"I ask you, didn't I already say it? Your dad is now wholeheartedly doing your good, and that's why he kicked you out, which proves that he doesn't want to pull you into this whirlpool.

"I know, I understand, what Dad thinks, all his starting points are for my good, but I still can't accept it, why did he do this, and if he did it, it would be tantamount to playing with fire and setting himself on fire, you know?"

"It's this truth, in the end, everyone understands, but the key problem is that no one can persuade him, and I only hope that my father can show mercy to his subordinates, and I will mention this to him at that time."

"I don't know anymore, what to do, now, my mind is very messy, and I just thought of calling my dad for the first time, but I found that his phone is simply in a state that can't be connected, so I was helpless outside, so I dialed your phone."

"It's okay, I've already told you before, my phone is turned on for you twenty-four hours a day, and, no matter when, I'm sure, I'll turn on my phone for you at any time and keep a call state."

For some reason, when this Xiao Yunzhe said this, this Zong Mengni suddenly felt as if she was a little moved.

It has only been about a month since he met this man, and now, he seems to have been deeply attracted by something in the man.

She couldn't control her emotions a little, and then, she suddenly leaned closer, and then the whole person leaned into Xiao Yunzhe's arms.

Xiao Yunzhe was still stunned for a moment at the beginning, after all, this action was too sudden, but he quickly got used to it, because she also enjoyed this moment, the shy look of this woman in her arms.

The two of them didn't do anything other than just these contacts here, and this time, they seemed to be really pure and pure in their thoughts.

I don't know how long it took, this Zong Mengni fell asleep in a daze, and she hadn't had a good night's sleep for a long time, and at this time, in this man's arms, she actually fell asleep like this.

And Xiao Yunzhe couldn't bear to disturb her at all, and then, he just kept this posture and insisted here until dawn.

He slept for three hours, and when he opened his eyes again, he saw that the sky was now beginning to light up.

Zong Mengni just stretched her waist and stood up from his arms, and at this moment, he suddenly realized that he had slept in this man's arms all night yesterday.

"Yun Zhe, I'm really embarrassed, I don't know why I suddenly fell asleep."

"Hehe, it's okay, I just see that you slept well, so I can't bear to move you, and if I move you away, I believe that you will wake up again soon, because what you lack now is this sense of security."

"I'm really sorry, this delayed you all night, you see, it's already this point in time, you hurry up and go back, back to the company, there are still a bunch of things waiting for you."

Xiao Yunzhe nodded lightly, because he knew that the matter was important now, and in this situation, how could he leave the company easily?

"Well, there are indeed a lot of things waiting for me to do on my company's side, so I can't stay here for a long time, but you just said that today, you must find some renovation workers to come over, and then re-raise and reinforce the wall outside, and then pull barbed wire on it, in addition, you must also install anti-theft windows outside your room, at least to ensure your personal safety."

"Okay, I know, after I get to work in a while, I'll immediately arrange the people below to do these things, okay, you can go quickly."

Zong Mengni seems to be a little impatient at this time, and she also wants to push him away from here, maybe the longer the man gets along, it seems that there is really no way for her heart to calm down again.

Xiao Yunzhe returned directly to the company in a trance, he had been working in a daze for a day and a night, and at this moment, he felt that his head did seem to be a little unclear.


Suddenly, he seemed to hear a voice coming from the corridor of the company, so he hurriedly looked up, but he didn't expect that it was Xiao Ming, I don't know when, actually stood in front of him.

If Xiao Yunzhe hadn't stopped in time, I'm afraid that this time he would really have bumped into him.

"Then why are you here?"

"I want to ask you, where did you go last night?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I didn't just get up in the morning, and I moved downstairs and had some breakfast."

"Hehe, don't lie to me, I already met Teacher Wu just now, Teacher Wu said that you left here in the middle of the night last year, and you didn't come back all night."

When he said this, Xiao Yunzhe was really stunned for a moment, because he knew that just like Mr. Wu should say all this, then he must have no way to say it again.

"I'll admit it, I wasn't here last night, Dad, I believe you, you should already know, right? Who were you with from the time I left? "

Didn't I tell you, let you leave that Zong Mengni, why, you still go to him? Also, in the middle of the night, she called you, what was going on? "

Dad, she was alone in the studio, and, when I heard a movement outside, I saw a figure, I went over at the time, if it wasn't for that, I'm afraid the consequences would be really unimaginable."

"Even if she is in danger, there should be others to protect him, and besides, she has her own father and the people around her, so you don't need to worry too much about this."

"Dad, she only called me here at the time, did I just ignore him?"

"Xiao Yunzhe, Xiao Yunzhe, how many times have I told you, you must not fall into the arms of women, and besides, how do I feel now, it seems that you are really on this road, and you have begun to go farther and farther?"

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