"Could it be that the matter of my construction site also has something to do with your father?"

"This, I don't know, Mr. Xiao, do you know? I can tell you all this today, to be honest, I also took a big risk, and I will always be condemned in my heart."

"Yes, I understand Miss Zong, to be honest, the person who can do this is really very least, but I am still very grateful to you. "

No matter what Mr. Xiao says, what I should do now has been done, I only hope for one thing, can I let my father go?"

"Don't worry, no matter what the final outcome is, I will definitely give your father a way out, but, let me tell you, if he goes on like this, in the end, it will be a dead end, you know?"

"So, what I want to do most now is to hope that he can stop the precipice, maybe, all this can still be in time, my father maybe, thinking about all this is a little too simple.

"That's right, he really thinks it's too simple, he doesn't inquire, is it really using all this, can he make waves here? Let me tell you, it's impossible, Anjin City is my world, even if something happens to me now, then, I can still turn over, do you believe this?"

"I absolutely trust, and I also know that even if my dad continues to do this, he may not be able to succeed in the end." "

Hehe, this is really true, he may be able to do it, but don't worry, I have a hundred ways to turn this situation around." "

Mr. Xiao, have you already thought of what to do? I just hope one thing, don't you hurt my dad, okay?"

"Don't worry, I won't hurt him, before I did this, I was always thinking, you let me into this Xingya company, in the end, what kind of conspiracy trap was arranged, why, I entered the Xingya company, is it so important for him?"

I don't know about that, I really haven't figured it out. "

There must be something in this, one of his colleagues has not told you, let me ask you one more thing, why did you return to China from abroad at that time?"


When Xiao Ming asked this question, it was indeed to make Zong Mengni feel a little embarrassed.

After all, the real reason for returning to China at that time was not known to anyone.

Only Zong Mengni and Zong Long can really know what all this is for.

"Miss Zong, I won't force you, if you don't want to say it, I will definitely not force it, but don't worry, according to my ability, I will definitely be able to find out about this matter.

"Okay, you don't have to check, Mr. Xiao, let me tell you why, because, our foreign banks have gone bankrupt and fallen into a huge debt crisis. "

What? Bankruptcy? I just knew that it seemed to involve a few shareholders and personal interests, so how could there be such a thing as bankruptcy

?" "But that's just a rhetoric, do you know why those people went bankrupt?"

"I really don't know about this.

"It's because my dad transferred all his assets, so they all got into trouble.

"What did you say? This, all these things, did your father do

?" "Yes, he did it, and I asked him at the time, why, why did he get to this point

?" "What did he say? How did he answer you?"

"He just told me that the primitive accumulation of capital was so bloody and violent, and besides, after all, a foreign country was not his homeland, and he had to get out successfully. "

Do you mean that if he wants to withdraw his shares from there, it seems that if he goes through the normal procedures, it will not be so simple at all?"

"Mr. Xiao, you haven't really done business abroad, and you don't know, in fact, the living environment abroad is much more complicated than you imagined, a holding company, which may involve multiple interests, do you know? Sometimes, it can even be related to the big consortium behind it.

"I've heard of this, but I haven't really experienced it, and it seems that your situation at that time was not so simple.

"Yes, we weren't in that easy situation, and if my dad hadn't used these methods, he wouldn't have been able to succeed, but he did.

"If you do it, why do you want to continue tossing around here?and, if you do, why do you kidnap you, and what is all this for?"

"I don't know, but from what I can infer about this matter, my dad should need to find a scapegoat.


"Yes, if a scapegoat is not found, then this matter will not end after all, and my dad will always be hunted down by them, even wanted." "

Then this means, can I understand that he transferred some assets in the country to the country, in order to clean the money again?"

Zong Mengni didn't speak, just turned her head away, and then looked out the window.

"Okay, I got it.

Xiao Ming also felt that in fact, there were already a lot of things to be found here today.

If you continue to ask like this, it seems that Zong Mengni should also not reveal too much content to herself.

While they were talking, these steaks were already being served.

"Okay, okay, it's not too early, and besides, this steak is about to get cold, come, let's eat something first, and we'll talk about the rest."

As Xiao Ming spoke, he began to beckon everyone to eat here.

But who can really eat it? I just feel that if such a tender steak is in my mouth, it seems that it is indeed a little mixed and tasteless.

Therefore, this meal is not so easy for everyone to eat.

Among these people, Xiao Ming was the only one who ate all these steaks in front of him.

There were three people left, more or less, and some were still left on the plate.

Xiao Ming just burped after he was full of wine and food, and then took out a napkin from the side and gently wiped his lips.

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