Xiao Ming hung up the phone quickly, and he didn't want to have too much communication with this kind of person on the phone.

However, he did mention a very serious problem this time, that is, whether his own company can still be attached to these projects?

If it is really serious, then I am afraid that the entire Minghui Group will suffer a great change.

He didn't want to see this situation in his heart, but there was no way, because some things often backfired, and it would never be as simple as he imagined.

Geng Jingshu quickly got the information, because if the information was in her hands, she always felt panicked.

Therefore, the first thing he did when he came out of the company was to contact Zhao Yixuan directly.

The meeting place of the two is still in the park behind Zhao Yixuan's company.

After seeing Zhao Yixuan coming over there, he felt as if his heart had been pounding and pounding.

"Yes, so soon, there are already results, isn't it, you already have it

?" "That's right, I've got everything, but what about

what I want?" "Don't worry, I have to see if what you take is what I want." "

Zhao Yixuan came prepared.

When he came out, he brought a laptop, and after that, he put this USB drive directly into the laptop.

He opened the copied materials inside, and then looked at them, and basically, it was no different from what he wanted.

"Okay, it looks like this thing should be what I want.

"Alright, since you've got what you want, what about what I want?"

"Don't worry, it's all ready.

After finishing speaking, Zhao Yixuan took out a plastic bag from his pocket, and he put a USB flash drive in the bag, and then, there was his diamond earrings.

After Geng Jingshu saw this, he hurriedly stretched out his hand, and then took these things down.

"You, you didn't keep a backup, did you?"

"Hehe, I'm not so despicable, and besides, it doesn't make much sense for me to keep this thing, in the future, won't I get myself into trouble? Okay, this cooperation is still very pleasant."

He stretched out his hand as he spoke, but Geng Jingshu didn't even look at it, and then, with his head down with this thing, he quickly left from here.

Looking at the back of Geng Jingshu leaving, this Zhao Yixuan just shook his head helplessly.

Because now, his heart is really very excited, and after taking this key plan, he believes that everything should be easier to do next.

Xiao Ming got a message again at noon, and this news really made him feel a blow to his head.

"Are all these things just sent?"

"Mr. Xiao, they sent it directly, so I also rushed over from home, and then accepted it, you see, all of them are notices to contact the contract. "

It's really troublesome, I didn't expect that these people changed their attitudes in a blink of an eye, and the company hasn't said anything yet."

"Mr. Xiao, what should we do now? Since the customer proposes it, there are some things that we really can't wait.

"I know, this matter, you first stabilize it temporarily, and within three days, I will definitely reply again."

"Okay, then I'll reply to the emails one by one.

With that, the secretary turned around and left the office.

Looking at the termination notices one by one, it did make him feel a little high.

If that's the case, then this matter is really troublesome.

These people are reluctant to cooperate with them, to put it bluntly, that is, they don't want to bear this reputation.

After all, the appeal of this Minghui company in Anjin City is still very large.

Moreover, the impact of this incident is very large, and I am afraid that it will indeed be a difficult thing to restore the honor in the future.

Could it be that it is really necessary to merge the Taxingya Company into it as soon as possible?

Xiao Ming knows that this may be a turning point, if a new company is used to successfully get all of his own companies out of the shell, then it is equivalent to a completely new situation, and it can be launched.

He quickly stood up, and then walked to Wu Pengqing's office.

He knew that Wu Pengqing was in charge of this merger, and Wu Pengqing could be said to be an expert in this regard.

He must consult this expert's opinion, and if he agrees, then I believe that these things should be able to move forward.

He knocked lightly on the door, heard Wu Pengqing say yes inside, and then quickly, pushed the door open and walked in.

At this time, he saw Xiao Yunzhe and Wu Pengqing, as if they were discussing something.

"Dad, why are you here?"

Seeing this, Xiao Yunzhe hurriedly got up from his seat, and then, looking back at Xiao Ming, asked.

"Hehe, it's nothing, what's the matter?, are you discussing something with Mr. Wu?"

"Yes, I have a plan here, and it seems that it is a little difficult to write it down, so I want to ask Mr. Wu."

Xiao Ming nodded

, he knew that when Xiao Ming came here at this time, there must be something important, otherwise, he would definitely have nothing to do in the Three Treasures Palace.

"What's wrong with Mr. Xiao?"

"I have some things to discuss with you, by the way, you should know some things about the company now

, right?" "That's right, I already know, and, if I guess correctly, within two days, within two days, those partners should have proposed to terminate the contract." "

Hehe, it won't take two days.

While talking, Xiao Ming took a few termination notices in his hand, and then put them in front of Wu Pengqing one after another.

"Is this so fast?"

In fact, Wu Peng had expected this early in the morning, but he didn't expect that the speed of these people's actions seemed to be much faster than he imagined.

"yes, it's that fast, so I don't know what to do all of a sudden.

"Mr. Xiao, if that's the case, then this is really a big trouble, don't forget, we are still in the company's merger preparation period, if it is really after the merger is completed, maybe, these things can be lifted." "

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