"Hehe, I think back then, I Xiao Ming was dominant, those people, even if they want to cooperate with me, I'm afraid they have to be ranked at the door, I don't necessarily, I can give him a chance, but now, it's really the wall that everyone pushes.

While Xiao Ming sighed at the cold state of this world, in fact, he was secretly entangled in all this in his heart.

"Mr. Xiao, no matter what, now, things have happened, so we have to find a way to deal with it with all our might, including the acquisition of that Xingya company, I think, it is really an urgent matter. "

I also know that it is imminent, and the acquisition of Xingya Company is also our only way to live, but I just feel that all these things are strange, you say, why did he take the initiative to design and kidnap

his daughter?" "This maybe, it's just some family affairs of them, and besides, he kidnapped his daughter and bought Xingya Company between us, it seems that there

is no inevitable connection?" "There is no inevitable connection?".

"Yes, it's because there is no inevitable connection, so I'm a little worried, that is, I feel that these things are completely suspended, and until now, there is no real landing.

"Mr. Xiao, anyway, you have to make a decision as soon as possible, and besides, our current situation is not too long at all. "

Things are really pressing Xiao Ming step by step, and Xiao Ming has already felt that an unprecedented pressure is coming.

He just closed his eyes slightly, and then, with a long sigh, began to spin rapidly in his mind again.

Those previous connections, to be honest, Xiao Ming had a lot in his hands.

However, the point is that in the current situation, even if they are called, it seems that it will not help.

Anyone has their own company under their name, and it is indeed unreasonable to blindly inject capital into a company by themselves.

Unless, someone is willing to dedicate their company to it, and then put it under his name, but Xiao Ming believes that among his connections, no one should be able to do this.

It seems that Zonglong at this time has become the last straw.

No one can change all this.

"Okay, no matter whether he is a sword or a sea of fire, I also have to break through, I believe that there is no inevitable connection between this matter, and I also believe that this is their own contradiction between father and daughter, to prepare a letter of intent for cooperation.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I'll arrange it right away.

When the assistant next to him heard this, he also began to get excited, because he knew that if he continued on this path, their company would be resurrected.

Perhaps, after the company is born after death, they will be more exciting than before, all of which is really expected by them.

When the assistant happened to go out, he ran into Xiao Yunzhe.

"Uncle Ma, where are you going?"

Because this assistant Ma has been by Xiao Ming's side for more than ten years.

Moreover, he is about the same age as Xiao Ming, so every time Xiao Yunzhe sees him, he will respectfully address Uncle Ma.

"Oh, Yun Zhe, I'll go prepare some contracts, okay, your dad is inside, you just go in.

Xiao Yunzhe looked at his back as he left in a hurry, but frowned suspiciously.

The company is already in this situation, is there anything to make matters worse?

He believes that the company really can't withstand any toss at this time.

"Dad, are you okay?"

After Xiao Yunzhe entered, he saw at a glance that Xiao Ming was sitting in the boss's chair at this time, and his eyes were always tightly closed, and his brows were not stretched out at all.

"Oh, it's nothing, why are you here at this time? Didn't I say it? Let you and Mr. Wu keep an eye on the merger and acquisition of the company over there.

"Dad, things are basically being prepared on my side, I just saw Uncle Ma seems to be quite flustered, what did he do? Is there something going on?"

"Oh, it's nothing, isn't this a matter of acquiring Xinjia Company? So, I asked him to prepare a contract of intent, and I will send it to Xingya Company to take a look at later."

"Actually, I have a new idea in my mind about this now.

"New ideas, what new ideas? Didn't Dad tell you, if you have any ideas, just tell Mr. Wu, you don't need to report to me, if Mr. Wu can agree, then it basically proves that there is no problem with this idea."

Xiao Ming didn't take it seriously at all, he just felt that Xiao Yunzhe came to him at this time, and it should be the reorganization of the company over there.

"Dad, I'm not talking about that over there, I'm talking about your acquisition of Xingya Company.

"What? Acquisition of Xingya Company? What's the matter, do you have any ideas

?" "Should we wait and talk about this matter, and besides, is there any other better way?"

"Didn't Dad tell you before? Now, this is the only way out, and if we don't follow this line, then I'm afraid, we will inevitably go bankrupt in the end."

After saying this, Xiao Yunzhe just lowered his head slowly, but he didn't say much.

Xiao Ming glanced up, and he felt that Xiao Yunzhe must have something to say today.

However, you may not have organized your language yet, and you may not know where to start.

"Yun Zhe, do you know anything? Or rather, whatever comes to mind in your heart, if you have anything, just say it, don't worry, Dad won't blame you or anything.

He remembered very well that when Xiao Yunzhe was before, he was obviously very supportive of his acquisition of Xingya Company, and he agreed to take this road by himself.

But why, it seems that everything has changed overnight? Could it be that there is something else going on here?"

"Dad, I don't know how to tell you about this, and I don't know if he's real or not, so I'm afraid I'm delaying something about you."

"What the hell, you just say it, what to do, Dad will naturally judge." "

Dad, that's right, last night, I met Zong Mengni.

"What? Have you met with Zong Mengni? How many times have you met with her in private? Yun Zhe, what the hell is going on with you?"

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