"Then maybe, it's not just you who want to really want it this time, maybe even my life, they want to take it.

"I remember, last time, when we were talking about JK Group, you seemed to have been hiding something, can you tell me if you had any holidays with JK Group back then. "

I'll tell you, the festival is too big, and, if it weren't for the events of the year, maybe, I wouldn't have come to this point step by step, but then again, I still have to thank this JK Group, if it weren't for these things, maybe, I wouldn't have achieved what I am today."

"What the hell is going on

?" "Maybe you'll find out later, by the way, the most important thing for us now is, is the thing he has in his hand still in your hand? You didn't give it to Bol and Tom, right?" "

No, how could I possibly give such an important thing to the two of them? So, I've always held it in my own hands."

"That's good, if it wasn't handed over to them, maybe, all this is better to say, so, this thing should be very important, and it is also a tool to save lives, maybe, it can also save the lives of the two of us, you tell me, where is

the thing?" It seems that now this Xiao Ming is already a little eager to get this important thing in his hands, because he knows.

If they take this thing into their hands, perhaps, their affairs will still have a chance to turn around, but if they really give up all this, I'm afraid that there is really no way for the two of them to leave alive.

When Xiao Ming finished saying this, he only paused slightly, and then, he looked back at Zong Long, and after a look, this Zong Long seemed to be really a little reluctant at this time.

After all, if such an important thing is really handed over to him, will he have no chance of survival? In fact, for Xiao Ming, strictly speaking, there is still a skeptical attitude.

"Why, do you not believe me?Or do you have other thoughts in your heart?"

"No, I don't mean I don't believe you, and besides, you will only know that this is my last magic weapon and my last talisman, and now, all my things have been taken away by the two of them, but if this is the case, then, I have nothing left in my hands, do you think, the last thing, I will still teach you?".

"However, if you don't hand it over to me, let me tell you, your situation will also be very dangerous, if you really rely on you to deal with them alone, do you think this Zonglong will definitely take you in his eyes?"

Actually, Xiao Ming knew that the current Zonglong was really difficult.

Moreover, it was originally some business things, and he also felt that these two people could work together very well.

However, Xiao Ming never thought that the best opponent around him also gave him a clear sentence, so if this is the case, then whether their affairs can continue is also a big challenge for them.

"Okay, you drive now, I'll go to the villa.

After hearing this, this Xiao Ming was suddenly stunned for a moment, no matter what, he could be regarded as agreeing to this matter, and if he hoped that he could agree, especially many things, in fact, were to find a way to solve them.

In the end, the two of them drove directly to the villa.

This is also the first time Xiao Ming has officially met him in this place, and he has never been here before, although he already knows that his home is in this place, but, after all, the relationship between the two is still competitive, so it is impossible to come here.

When the car stopped, I soon saw another red sedan driving out of the villa.

When the car drove to the door, the car naturally stopped, and suddenly, the window rolled down, and he took a look, but he didn't expect it to be Zong Mengni.

"Dad, why are you back at this time?"

"Oh, I'm just going home and getting something. Zong

Mengni never expected that she would see him here, and what surprised him was that there was Xiao Ming sitting in this car.

"Oh, I'll come over and get something, where are you going? It seems that you haven't been home for the past two days, right? I listened to the butler below.

"Yes, I haven't been back, I've been busy with things in the studio, so it's too late to come back. ""

I'm asking you, you'd better not run back and forth these days

, you know?" "What's the matter, Dad, is there something going on?" "

Oh, nothing, I'll tell you, if you want to be a studio, just do it, don't go back and forth, understand? If you need anything, I'll send it to you, and you can just call me when the time comes."

"Oh, okay, then I got it.

After finishing speaking, Zong Mengni just nodded, although he felt that what she was saying now was indeed a little strange, but she also felt that if he could say this, he must have had his own thoughts.

"Are you worried about Zong Mengni's safety?"

After seeing that the car had already driven away, Xiao Ming hurriedly turned around and said to Zong Long.

"That's right, he's my only daughter, to be honest, what I'm most worried about now is her safety, in fact, I'm not afraid, it's a bad life, even if he kills me, what can he do?"

"If you want to say that, you really need to be on guard, and besides, they also have lethal weapons, I'm afraid ordinary people can't protect him at all."

"I know that in the next two days, I will immediately arrange for some people to go around his studio, and then start to protect Monnie, and leave as soon as the wind blows, and besides, in that place, I did not build a factory for her for nothing, and besides, in that place, there are still some other things hidden.

"Hide other things? You mean that under that

factory, there is a secret passage to walk, right?" "That's right, I was under the factory, and I left a secret passage for her, and from that place, you can leave the suburbs directly, so in that place, it is very safe at all, as long as there are people around to guard, I believe there is still a time to leave." "

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