"Then if you want to say so, I really can't delay this matter, I have to go to Xiao Yunzhe's company as soon as possible, I'm afraid, if it's too late, I won't be able to get those first-hand information." "

Okay, I know, then you have to be careful, that is, you must not let him find anything, understand?"

After saying this, Geng Jingshu just nodded vigorously, and he suddenly felt that the burden on his body was becoming heavier and heavier.

At the beginning, perhaps, there was no such feeling, and many things were actually easy to get, but after this situation, he may feel that some things, fundamentally, what he wanted to get were indeed a little different.

In the end, after Geng Jingshu hung up the phone in the room, he got up directly, and then left here in a car.

When I came to the office, I went upstairs and took a look, and basically all the lights were turned off.

Could it be that now, as he described, is the most critical period, so in this situation, he will definitely be able to get everyone to gather in this office.

Geng Jingshu followed the elevator, and she went directly to Xiao Yunzhe's location, and then, he saw an office at the top, and now, it seemed that from the crack in the door, there should be some very faint lights.

Seeing this situation, he can basically guess that it is estimated that he should be doing the review work now, so in this case, it should be time for him to come.

Geng Jingshu walked to the door, and then, he heard a promise from inside, at this time, this Xiao Yunzhe also felt very strange, at this time, who would suddenly come here?

It stands to reason that he has already explained to Wu Pengqing before, and it stands to reason that when this situation is mentioned, this Wu Pengqing should not appear here.

That may be sometimes, let alone mention, after all, he had already explained more Geng Jingshu before, saying that if there was any problem, he didn't need to come to the company, and he should stay at home at this time.

"Come, come in.

At this time, I was also thinking in my

heart, could it be that this person was Xiao Ming? But on this big night, Xiao Ming suddenly appeared in the company, could it be that there was really something unexpected? So, when he thought of this, Xiao Yunzhe's heart began to be vaguely worried.

Soon, the door of the office opened directly, and Xiao Yunzhe saw it at a glance, and it was Geng Jingshu who walked in.

This really made him feel very strange, and besides, I just told you about this place before, and I didn't need him to come over for the time being.

Moreover, now that Geng Jingshu suddenly appeared here, could it be that she should have thought of a better idea at this time?"

"Jingshu, why did you come here at night? Besides, haven't I already told you everything? Now, I don't need you to come here to prepare anything."

Xiao Yunzhe glanced up and found that Geng Jingshu was carrying a large plastic bag in his hand at this time, obviously, it should be all for himself.

"I just glanced at the weather forecast, the temperature will continue to drop tonight, if you go on like this, it will definitely not work, you see, how cold this room is, although the window is not open, but you can still feel it, as if there is a cold wind, come, put on this coat, otherwise, your body may really not be able to bear it."

Geng Jingshu said as he spoke, then walked over and took out a thick coat from the plastic bag, and then walked over directly, and then put it on Xiao Yun with his own hands.

Subsequently, Geng Jingshu continued to take out a thermos bucket, which she also prepared at home today, after all, she had to take some things here, so these things were also very important to Geng Jingshu.

"And your favorite coffee, I brought it to you too.

As he spoke, Geng Jingshu put a cup of hot coffee in front of him, and when Xiao Yunzhe saw all this, to be honest, he was indeed a little moved in his heart.

Now Geng Jingshu is still paying for himself like this, can he really bear to abandon this woman completely in the future?

He began to hesitate a little in his heart, and he didn't know what Geng Jingshu was thinking at this moment.

Sometimes, I really feel very frightened, the two of them seem to be really different, if they really don't have the same heart, then, can he continue to support their affairs?

This is the problem that Xiao Yunzhe is most worried about at present, but before this matter is officially announced, then he has reservations about Geng Jingshu's thoughts at this time, even if there is a thin layer of window paper between them, he will definitely not easily pierce this layer of paper at this moment.

"What's wrong?" Geng

Jingshu looked at Xiao Yunzhe staring at these things blankly, and really couldn't understand what Xiao Yunzhe was thinking about at this time.

"Okay, it's nothing, I just watched these things you gave me at night, it really touched me, to be honest, I really wouldn't do it.

"Alas, Yun Zhe, what are you still polite to me, what's the point? Besides, isn't this how the two of us should take care of each other? Alas, I'll give you the coffee I made myself, and take two sips of it, so that it can also refresh your mind.

When Geng Jingshu said this, he directly picked up the coffee cup in front of him, Xiao Yunzhe did not refuse, and then tasted and took a sip, not to mention, it was really the taste he liked.

"Well, your craft at brewing coffee is really getting better and better.

"Hehe, I'll just say it, I'm sure I won't let you down, if not, I'll go back and make you a cup, and then bring it to you, in this case, two cups of coffee a night should be enough."

"No, no, no, this coffee can already refresh my mind, I guess, I must not be able to sleep tonight, this, you can rest assured, I know." "

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