"I don't know how much he knows, but I have a slight problem between them.

"Yes, that's exactly what I can see.

"Then what does this mean, should we go with us?"

"There is no need, since we already know his purpose, I believe that there must be something on Zong Mengni's side, but it is not convenient for us to participate in it yet."

"Is it just watching them go

?" "Otherwise, what else can you do

?" "What happened between them? Moreover, it feels like they don't interfere with each other, he has people outside, and even she has people outside?"

Alas, there are some emotional things, we really can't involve too much, okay, let's hurry up and go back and think about it, this opponent is indeed a little powerful, and if we deal with it, it is not as simple as imagined.

After Xiao Yuchun said this, he just let out a long sigh, and then drove the car again, and soon, he disappeared on this country road.

Including Zong Mengni, he probably never dreamed that he would actually deal with the people of the Xiao family today, and it was still endless.

On the whole, Zong Mengni is still relatively simple, and she never thought that the Xiao family sisters came here just to find out the news.

He really thought that this was just a kind of mutual encouragement and an experience discussion among his peers.

So after sending the two sisters away, Zong Mengni returned to her studio.

In the afternoon, he had been entertaining the Xiao sisters, so he had two cases in his hand, which had not been sorted out.

It seems that tonight is going to be another busy night.

Zong Mengni shook her head helplessly, anyway, she has gradually begun to adapt to this rhythm of life.

In particular, she already felt that when she threw herself wholeheartedly into her work, then she would not think of anything else.

Perhaps, this is the greatest relief for yourself.

"Miss Zong. "

I had just brought my things over, and I was about to do something here, when all of a sudden, I saw my assistant enter the office at one time.

"What's the matter? It's already this point in time, shouldn't you leave?"

"Miss Zong, I'm about to leave, but someone below is coming to see you. "

What? Someone is coming, who is it?"

he said, his name was Xiao Yunzhe. "

Xiao Yunzhe, why is he here at this time? Okay, you let him come up."

Zong Mengni didn't know why, anyway, when he heard the three words Xiao Yunzhe, he had a very strange feeling in his heart.

However, even she couldn't figure out where this feeling came from.

Soon, Xiao Yunzhe walked in from outside.

Zong Mengni saw at a glance that there was a big plastic bag in his hand, but he couldn't see what it contained.

"You're busy with your work, it's really a good day, and when I meet with you, I still need to make an appointment, to be honest, this feeling is really a little uncomfortable.

As soon as he entered, he spoke to himself, and then, with the large bag on his back, placed it on the table over there.

"Xiao Yunzhe, why did you come over all of a sudden, and you didn't call me in advance, let me prepare well, what are you.

"Okay, it's nothing, it's just that when I passed by the fruit store on the way, I bought some fruit, and I didn't know what you like to eat, so I just bought some casually." "

Fruit, why are you so decent, you want to buy me fruit."

"Doesn't you know that you are busy every day? Moreover, when people are busy, their immunity is the lowest, and it is said that fruits can improve people's immunity? Moreover, they can also maintain a kind of delicate skin, so I specially bought some for you, and when you are fine, you can eat a little more, and if you can't finish eating, you will share it with other colleagues, anyway, there are already so many."

Zong Mengni didn't speak, he really didn't understand why this man was so careful, and moreover, he still treated himself.

"Didn't you see anyone when you came over?"

"What did you see? What people? And I see that all of you have already started to leave work, do you mean, those colleagues and employees? But I see them, I don't know them. "

No, I mean, you didn't see your

two younger sisters, did you?" "Two younger sisters? Who are you talking about? Xiao Yuchun and Xiao Jingrou, why did the two of them come here?"

After Xiao Yunzhe heard this, it seemed that he suddenly became excited.

After all, no one knew about the matter between him and Zong Mengni, and every time she came here, she didn't dare to mention it to anyone.

Although you have been innocent and have nothing to do this weekend, at this moment, he is still a little nervous

, "They just came to me after lunch, we have been discussing some details about clothing design, and I also led them to visit my factory, and then, talked about my next plan."

"You're saying that the two of them came here all of a sudden, and they're going to talk to you about these things, and they're going to visit your factory?"

"yes, what? Don't you know? Or did I think you introduced it? It seems that you don't know about it. "

When did I introduce this kind of thing to them, let me ask you, after they came here, did they really say anything else?"

"No, it's just a normal exchange, and I feel that Xiao Jingrou's insights in this regard should be quite profound, and it does have its own uniqueness."

"This, I admit, my sister, ah, studied fashion design in college, and has been in this industry since she came out, and she has never lost it for so many years.

"No wonder, and it's good that I have found a common topic with him.

"No, they're here, really nothing else, don't they talk about anything?"

"No, they didn't say anything, what do you mean?

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