"Yes, I dream of it, but let me tell you, I'm afraid that after revenge, I will lose more, Mr. Xiao, do you know? Do you know the feeling of losing a loved one?"

"I know, I understand, but this kind of thing is happening right in front of my eyes, so I will never allow this to go on, I have to give you a real explanation."

"Mr. Xiao, if you are really just for me, I think you don't have to, so many years have passed, in fact, I live a good life alone."

"I've decided, if that's the case, then we'll follow these consortia and go on step by step.

"Mr. Xiao, what are you going to do?"

"Aren't they just trying to put all the blame on me now? Aren't they just trying to put me completely against the JK Group? But if that's the case, just let me fall into his trap."

"Mr. Xiao, don't forget, when you were facing a big consortium, and it was a very vicious consortium. "

I know, of course I know, if we don't meet him in this way, I believe that we will probably meet again in this life, and there is no way to meet again, this is an opportunity, and it is also the only opportunity, so we must not give up."

After saying this, the horse assistant just slowly lowered his head.

In his mind, he began to spin rapidly, in the face of this situation, what should he do?

"Mr. Xiao, are you sure, you have already

thought about it?" "That's right, I have already thought about it, when I didn't talk about this JK Group, I actually, I didn't think about it like this, but now, I think it's time for me to change some strategies."

"Okay, if you want to do it, then, I'll accompany you down, it's a big deal, it's a death."

"Well, I see, besides, we're not like that, and fifteen years ago, we might not have tried to fight against what kind of environment we were, but now it's different. "

Okay, I know Mr. Xiao.

After finishing speaking, Assistant Ma just nodded slightly, and in the end, the two of them finalized these things temporarily.

When he appeared in front of the foreigner again, the foreigner just looked at him in horror.

It was as if he was waiting, just as if he were sentenced to death.

"Now, do I have no use value for you anymore?" he

raised his head, and then looked at Xiao Ming and asked.

A hint of a smile appeared on Xiao Ming's face, but no one knew what was hidden behind his smile.

"Okay, why do you say that?"

"No, that's how I feel, and if I lose the meaning of my existence, maybe, you'll kick me away, maybe, this is my ultimate fate, but, it's a pity, there are still many things outside my country that have not been arranged."

"What? At this time, do you think of your family and your career abroad? Moreover, when Zong Long called you here, why didn't you think so much?"

"I just thought that since he was able to manage all of this, and if he could win a victory thousands of miles away, I believe that our plan should be fine. "

Hehe, your wording is quite appropriate, but I'm giving you a chance now, I don't know

, can you grasp it?" "What do you mean? What do you want to do

?" "If I don't hold you accountable for this, then can you listen to

me?" "What? You won't hold me accountable? I heard me right?"

You heard me right, because I have now thought of a better plan, and if you can carry it out according to my wishes, then I will treat it as if it never happened.

"You, what are you asking me to do?" this

guy vaguely felt as if something bad was about to happen.

You know, that woman may be really, really important to him.

Moreover, he has hurt him now, and he can let himself go in the blink of an eye?

This is completely similar to Xiao Ming, who came here just now.

He couldn't figure out what he was thinking.

"I want to ask you, if there is a cooperative relationship between you now, then, presumably, those things should not

be in the hands of one person, right?" "That's natural, if he Zonglong can master so much alone, do you think he will still call the two of us here

, and then, do you do this?" "Can it be understood that you divide these assets into three parts, and then, everyone has a share in their hands?"

"Yes, it's true, several of us have corresponding shares in our hands, and the financial support chain behind it has always been closely linked.

"Well, what if I want

to take your place?" "What? take my place, what are you going to

do?" "Let me tell you, once you are targeted by these groups, then the consequences will be unimaginable, and there is always this plan, there is no way to implement it, do you understand?"

Of course, I know this, and if you hadn't found out about all of this before, maybe we would have been able to move on, but for now, I don't think there's much hope.

"If that's the case, then, what will be the final result?"

"Bankruptcy, failure, and even the way to flee."

"Well, I'm giving you the best chance now, and if you can take it, then you don't have to worry about these things at all, and you can take a sum of money to live a free life abroad."

"You mean that you are going to

take my place, and then, to take my place?" "That's right, but you can't leave for the time being, and you can only wake up and leave again after I really take all of this place."

"But, do you know how much I have in my hands?"

"This has nothing to do with me, I will just give you a sum of money, and then let you take your family away and fly away, if you choose so, then we can continue to talk." "

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