Suddenly, he got up from his seat, and then opened the door to take a look.

At this time, Xiao Ming came to his door.

"How about

it? Have you eaten at night?" "Dad, I'm not very hungry, so I didn't eat" "How can this work? I don't eat anything at all, and besides, you can't do this, remember, if there is anything, can't you take food to top it?" "

Dad, I'm just not hungry, and it's

okay, you see, I'm strong, I'm sure, there will be no problems."

Xiao Ming didn't say anything, he just smiled, and then gently patted him on the shoulder.

"Okay, clean up, let's go to the construction site, now, at this point in time, there should be no one left.

After saying that, the father and son got up and left the company.

Along the way, the two of them remained speechless until they arrived at the construction site.

Just as he was about to get out of the car, Xiao Ming's mobile phone rang, he picked it up and took a look, it was still the call from the project manager.

He knew that the results over there had already been tested, so he should know what the liquid was.


. Xiao, where are you now?" "Oh, what do you say, how about it?" "

Mr. Xiao, I just got the result, this is a high-compound chemical, and this chemical has no finished product, it is all this chemical that is mixed and adulterated together. "

No wonder his degree of corrosion is so strong.

"Moreover, I called and consulted an expert some time ago, and he said that this degree of corrosion is ten times higher than that of sulfuric acid.

"Is it more powerful than sulfuric acid? I'm afraid, even if a piece of steel is soaked in it, it won't last long."

"That's right, that's the truth.

"Okay, then in that case, then I know in my heart what is going on, which proves that someone has sprayed this liquid on it before. "

Mr. Xiao, what else do you need me

to do?" "I don't need it for the time being, by the way, there should be nothing to do at the hospital, right?"

"I followed in the afternoon, and then looked at the situation of the injured, but the injured person's mood was still a little impatient, so I didn't dare to say too much, just hurriedly explained, and then withdrew.

"Okay, now the emotions of the injured person definitely need to be calmed down, and it won't calm down so quickly, we just go with the flow of things, and then, step by step, just do it."

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, then I know.

After speaking, Xiao Ming hung up the phone directly.

Then he looked back at Xiao Yunzhe, who was sitting next to him.

"Well, I should have heard everything on the phone just now, right?"

"Don't worry, I've already heard it, didn't I mean, it's a highly corrosive liquid? Now, the inference between us is basically the same.

"That's right, so I'm even more sure that at that time, someone did it on purpose, but it's a pity that I don't know who this person is, and this is a more difficult thing to do."

As he spoke, father and son stepped out of the car and took a look.

At this time, it was pitch black on the construction site, and normally, at this time, there should be a searchlight on the construction site at all times.

But because the site has been sealed, no workers are seen living here.

The two of them took out their flashlights, and then walked inside step by step.

"Dad, normally, there should be searchlights or cameras on this construction site, right? I don't know, are there any on this construction site?"

"There is this thing, but let me tell you, even if you find those video materials, I believe that they will not solve any problems at all, because they will definitely be on guard against all this."

"Dad, how can you be sure

that they will definitely know all this?" "If they can know about the problem of this engineering elevator, and if they can know that these people will come here to check today, then it proves that this person should be a person who is quite familiar with the internal operation, so this camera is not a problem for him at all."

Xiao Yunzhe tasted it carefully, in fact, what Xiao Ming said now can be understood, and he can also analyze some of the reasons.

In the blink of an eye, he walked to the elevator where the accident occurred, and the elevator is now here, still maintaining the same posture as before.

In fact, in the afternoon, they had already entered this elevator, so even if they continued to observe here, it didn't make much sense.

And in the end, he took out his flashlight and shone it upward

, "Dad, if we go up here, we shouldn't be able to find any clues

, right?" "I don't know, and if he wants to spray this liquid on it, then this person is bound to enter this elevator, you say yes

, right?" "Of course, if he doesn't stand in the position of this elevator, then, alas, it's not right."

After saying this, he suddenly turned his head, and then looked at Xiao Yunzhe and said.

"Dad, what's wrong?" Did you find something?"

"Didn't you notice? Actually, the car position of this elevator is already very high.

"If he wants to spray this liquid onto this wire rope from this position, then a person's ordinary height, at all, can't touch all this.

After saying this, this Xiao Yunzhe frowned, and then walked over and measured his height, yes, what he said now is indeed like this.

Even if it is his own height, then, he can only say that he can barely touch the position at the top of the elevator.

And the position of the steel cable, there is still a distance of about fifty centimeters from that place, so it is simply out of reach.

"yes, if that's the case, then you can't even reach it even when you stand in the elevator, all this, what the hell is going on, how did he do all this?"

"I don't know, unless, he can climb to the top of this elevator.

"Climb up to the top of

the elevator?" "Yes, just climb up to the elevator, go, let's go up and have a look."

As he spoke, he stepped forward, and then, through the cordon, he came directly to the elevator.

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