Redou didn't hide it. Now that he knew it, it would be much easier to communicate.

"When Lord Redou came here, he should have communicated with our Loulan's foreign minister. This is my request."

Queen of Loulan.

After a night of research and analysis, the Queen of Loulan finally made up her mind. No matter what, Redou is a trustworthy person.

After Loulan joined the Kingdom of Wind, it did not attract any powerful enemies. It was only during the generation of Minato Namikaze that Loulan gradually declined.

From this point of view, the situation of Loulan is much better than that of the Kingdom of Whirlpool. At least when the first and second generation Kazekage were there, Loulan had no problems at all.

It was already very good to be able to protect Loulan for decades.

"Have you prepared for the diplomatic transaction?"

Redou murmured. Did the other party know why he came here a long time ago and was ready?

"Sir Reito, can you take a look at whether such a deal is possible?"

After the Loulan Queen delivered the document, Reito could not find any faults after seeing the "deal" on it.

It seems that the "minister of foreign affairs" is indeed very different.

However, among the cooperation matters, there is one thing outside the cooperation between the two parties, that is-to bring Shanks to the Fire Country and let Shanks meet the Uchiha clan: Uchiha Izuna.

On the other side, the Fire Country.

The Fire Country is the richest and most populous country among the five major countries.

It is precisely because of this that the war in the Fire Country is the most serious.

The most representative of them is the battle between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan. Although it is called a battle, the two sides are already feuds.

In this chaotic era, war and fighting have long become the norm, and no one will think about why wars are launched.

Because the continuation and breeding of hatred does not allow the war to stop.

Moreover, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan can no longer stop.

Izuna has been different from other Uchiha clan members since childhood.

Unlike the proud Uchiha clan, Izunai is very gentle and selfless.

In terms of wisdom and character, Izunai can be said to be omnipotent and flawless. At the same time, his strength is second only to Madara.

"Although I can't catch the figure behind all this, there is no doubt that behind all this war, there is a person hiding in the darkness of the ninja world watching us."

"The war can no longer continue.

The Uchiha clan and the Senju clan are constantly dying, and so are the people of other tribes. This war has been too long."

In the ancestral hall of the Uchiha clan, Izunai recorded his memories and words bit by bit.

He has been recording for a whole day, and the memory of the seal is intermittent. Izunai is also trying his last bit of strength to break the deadlock.

But... he didn't find it.

Putting the seal scroll aside, Izunai looked at the tablet in the ancestral hall, and his thoughts went back to the past.

When he was a child, his brother often went to meet with Hashirama privately, and he, as a younger brother, naturally always asked his brother to keep a secret.

Of course, the same is true for Tobirama on the other side.

Although the relationship between them is not as close as that between Madara and Hashirama, they can also be regarded as close friends.

After all, as younger brothers, they always have to clean up the mess for their two brainless brothers.

At the same time, Izuna and Tobirama also discovered each other's "smartness". It is this genius-like brain that makes them true friends.

"Sorry, brother, Tobirama..."

"In the current situation, I can only use my life to break the situation. Instead of being used as a pawn by others, it is better to destroy myself."

After thinking for a long time, Izuna still made a decision.

"It's a pity, if I wasn't so smart, if I... I wasn't so strong.

But my wisdom is not inferior to you, Tobirama, and my strength is not inferior to you."

Izuna shook his head and walked out of the ancestral hall of the Uchiha clan.

The war can't continue.

He must break the balance between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

Madara and Hashirama will never win or lose, and the same is true for himself and Tobirama.

But as long as they can't completely suppress each other, then driven by hatred, the Uchiha clan and other members of the Senju clan will not think about stopping the war.

Instead, they will think about... getting rid of each other.

This is hatred, this is the feeling of powerlessness under this wave.

As a strong man of the Uchiha clan, Izuna can only represent the will of the Uchiha clan members and rush to the front of the battlefield.

Madara, Hashirama, him, Tobirama... All four of them are like this.

But, they will not die on the battlefield, and the longer it drags on, the more people will die on both sides.

Not only the two families, but also other tribes in the Land of Fire are the same.

"If I die, I can end the war in the entire Land of Fire and save countless lives. No matter how you think about it, it's a good deal."

At this time, Izuna has made a decision.

He believes in his identity and strength. As a strong man in the Land of Fire second only to Hashirama and Madara, he is also a person with prestige in the Uchiha clan that is not inferior to Madara.

Once he dies, the hearts of the Uchiha clan will be scattered.

If it was before, his death might not have such an effect, but after more than ten years of war, Izuna now has enough prestige.

"Everyone's sacrifice is meaningful, and my sacrifice is also meaningful."

"Whether it is my brother or Tobirama, when you find this scroll, please forgive my selfishness."

In Loulan, thousands of miles away from the Fire Country, Shanks and Shamon rushed towards the Fire Country in the sunset.

