"That's right, it's true, and, to tell you the truth, I'm officially together with Zhao Yixuan now, and besides, I've already shared some of the things of their Xiao family with Zhao Yixuan.

"If you do this, isn't this tantamount to harming their Xiao family?" "If I don't

harm their Xiao family, I will be kicked out by them in the end, and I won't get anything, Dad, do you know? I'm unwilling, I'm really unwilling."

Geng Jingshu was just here, saying over and over again, but Geng Tianhua didn't say any more, he just became more silent than just now.

"Old Geng, you have to say something, how are we good, and how can we let our daughter follow Xiao Yunzhe for so much for the past few years

?" "I don't know, it's hard to tell you in my heart now, then you tell me, you are going to steal some property from their family now, is that what you mean?"

That's right, that's what it means, originally, I couldn't do it all by myself, but now, with Zhao Yixuan's help, I believe that I will definitely be very smooth when I do these things.

"It's Zhao Yixuan again, this Zhao Yixuan, is he really paying these things with you?"

"Dad, this is a woman's sixth sense, and I feel very accurate, Zhao Yixuan, he definitely really wants to be with me, and, if it weren't for some misunderstandings back then, I'm afraid that the two of us would never have come to this point."

"No, if you do this, I will never agree, and even if this Xiao Yunzhe can't find out, then, what about Xiao Ming? Xiao Ming is an old hunter who has been in the mall for a long time, and I believe that all things will definitely not escape his glasses." "

I'm telling you, he doesn't notice it at all, we're playing a time difference now. "

What do you mean?"

"Although we don't know very well what kind of medicine is sold in this Xiao Ming's gourd, and we don't know what he is thinking now, but I only know one thing, he puts all his energy on the affairs of Xingya Company.

"Xingya Company, oh, I heard of this before, it seems that this Xiao Ming just acquired a new company

, right?" "That's right, that's it, I don't know, what kind of relationship he has with this Minghui Group, but I just know one thing, he should attach great importance to this matter."

"He bought a new company, and then, transferred the shares of his original company to the new group, what does this Xiao Ming want to do?"

"I can't guess, and I don't want to guess, I want to take advantage of this opportunity, and then, get what I deserve, and the rest, I really haven't thought about anything."

"Xuehua, what do you think of these things?"

Geng Tianhua was really a little undecided, and then he turned around and looked at Sun Xuehua.

I also hope that she can tell herself some solutions at this time.

"I don't think what my daughter said is unreasonable, and besides, in this case, I don't need to be so devastating to them, right?"

"But, but if he does this, isn't that tantamount to playing with fire?

"No matter how powerful the enemy is, there will be a day when his feet will be exposed, and, as Jing Shu said, he is now concentrating on dealing with Xingya Company, and at this time, we may be able to get something from Xiao Yunzhe.

When Sun Xuehua spoke, he seemed to have a deep meaning, looking at him like this, it is estimated that he already has his own decision in his heart.

"You mean

you're still supporting him to do this, are you?" "I'm not saying supporting him, it's because, now that things have come to this point, there is no turning back, and even if we want to turn back, it seems that there is no such opportunity. "

I really think it's too dangerous to do this, just say when you and this Zhao Yixuan usually meet, and tell me the truth, you really fall in love with this man in your heart now, right?" "That's

right, I am indeed in love with him."

"Okay, since you fall in love with him, then, I won't say anything else, anyway, you haven't gotten a certificate with this Xiao Yunzhe yet, then, all this, perhaps, there is still room for maneuver." "

Dad, what do you mean? Do you also support me in doing this?"

After Geng Jingshu finished speaking, he raised his head and looked at Geng Tianhua.

In my father's life, he was a well-behaved person, and he had never done such a thing.

Geng Jingshu originally thought that he would argue with him here for half a day, and in the end, he would break up unhappily.

But I didn't expect him to say such a thing now, could it be that he is really himself, and now he has begun to change a little?"

"Do you think that I have any other choice now? If you don't do this, you have already taken this step after all."

"Dad, I explained to you that I definitely won't be able to go back to this step.

"I can see it, in fact, do you have the slightest feelings for Xiao Yunzhe now?"

"No, it's not that there are no feelings, but this kind of feelings are not limited to a certain level. "

Then you're now fully committed to this man's arms, aren't you?"

"Don't dare to say everything, anyway, most of the time now, all I think about is him, and Dad, you know, I was..."

"Didn't I explain it to you just now? Next, I am going to start with Xiao Yunzhe's company, and then find a way to steal his company into my own hands. "

You, what are you talking about, you want to devour the whole company?" Geng

Tianhua was stunned in surprise when he heard it.

His daughter seems to be gentle and elegant, but she has never figured out that she would have such strong ambitions.

"This is Zhao Yixuan's business, I don't know what he wants to do, but what I want is that he can separate my due part from this, and I won't participate in anything else. "

Zhao Yixuan, is this what he means by wanting to swallow his company?"

"Yes, it should be like this. "

Okay, I know, I can only tell you, everything must be done by yourself, understand?"

After speaking, Geng Tianhua didn't say anything more, and after that, he turned around and went from here.

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