"Hehe, is this group really mysterious? Moreover, if you go and investigate it carefully, you should be able to find out that the history of this group before, you may find that in fact, this group has sent several representatives to stay in China for two or three years, probably five years ago.

"Five years ago, yes, I did know about it, but they didn't do anything here at the time, right?"

"Do you think they're going to report back to you what they've done? I tell you, absolutely not, because they arranged all of this."

"In other words, you already knew JK Group five years ago, right?"

"Yes, and it's very familiar, it can be said that it's already an old friend, and I have to avenge this blood feud." "

Blood feud?" "Yes, it's a blood feud

, but now, I won't tell you what happened back then, so, I'm just walking into your trap step by step, in fact, the purpose is one point, that is, to quote this JK group to take the initiative to dedicate himself

," "Hehe, this move is really dangerous, and, forget it, I won't talk about it now, you say, what do you want to do?".

"Actually, my idea is very simple, Mr. Zong, the two of us are the same, although you also wanted to frame me, but no matter what, your goal is now achieved, right?"

"Hehe, it has been achieved, yes, after I reach it, I will end up with no money and money, I really don't know what I am trying to do."

"Yes, maybe, if I don't come to you today, the final result will be that you are indeed empty, but now the situation is completely different.

"What? "And what better way do you do it now

?" "If Tom and Pol can be united, can't we two be united

?" "How should we unite?"

Of course, you have to continue to execute my plan, and if you continue to stick to it here, I believe that soon, today and tomorrow, someone from this JK Group should take the initiative to contact you.

"JK Group contacted me, hehe, I don't think it's realistic, and don't forget, I'm useless now, their purpose has been achieved, and they can easily kick me out.

"On the surface, it has to be like this, but the key question is whether you can be kicked out, and it depends on how I do it.

After hearing this, Zong Long just frowned, he really couldn't understand what he was saying now, and he didn't understand what he meant.

"Can you make it clearer?"

"To put it bluntly, JK Group's real purpose this time should be to use you, and then enter the domestic market, and now, he can successfully enter the domestic market, then, naturally, he can kick you away."

"If he doesn't want to kick me out of the way now, will he put some stones on the road to enter the domestic market, only in this way, he also knows that I still have a certain use value."

"Yes, that's what it means, and while he's using you, we can have a counter-strategy, so that we can know what their true intentions are, and when the time comes, we can wipe out the JK Group."

"Xiao Ming, Xiao Ming, you are really too self-righteous, do you really think, what you can do? You are in this city, you can be said to be the leading boss, but let me tell you, the background of JK Group is far more complicated than you think of Dada.

"I naturally know this, so we can hit them little by little, and you don't forget, JK Group, he is not yet able to fully appear in the domestic market, so we can take advantage of this, and then, we will definitely be able to dig out all the people behind him."

"But it's very difficult and dangerous.

"Yes, so I would like to ask if you would like to cooperate with me, and if so, the two of us will continue to work together, I believe, it should be a very pleasant thing."

"But what if

I don't want to?" "If you don't want to, well, you can get out of here at any time now, but I tell you, when you go abroad, you will still be a street rat and everyone shouts at it, and I am afraid that the conditions in which you will live will be even more miserable than now."

After saying this, this Zonglong just stood up, and then walked out of the window.

He has now witnessed all this, and he also knows that the foundation he has worked hard for so many years has now been taken away by others.

To tell the truth, he was indeed unwilling.

I have been selling for so many years for the JK Group, and at this time, kicking him away, just ask, how can a man bear all this?

Xiao Ming is not in a hurry anyway, he has time today, and he will continue to argue here.

After waiting for ten minutes, he saw that this Zong Long had finally turned his body, and he knew that at this time, in Zong Long's heart, there should already be a very definite answer.

"Okay, Xiao Ming, I hope you can do what you say.


what you mean, you're willing to work with me?" "Yes, I'm willing to work with you, but the key thing is that at the end of the day, I have to get all the things I deserve back."

"Rest assured, you'll only get more than you've ever got, and it's definitely not going to be any less than before. "

Okay, then tell me, what did you plan?"

"In the conversation between the two of them that day, I also heard a clue, that is, at five o'clock this afternoon, two mysterious guests will come here.

"What two mysterious guests?"

"That's right, that's why I asked you to call them just now, because they're probably going to be waiting at the port for the rest of the day today, and I can feel that this mysterious person should be a very powerful character." "

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