And outside the ancestral hall of the Uchiha clan in the Fire Country, Izuna slowly closed the door of the ancestral hall.

The afterglow of the sunset shone on Izuna's back, and in this warm sunshine, Izuna slowly closed his eyes.

The surrounding houses are lined up, but they are extremely quiet. Some houses have been empty for a long time, but even if they are empty, someone will go to clean them every day.

As long as there are still people alive in the Uchiha clan, the houses here will never be stained with dust.

The Uchiha clan will never forget their own clansmen. As long as there are still people alive, the Uchiha clan will live until the day when the last Uchiha clan member dies.

This is Uchiha, and it is precisely because of this that Izunai has no resentment towards everyone and the clansmen of the Uchiha clan.

He is willing to charge at the forefront of the battlefield as everyone's will.

Izunai just closed his eyes and leaned against the door. Gradually, he seemed to hear the sound of children playing and fighting in his ears. In those empty houses, the voices of men and women came from a happy family.

The children in the alley chased and fought, with innocent smiles on their faces.

At this moment, Izunai showed a gentle smile on his face.

"If there is no war, how great it would be."

"If there is no war, no hatred, then my brother and Hashirama will become good friends, and Tobirama will not always have a stinky face when he sees me. We will also become friends."

Izunai opened his eyes, and the lively and happy voices in his ears disappeared.

He looked at the empty alley and walked slowly towards his home, his figure lonely and desolate.

The sun set, and Izuna left.

Chapter 116 Meeting

The Warring States Period was not just the era of the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

From birth to now, Izuna has seen too many deaths, including his relatives, brothers and brothers.

Izuna is not the only brother of Madara, but now, only he and Madara survived, while the others died on the battlefield, and some did not even live to adulthood.

Similarly, Hashirama and Tobirama are the same, and they are not just brothers.

This is the sadness of the Warring States Period. There are very few people who can survive, and the whole era is shrouded in a layer of twilight.

And what Izuna has to do is to break through this twilight and open up another way in this era.

This era is not the era of Uchiha Madara and Senju Hashirama, nor is it the era of Tobirama, but the era of Izuna.

In the history of the ninja world, the real turning point of the Warring States period was that Tobirama used "Flying Thunder God Slash" to seriously injure Izuna, and Izuna died later.

It was because of Izuna's death that an imbalance appeared between the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan.

But in fact, it is very difficult to really operate this kind of thing.

Under normal circumstances, even if Izuna died, such as a few years ago, the Uchiha clan would never stop the war, so Izuna has been waiting for an opportunity.

Until he became the pillar in the hearts of the Uchiha clan, from weak to strong, step by step, he became the pillar in the hearts of the clan members, the strongest support.

Two days later, outside the Uchiha clan, Shanks and Shamon finally arrived here.

At this time, a group of people surrounded Shanks and Shamon. Shanks and Shamon were both wearing cloaks, so people couldn't see their faces, but the aura on Shanks was too strong.

Let the other members of the Uchiha clan dare not take action.

"You two, this is the Uchiha clan's land, outsiders are not welcome, you two should leave."

An old man with a cane said, the old man closed his eyes tightly, and there were several hideous scars on his face.

People who can live to this age in this era, not to mention strength, are also of very high status.

"Grand Elder!!"

"Grand Elder, they are both very strong."


The people next to them reminded them, it's not that they didn't try to stop them, but in front of these two people, they didn't even have a chance to do anything.

Well... in front of Shanks, it's like this.

"We came here to see someone, please let the old man know."

Shanks said, and Shamon on the side looked at the people around him with a vigilant look. This was the first time he saw the power of the Uchiha clan.

The group of people around him gave him a very dangerous feeling, and their strength was definitely not weaker than his, and even much stronger than him.

"Is this the Uchiha clan of the Land of Fire? They are so strong."

At this time, Shamon also understood what Reito meant. Reito asked him to accompany Shanks here so that he could see the world.

However, compared with these people and Shanks next to him, Shanks, the "samurai", is much more outrageous than these people.

"Do you want to come to the Uchiha clan to find someone?"

The elder faced Shanks. Although he could not sense the chakra fluctuations on Shanks, the man in front of him gave him a feeling that he was more dangerous than Madara.

This was the intuition he had developed after surviving countless battles. The man in front of him was definitely the best in the ninja world.

"Sorry, there is no one you are looking for here."

The elder shook his head. Shanks was too dangerous. He didn't want Shanks to come into contact with the Uchiha clan. It would be better for such a dangerous person to leave early.

"Elder, he hasn't said who he is looking for yet?"

The Uchiha clan member next to him reminded.


Hearing the words of his own clan member next to him, the elder was dumbfounded. Can't you hear what I mean?

"Who are you looking for?"

The elder said helplessly.

"Uchiha Izuna."

Said Shanks.


"Is this guy looking for Izuna?"

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