Wide-eyed, staring!

, and then, it's a continuation of the exercise.

No, at this moment, this pair is really not going, not going.

I don't know how long I've been exercising, and I don't know how long I've been embarrassed, no, at such a time

! No, the next stop, eh, here!

Here, it's really too noisy, at this moment, Xiao Ming is directly getting off the boat.

Xiao Ming got off the boat

! At this moment

, Sun Xiaoqi also followed! Then, Tao Gongzi also followed! Directly exposed Sun Xiaoqi's whereabouts, and accurately reported it to the people of the Sun family.

The people of the Sun family happen to be nearby.

This station is a stop on land and near the sea, not a station on this island, so

it is very convenient for the people of the Sun family to arrive, and the helicopter is coming! The one who gets off the helicopter is a leader of the Sun family's action group, Sun Wufan

! Sun Wufan's idea is very simple, that is, to take this Sun Xiaoqi away, well, take it back!

As long as you bring her back, then the task is completed, as long as the task is completed, there will be a reward, yes, there will be a reward.

This reward is not old and young, and it can be consumed for a while.


minutes passed like this.

No, Sun Wufan took a step towards this Sun Xiaoqi.

Earlier, that was to give you the time to say goodbye for the last time, don't say that people don't take care of you, at this moment, people are going to take you away.

Stretched out his hand and grabbed Sun Xiaoqi's wrist.

At this moment, Xiao Ming directly knocked off the other party's wrist, and then, a pair of eyes stared at the other party, not giving the other party the possibility of catching Sun Xiaoqi so much!

"What are you doing?"

Sun Wufan looked at Xiao Ming and asked.

"What are you doing?"

"I'm going to take people away!" "

I won't let you!" You kidnapped me in front of me, you don't take me seriously, this world is like this, you don't respect me, I won't respect you, don't worry, I won't take you seriously, definitely!"

"Don't you think you're a little nosy?

Yes, I can also take care of this matter, is there something wrong?"

Xiao Ming asked.

What Sun Wufan didn't expect was that there would be someone stirring with him at such a time

, good, good, very good! This guy just doesn't know whether he lives or dies, right

? Thinking that it's okay, he has to be like this, and this kind of -stirring stick will go down, right?

Okay, okay! The other party's future, that's one

, death, death, death!

At this moment, he has to be serious.

Sun Wufan pulled out a black stick from his body, once this stick danced, it would be beckoning to you, once it was beckoning, it would bring you such a feeling of poisoning, and immediately the whole body was paralyzed, and your life was absolutely and absolutely unpleasant.

Well, it depends on how you're going to die.

"What's the matter?" Xiao

Ming asked.

"Don't you see? My stick is already locked on you!" "

You can't take out your daughter-in-law's toys, right?"

"I don't, I just have reasonable suspicions, you are your daughter-in-law's toy, if not, you should give it back to her, you took her things without her knowing, if she knew, she would have killed you, uh-huh

!" "Die!"

Sun Wufan can't bear it anymore, this is not a daughter-in-law's toy, he doesn't have a daughter-in-law, no!

The attack is a good attack, but unfortunately, it can't hit!

The stick is also a good stick, but unfortunately the attributes that this stick should have can't be brought into play!

At this moment, Sun Wufan's chest is hurting, this guy, this is giving people a difficult and pleasant feeling, this, this is the mood of the whole person, and it instantly becomes a feeling that it is not good.

Damn, you can't go on like this, really.

You have to find a way to clean up this person, and you have to deal a heavy blow to this person.

Fighting, fighting, fighting, it must be to clean up such a rhythm of the other party.

This feeling of brushing, this is a moment, that is to dance the attack to the extreme, and if you don't see the trajectory, such a possibility must be to greet you.

The idea is good, and it is also very self-confident, and the anger is enough, and the anger value is burned to the extreme, and the attack power that has been raised is also very good, but unfortunately

, this attack, it is coming, it is coming, it is coming to failure! It is a failure!

Dozens of times is a failure, this feeling...

It really hurts to make people's brains.

I'm not happy.

"Let me tell you, if you go on like this, you will offend the old Sun family! Do you know what kind of family the old Sun family is? If you offend, it will be a family that finishes the calf, well, the old Sun family is very black, and if you don't beat you, this is a crying father and mother, it's simply impossible

!" "Oh, then I'll still offend the old Sun family, I'm ready!"

"If you're ready, it's over?"

"Then I can't be offended, you don't count if you say it, um!"


At this moment, Sun Wufan was a little speechless.

This person has never thought that he wants to communicate with you seriously, no, he can't let the other party lead the nose like this, and he definitely doesn't allow such a thing to happen.

"You, don't you see it?" I'm brewing emotions right now

!" "Who betrayed

Sun Xiaoqi?" "How could someone betray it?" We found it ourselves

!" "Oh, thank you for your cooperation, I know! Hey, Tao Gongzi, come out, I know that you are nearby, it is Sun Xiaoqi who you betrayed, everyone has told me!" Xiao

Ming shouted around.

No, a figure walked out, who is this person who is not Tao Gongzi.

I betrayed Sun Xiaoqi, what about the other party

, this is betraying myself, okay, very good! This is the person of the old Sun family, right? Sun Wufan is staring at this very good Xiao Ming at this moment, this guy actually used such a way to deceive Tao Gongzi, who doesn't know anything, this feeling, is really a brain and a brainless, this is simply not a level.

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