's anything, just tell

me?" "Zhao Yixuan, let me ask you, the last time I had a class reunion, where did you go after it was over?" When he arrived, Zhao Yixuan

was suddenly stunned.

In fact, he had already taken precautions in his heart, and he also knew very well that this woman would come to the door one day.

"I, of course I'm going home

, what's wrong?Is there something?" "Zhao Yixuan, don't lie to me, tell me the truth

, what happened that night?" "Jingshu, what's wrong with you? It's strange that you suddenly said these words, and, what's this?"

Okay, it's already at this point, and what have you done, I believe, you should be very clear, you have to tell me, what the hell is going on?"

"Jingshu, can you explain what you say? I'm in the clouds now, and besides, after drinking that day, I did leave."

"You're leaving?" Then let me ask you, what do you mean by that diamond earring

?" "Diamond earrings?" After saying this, he was suddenly stunned for a moment, and finally took out the diamond earrings

from his arms.

"Are you talking about these diamond earrings?"

After Geng Jingshu saw this earring, he eagerly stretched out his hand and wanted to take it over.

But I didn't expect that in fact, this Zhao Yixuan had already taken precautions, and suddenly, he took this diamond earring to his other hand and raised it high.

"You still say you don't know anything, I ask you, where did you get these earrings?"

"Hehe, miss, I picked this up, no, I should have bought it at a high price." "

What do you mean? You bought it? Where did you buy

it?" "If you bought it from, I should ask you, because I don't know who the person who went to the hotel with you that day?"

"What are you talking about?" "Isn't it

you who went to the hotel with me?" "Miss, wake up, the two of us have not been lovers for so many years, are you still dreaming

?" "So, what the hell is going on? Also, who was the person who went to the hotel with me that day?"

Since you mentioned this issue today, then, I will also remind you of this matter, I have been hiding it from you for so long, to be honest, I am also very sad in my heart.

"What do you mean? You help me hide it, what are you helping me hide it?"

"You do this, I'll show you something."

After speaking, he took out the mobile phone from his arms, and then, after a few simple operations on it, a clear video picture was presented.

Geng Jingshu could see at a glance that this was the lobby corridor of the hotel where he was that day.

At this time, he saw himself and a tall man, and then, the two of them walked directly from that side hand in hand.

However, seeing that I was in a very sober state at that time, I didn't have any drunkenness at all, which is not right.

That night, she had obviously drunk too much, and it was impossible for her to walk into such a smooth way.

"Is this, is this me

?" "Take a good look, is this you?"

he said, holding his phone in front of him again, and then letting him take a closer look.

That's right, I can see it clearly, this is indeed myself, and it was this black satchel that I was carrying that day.

"Well, what's going on? Who is this man? No, I'm going to sue him, I'm going to sue him for rape. "

Hehe, rape, Miss, you better keep your eyes open and talk about it, I'm only showing you the first half now, come, you will know the second half when you look at it."

As he spoke, he switched to another scene, where he saw that it was in a dimly lit room with a lamp on.

He could clearly see that there were two people on the bed, and one person was sitting on the bed, and she could see clearly that this person was herself.

At that time, Geng Jingshu really felt a little ashamed of those crazy actions, and he couldn't wait to find a gap right away, and then drill down directly.

"You, you're shutting down, you're shutting down.

"See? If you say rape, I guess the man will sue you for rape?

"You, you are, where did you get it?"

"I'll tell you, I got it by accident, and when I knew that there was this video, I felt that things might not be good, but, as an old classmate, I didn't want to see you fall into the dire straits, so I kindly bought this video."

"What? What do you mean, you mean, you bought this thing from someone else?

"That's right, including these two videos, as well as including this diamond earring, I bought them from someone else, otherwise, do you really think that the Xiao family doesn't know anything until now?"

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