"What? Mr. Xiao, do you suspect me and take something that shouldn't be taken? But it doesn't matter, I can open the box right now, and then let Mr. Xiao check it.

While speaking, Zong Long walked over directly and opened one of the boxes, but Xiao Ming didn't have any interest in these things at all.

He knew that even if he looked through it, he couldn't find anything valuable, and I was afraid that the valuable things had already been transferred to other places by the entire Zonglong.

"Hehe, Mr. Zong, look at what you said, no matter what, although I said that I acquired this company, the previous decision-maker of the company should still be you, and in this, you also own a certain amount of shares, so the things in the company should also be yours.

"This should be another matter, anyway, I haven't thought about so many things, by the way, Mr. Xiao, this time, are you ready to take over the company in an all-round way? In addition, I will also give you a detailed description of some of my company's personnel system arrangements, including these framework structures.

As he spoke, the entire Zonglong walked over, and then took out a document from the table.

This is when he was before, he was completely ready, and he put it here just to wait for Xiao Ming to come and deal with him at any time

, Xiao Ming has no interest in these things at all, his purpose today is very simple, that is, he must successfully reverse this Zonglong, and let him stand on his side

, "Mr. Zong, if I guess correctly, you shouldn't ask about the company's affairs in the future, right?"

In fact, Zong Long was holding the document and was about to let him look at it, but after suddenly hearing this, he was only slightly stunned.

And then, he just frowned, and then raised his head to look at Xiao Ming, seeing that this means, it seems that Xiao Ming really came here today, and there are really some bad people.

"Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by that?" he

asked with a smile.

"Why do I feel that Mr. Zong seems to be full of confidence this time, and I also feel that this time, I must be able to leave here easily, Mr. Zong, this should be the meaning in your heart, right?"

"Mr. Xiao, I don't mean that, and although I say that I sold the company to you now, it is the same as what you said, I always have shares, so I also value this company very much, and I believe you can understand this." "

Yes, I can indeed understand it, but the key question is, if the shares you sold me are all problematic shares, then how can you do all this?"

After saying these words, this Zong Long was only slightly stunned, he didn't think that this Xiao Ming would say this to him at this time.

However, Zong Long was still mentally prepared, no matter what, everything had been completely transferred, even if he found some problems now, what could he do?

Because this has become an ironclad fact.

"Mr. Xiao, I don't understand what you're saying at all, and if you are here to take over the company today, then I will definitely welcome you with both hands.

"What if I didn't come over to take over

the company?" "Then I'm sorry, I can't help it, and many things are not under my control at all, and the company has already come to your name after all, if you don't accept it, then, the company loses money, even if the company goes bankrupt in the end, it seems that the relationship with me is not so big."

"Hehe, it seems that Mr. Zong still didn't hold back and told you the truth, am I right?"

"I can't understand what you said now, and besides, this does seem to be a little different from the agreement we signed before."

"Okay, in that case, then let's open the skylight and say something, there are some things in it that are different from our image work, it is indeed a little different, come on, Mr. Song, do you have time for us to sit down and have a good chat."

Xiao Ming walked over directly as he spoke, originally wanted to sit on the sofa, but he felt that it was indeed a little inappropriate to sit here with this identity today.

He immediately took a fancy to the spacious desk, and then he sat down directly behind the desk.

Zong Long was just stunned for a moment, but he didn't expect that he really found this position, and then, he shook his head helplessly, anyway, he decided to give him all this, so he simply sat directly opposite Xiao Ming.

"Let's talk about Mr. Xiao, if you have anything to ask, then I will just say it, today, I definitely know everything. "

Okay, then let me ask you, what did you think when you took over this Xingya

company at that time?" "Don't think so, didn't I tell you at the time? I encountered some difficulties in foreign business, and there were some differences of opinion with foreign countries at that time, so I returned to China with all my assets, and then invested in this company here, this, there is no problem."

"On the surface, there is no problem, but the key problem is that if you have sold those shares, there should be a problem, and there is still a serious problem.

"Mr. Xiao said this, I don't understand, and the shares are real, can there be anything else?"

"Hehe, Mr. Xiao, we are all bright people who don't talk darkly, don't think you play those ghost tricks, I don't know, and let me tell you, from the very beginning when you played these games with me, I have already noticed this."

"Mr. Xiao, if you know anything, then, just say it, there is no need to go around here, and I don't think there is any need to say this between us. "

Okay, then I'll get straight to the point, we should start with the kidnapping of my daughter.

"What? My daughter's kidnapping case? What do you mean by asking this now?"

"Hehe, what's the matter? What did you do, did you even forget yourself, the instructions behind this matter should be you, Mr. Zong."

"You said that I tied up my daughter, what are you kidding, am I fed? And do you know how deep my relationship with my daughter is, how could I have kidnapped her? "

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