"In terms of price?"

"Yes, this is also the most important point of their long-term cooperation, and if your price is lower than hers, under this same condition, they must give priority to your side."

"However, the price is a sensitive number after all, and it is impossible for the other party to tell us, and we don't know what the other party is like.

"So, in this case, you try to control your costs, and then, keep the price down, and that's one more thing.

After Xiao Ming said this, he was suddenly stunned.

He didn't know if he could pass on this method and experience to his daughter.

After all, he has been in business for so many years, so there are some methods that are really not suitable for saying it on the bright side.

"What else?" Xiao

Jingrou kept asking here tightly, and she felt that in fact, Xiao Ming's heart should know this matter and how to do it.

But for some reason, he didn't say this method directly, which proves that he is still a little worried in his heart.

"I don't know if what I teach you like this will point you to another path, but if I don't say it, it's very likely that you won't be able to compete with these competitions at all. "

Dad, then what should you do?"


"That's right, if I really want to compete with each other, then I have to put constant pressure on the other party, and in addition, I have to create a bad reputation for the other party."

"You mean to say that I'm going to have some bad influence on this Zong Mengni, and let those people think that if you continue to cooperate with her, there is no prospect, right?"

"That's right, that's what it means, but there is another point that you don't realize at all, and it is also the most convenient point for Zong Mengni right now. "

Dad, what is it?"

"In addition to her design studio now, she also has a production line, and if it can be connected like this, it should be very convenient for them, so I think they should most likely be inclined to Zong Mengni's side."

"That means we have no hope at all, right?"

"No, it's not completely useless, if you really want to do this, you can only use these indiscriminate means, so this is also a very common method in business."

After saying this, Xiao Jingrou just nodded as if she didn't understand.

In the past, she was just designing her own clothes in a down-to-earth manner, and she never thought about other things so much.

Now, all of a sudden, it really made him feel like there was something that needed to be done.

"I probably understand what you mean, you don't have to continue, I also know, what to do next, don't worry, just leave this matter to me."

"Okay, but I'll tell you, no matter what you do, you must be cautious, and in addition, you must not leave any handle on the other party, otherwise, the consequences will be really unimaginable."

"Okay, I see.

"Okay, then in that case, then, you have to hurry up, the two of you will discuss it again, and then see again, can you change a plan, or change out a plan that can make the other party more satisfactory and attractive, you two sisters, and then discuss it well."

Xiao Ming stood up as he spoke.

He felt that he had revealed enough to them, and besides, if he continued to say this, I am afraid, there would not be much meaning.

At this time, Xiao Yunzhe, who was standing outside the door, had already heard all this clearly.

At first, he didn't think about eavesdropping on their conversation, but wanted to come up and chat with them, after all, he hadn't seen each other for a while.

However, when he walked to the door, he suddenly heard the three words Zong Mengni, so this made him vigilant, and then, standing at the door, he heard the conversation between them clearly.

Hearing Xiao Ming come out, Xiao Yunzhe hurriedly stood up, and then returned to his room.

"What's wrong with you?" Geng

Jingshu was lying on the bed at this time, holding a laptop in his hand, not knowing what he was doing.

"Okay, it's nothing, it's just a little sleepy, why don't you sleep yet?"

"Oh, I'm putting together some information on the Internet.

"Okay, then I'm a little sleepy, so I'll go to sleep first."

As he spoke, Xiao Yunzhe lay directly on the bed, and didn't even turn his head to look at her.

Xiao Ming came out of the room, and then went directly back to his room.

Now, in the study, there are only two of them, Xiao Jingrou and Xiao Yuchun.

"Sister, did you understand what Dad meant just now?"

"I understand, but, to be honest with myself, I've been a designer for so long, and I've never used such a method.

"But even if we don't use it, then do we have any other way?"

"Why don't you want to think about whether we can surpass each other in other ways?" "

Actually, the meaning just now is already obvious, that is, the other party has a production line, and the design office is connected to the production line, in this case, it is completely a one-stop operation, and it will definitely reduce costs." "

So, we definitely can't fight each other for the price

, that's what you mean, right?" "That's right, it shouldn't be able to fight, by the way, did you have any contact with this Zong Mengni before?" "

No, I haven't even seen what he looks like, and besides, a design studio suddenly popped up, so I don't know at all."

"Then why don't we go and find out the truth of the other party first?"

"What do you mean? Do you mean, do you want to meet with each other? However, don't forget that we are competing with each other, and at this time, it seems that it is not very convenient to meet him.

"What's inconvenient about that, even if it's a peer visit, this doesn't seem to matter."

"Well, but if you want to say that, he is a thing, so if that's the case, why don't I go find him tomorrow?"

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