"Hehe, I'm out, now, I don't have any use value, right? Now, the cooperation is complete, so you can kick me away, right? Tom, do you know about this?"

He also knows very well that in fact, they can't play a leading role here, and the only one who can play a leading role seems to be him.

"Today, this word, you have to sign it, and you have to sign it if you don't sign it. "

What are you threatening me? Do you think I'm going to be afraid of your threat?"

After Zong Long finished speaking, he just stretched out his hand, and several men in black suddenly walked over, and then pressed Pol to the ground.

"You let me go, you let me go, you bastards, you go back on your word. "

How? I want to ask you, do you sign this word, or do you not sign it?"

"I tell you, you don't even dream about it. "

Okay, call me.

Zong Long gave an order, and immediately after, these men pulled their fists and feet towards his face.

The moaning on the ground kept sounding, and Tom could not see such a cruel side, he just turned his head out of the window, and he did not dare to look at this side.

"Alright. Zong

Long was also worried that something would happen, so after fighting for a while, he stopped.

Finally, he walked over and looked down, only to find that this Pol was already covered in blood, and he must have suffered a relatively large attack,

"How is it?

"Hehe, there are so many things you didn't expect, now, you come and sign this, then, there will be no contact between us, but, if you don't sign, I think, you should live and can't leave here, when the time comes, I can also hold these things, and besides, it doesn't cost a penny."

"Okay, Zonglong, you remember it for me, today, I wrote down this kindness honestly, take a pen." "

Pol knows that heroes don't suffer immediate losses, and besides, this Zonglong is basically ruthless in doing things, if he can do this, I believe that he can also do it.

As soon as Pol took the pen, he wrote his name on it, so I just picked it up and looked at it, and then laughed out loud.

"Hehe, it seems that these things are really very attractive to me, but I still thank you, Mr. Pol, if it weren't for your previous efforts, maybe, I wouldn't have come to this point smoothly. "

Okay, Zonglong, Tom, you two have remembered for me, after all, one day, I must come back and take all my things away.

"Hehe, well, if you can really come back, then I clap my hands and welcome you back. "

Okay, you wait for me. Pol

just said viciously, and then, taking these things, rushed straight out of the door of the room, Tom

finally came over, and then, looking down.

"These things, I didn't expect it, he really gave them for nothing, so if that's the case, I still don't want this thing, I can't afford to enjoy it, you better keep it in your own name."

"Okay Tom, that's what you said, I didn't force you, I was going to split these things in two.

"Hehe, no need, and I don't need your compulsion, these things, I'm willing to hand them over to you, okay, then you can handle the rest of the formalities yourself, I'm a little tired, I want to go back and sleep for a while."

"Okay, no problem, then you can rest well and wait for my good news."

With that, he nodded, then turned and walked to the next room.

In fact, he began to have that kind of fear for this Zong Long in his heart, and he knew that Zong Long had become more and more unscrupulous in doing things.

He is really worried that one day, after his use value is completely lost, he is afraid that he will be able to kick himself away in the same way.

Originally, it was reluctant to pull the two of them into the game at the beginning, but there was no way, because the foreign forces were too strong, and if he really relied on him alone, all this was something that couldn't be done at all.

Only after the three of them cooperate perfectly can they easily achieve everything.

He knew that the day he would leave here should be very close, and he would never be able to put it off any longer.

In the evening, Xiao Ming finally came to the hospital.

As soon as he entered the hall, he saw at a glance that Xiao Yunzhe was tired and still squatting in that corner.

"Yun Zhe.

He walked over quickly, and then waved his hand, and after Xiao Yunzhe heard it, he ran over excitedly.

"Dad, why are you here at this time? Seeing that it's about to get dark, you better go home and rest for a while."

"No need, tonight, you can go back early, and besides, I've been here for two days, "

Dad, it's okay, and besides, I'm very young, even if I work hard, it seems that there is no problem."

"Okay, don't be reckless, hurry up and go back to rest, you don't have to come here today, these two days,. I'll be here and watch.

"Dad, what are you talking about? Don't you need to come over

?" "Don't you need to be busy with the company's affairs?" "Not for the time being, and besides, the company's affairs should be dealt with basically, I want to stay here quietly, by the way, did the doctor say anything?"

The doctor said that the condition is relatively stable, and if there is no accident, the intensive care unit will be out tomorrow, and after arriving at the general ward, I believe that if we communicate, it should be more convenient.

When Xiao Ming heard this, he just nodded with satisfaction, in fact, this has always been a result he wants to see.

"Alright, then let's go back first, if there is anything, I'll call you again.

"What about the other things, how are you getting ready

?" "What are you?"

"That's it, the acquisition of Xingya Company." "

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