"Sure enough, I really guessed correctly, this should be a long-planned thing, so who is the real company background?"

"You, what are you talking about?"

At the beginning, this Xiao Ming hadn't heard it yet, what was going on with all this, but when he heard this familiar word, it seemed that Wu Pengqing reacted all of a sudden.

Xiao Yunzhe and Xiao Ming, the two of them looked towards Wu Pengqing at the same time, and it was obvious that Wu Pengqing should know something at this time.

"Teacher Wu, tell me

, did you think of something?" "This Huamao Science and Technology News, Yun Zhe, you should know very well, is it true that you really have no impression of this company at all

?" Xiao Yunzhe was stunned for a moment, why did he suddenly turn to his side? Moreover, what does this have to do with himself?"

Huamao Science and Technology News, Huamao Science and Technology News, oh, I remember, is it the company where Zhao Yixuan is located?"

Suddenly, these three words appeared in Xiao Yunzhe's mind.

Because Xiao Yunzhe remembered very well that at that time, this Zhao Yixuan had a business card with him, and the title on the business card was the vice president of ECCOM Technology.

"That's right, it's him, now, finally figure out what all this is about, right?"

"I understand, I finally understand now, there is such a conspiracy, if I guess correctly, this person who stole the company's secrets should be Geng Jingshu." Now

, Xiao Yunzhe has linked all these things together, it is obvious that this is a complete trap, a conspiracy, and he is completely from Geng Jingshu's hand, this is indeed an incomprehensible thing.

"Mr. Xiao, then what should we do next?"

"Since we have investigated the background of the opponent, and it is also clear that they are just setting up a new company here, then, I believe, we only need to start with him ECCOM Technology, then, naturally, he will break the capital chain, and when the time comes, this company, I believe that he will not be able to maintain it at all."

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, I understand, if you want to do this, it is naturally my strength, so you can leave it to me."

When Xiao Ming heard this, he nodded very reassuringly, and then happily agreed to all this.

"Mr. Xiao, what about me? What else can I do now?" Wu

Pengqing immediately stood up, and then, he looked at Xiao Ming and asked, Xiao Ming just shook his head lightly at Wu Pengqing, because in this situation, it really can't do anything more.

"Mr. Wu, you don't need to care about anything, you must follow our original plan, let me tell you, his brand, absolutely can't last a few days, I want him to let this company completely disappear from this market within ten days."

When Xiao Ming spoke, a very sharp look shot out of his eyes, in fact, Wu Pengqing could see that at this moment, Xiao Ming was really confident, and he was definitely capable of killing this company.

"Mr. Xiao, I'm really embarrassed, this Zhao Yixuan was more or less close to me in the previous time, and in the company, I also came a few times, I really didn't think about it so much at that time. "

Teacher Wu, don't talk about this, this is all off-topic, your task now is to do the things at hand well, and the rest has nothing to do with you, just leave it to me."

"Okay, then I know, then Mr. Xiao, that's it first.

After finishing speaking, he just nodded, and then turned his head to look at Xiao Yunzhe, and then hurriedly got up and left from here.


"Okay, Yun Zhe, I know what

you want to say, do you want to say, you will deal with this matter?" "That's right, after all, this Geng Jingshu is my woman, and the mistakes she made should be handled by me, so, Dad, I don't want you to worry about this matter anymore."

"Okay, if you can have this determination, then, Dad can be completely relieved, okay, then this matter will be handled by you, but you only need to remember one principle, he used to follow you, so leave a line in everything, don't do everything to the end."

"Okay, I see.

After finishing speaking, Xiao Yunzhe stood up, and then hurriedly got up and left from here.

However, Xiao Yunzhe still felt a trace of happiness in his heart, because she did not fully explain the most core data.

If, once this data is handed over, then I am afraid that there is no way to recover everything.

After he returned to his office, he had been thinking about things for a long time here, and suddenly, Xiao Yunzhe took out his mobile phone and called Geng Jingshu directly.

What is going on here, and even, he doesn't know that these things have been discovered by Xiao Yunzhe now.

Geng Jingshu only noticed that this period of time was indeed a little uneven, so if this was the case, I believe that this matter should soon be revealed.

It was precisely when she was waiting for these things to happen in a panic that all of a sudden, Geng Jingshu received a call from Xiao Yunzhe.

Geng Jingshu just held his mobile phone blankly and was stunned here for a long time.

Because she knew that under normal daylight conditions, there was nothing to do, and this Xiao Yunzhe would never call herself, but now, he called her directly, so it proves that there must be something important.

"Yun Zhe, what's

wrong?" "Where are you now?" "

Oh, I? I just came out of the house, what's wrong?"

"You're near home, there's a park square over there, you wait for me over there, I have something I want to tell you." "

What do you want to do at this time? What are you doing at this time? If there is anything, let's go home and say, or

I'll go to the company to find you?" "No need, you don't use the company, I'm out now, I'm about to get in the car, okay, we'll see you later."

Xiao Yunzhe spoke, and then walked down, because he knew that these things must be dealt with behind closed doors, and they must not be noticed by anyone.

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