To be honest, if he called the police, he was not afraid, and after he came, these two people just called up the surveillance video for him.

However, if the news media writes about this incident publicly, it will not necessarily describe what its own hotel looks like.

This responsibility, including this reputation, he could never afford it.

"Don't worry, don't worry, this, if this is called to the police, won't this matter be a big problem? Otherwise, you can tell me a specific time.

"What specific

time?" "Yes, that is, what time did you get out of here, and I'll help you lock in this time, won't that be fine?" "

I was in a daze, and I didn't look at my phone, I guess it should be after half past one."

"After half past one, are you sure?"

"Probably, that's the time."

"Alright, then you can come with me. In

the end, the duty manager compromised all this, and then, with them, into the monitoring room.

According to the time locked before, the two of them took a closer look here.

After waiting for a while, the manager became a little impatient.

"What? Haven't you found it yet?" Xiao

Jingrou only stood up at this time, and then waved at the manager.

The manager on duty was curious, so he followed him to the corner of the monitoring room.

"I'm really sorry, he is an important guest of ours, and he is in a very prominent position, so it is inconvenient for me to confess him, but this document is also very important to us.

"I know, miss, but the point is, you can't be transferred here all the time, and I can't continue this work.

"I beg you, when I look at you, you are a good person, please help me accommodate this matter."

As she spoke, Xiao Jingrou took out a few renminbi from her pocket, and then sent them to the manager on duty.

"Look at it, you here, you here.

"Alright, manager, no one sees this, and besides, there's no monitoring in here, so you just don't see anything, okay?"

The manager on duty just squeezed his hand, and finally, he quickly put the money into his pocket as if it was fine.

"Okay, then hurry up, I still have some things to deal with over there, you should hurry up and get out of here after reading it."

"Okay, I see, then, that's bothering you.

Xiao Jingrou finally put her mind at ease, and then came to Xiao Yuchun again.

"How's it going?"

"Don't worry, I know there's nothing that money can't do." "

Quick, hurry up, help me watch, now, it's two o'clock." Saying

this, they directly began to fast-forward these pictures, and in the afternoon time, there were actually not a few people coming in and out from here.

"Wait a minute.

At this moment, all of a sudden, Xiao Yuchun saw a mysterious figure walk out, and then, she pressed the spacebar.

The picture was locked at this moment, and he saw it clearly, at this time, it was the front that was photographed, and what appeared in front of her was Geng Jingshu.

Xiao Yuchun didn't speak, just pointed to the picture, and then looked back at Xiao Jingrou.

She carefully looked at the front and back, left and right, and found that there was no one else following.

"Okay, I got it.

He nodded slightly, and finally, they came up with a suitable excuse, and then got up and left.

"Well, I'm not mistaken, right? Sure enough, she really came to the hotel, and she stayed here for about four hours, what the hell is she doing

?" "The key question is, we don't know, who she was with at the time, and where is the room where they lived? There are more than a thousand rooms in this next building, how can

we find it?" "Otherwise, let's find Dad? If we look for Dad, he will definitely have a way." "

You can pull it down, this matter, if our father knows, then it's okay, and besides, we are just a kind of speculation now, maybe, it is really a misunderstanding?"

As he spoke, the phone came to mind, and he picked it up and just glanced at it.

"Hey, we've been here to see this, I guess, those guests have already gone downstairs to the hall, let's hurry up and get busy with their business.

As he spoke, he hurried, got up, and hurried to the hotel lobby.

This matter, for them, perhaps, is just a small episode, but perhaps, it is an out-and-out fact.

However, after all, this incident has happened, and I believe that if the two of them really track it down, they will definitely be able to find some clues.

It wasn't until it was dark that Xiao Ming took out his mobile phone.

In fact, he had been waiting here downstairs in the hotel where the two foreigners lived.

He had already seen that the light in the foreigner's room was on all the time, and it was obvious that he should still be in the room.

"Alright, we can go up now. "

Mr. Xiao, are you going to go up at this time

?" "Yes, it's time to go up now, isn't it eight o'clock that we agreed?"

Assistant Ma still has some worries, but basically some things have been paved in the front, and I believe that there will be no big storm in the back.

The front and back of the hotel were already full of their people, but if they had any accidents here, I am afraid that these people would definitely be able to arrive in time within two minutes.

When he came to the outside of the hotel room, he just took a breath and then rang the doorbell.

Soon the door opened, and he saw that Tom was waving at them, and then entered the room mysteriously.

"How's it going? there's no problem, right?"

After coming to this room again, this Xiao Ming obviously had a different mood.

"Well, it doesn't matter, I've already explained it to him, there are no major problems, and besides, he doesn't suspect me.

"Well, if that's the case, will he come to your room tonight?

"Don't worry, I know this kid too well, and besides, he has found another beautiful woman, I guess he won't come out tonight." "

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