
"It tastes so bad. How could there be such a bad thing?"

"Shit tastes better than this."


Amid the rising and falling voices, passers-by also looked at them with shocked eyes. Are the children of Konoha playing so perverted? Even eat shit?

Chapter 138 Breaking the Laws of the Ninja World

At this time, Konoha is fully prepared to cultivate the next generation. It can be said that Konoha spares no effort in cultivating the next generation. However, this is also because Konoha's foundation is solid enough.

If you look at the Kirigakure Village next door, you will know how outrageous Konoha's heritage is. Kirigakure Village is now supported by Terumi Mei alone. Chojuro's talent is good, but his flaws in character cannot be ignored.

As for "Qing", Qing is too old.

That is to say, Konoha, various big families, and various geniuses have died one after another, but as a result, they can still produce so many people.

Any one of Konoha's Twelve Strongmen would be considered a genius among other ninja villages, and in Konoha, everyone is actually used to the existence of such "geniuses".

A few days later, as a new batch of "soldiers" arrived in Konoha, the whole of Konoha became lively again.

Chiriku also returned to Konoha at this time. With the existence of "Asuma", the son of the third Hokage, and Chiriku itself has a deep relationship with Konoha, Chiriku's return does not matter. arouse anyone's suspicion.

"Konoha has changed a lot this year. It has expanded so much, and it seems to be much more lively than before."

Jilu lamented the changes in Konoha. With the influx of people, Konoha became more and more prosperous and lively.

This is also inevitable.

The nobles of the Fire Country arranged for soldiers to come over. Among these soldiers were not only civilians, but also some nobles.

So the nobles just waved their hands and improved all Konoha's infrastructure.

The ninjas don't care about this, but the nobles are different. They also want to enjoy it.

So Konoha became what it is now, looking a bit busy.

Of course, this is a good thing for Konoha, which needs to rebuild after experiencing the Konoha Collapse Plan.

"Yeah, a lot has happened this year."

Asuma took a deep breath of cigarette. The death of Sandai was a big blow to Asuma.

But Asuma didn't have much hatred in his heart. As the son of the third Hokage, he also inherited the shortcomings of the third generation.

Asuma understood his talent, and his was not a genius, it could even be said that his talent was very poor.

As the son of the third generation, there is nothing outstanding about him.

But it is precisely because of this that Asuma can also see his father's situation through himself.

He was suppressed by his father, and his father was suppressed by the First Hokage and the Second Hokage.

Mind is the biggest shortcoming of the Sarutobi clan.

But now Asuma is looking away.

“But now, it’s pretty good.

The daimyo and nobles were particularly worried about the situation in the Ninja Village, and there were not so many conflicts between the five major countries, so the conflicts between the Ninja Villages were temporarily suppressed. "

Asuma smiled and said that the ninja world now looks much better than before, at least for now.

"I can see that you are very leisurely. I thought you would be very busy."

Jilu also sighed. Sure enough, in this era, it is completely possible to change the situation of the entire ninja world. Even a ninja village as deep-rooted as Konoha has undergone such a big change.

"What are you busy with? Konoha doesn't need us ninjas to do anything right now. After all, there aren't many outings."

Asuma spread his hands. After Shikamaru and others left, he was bored staying in Konoha. Fortunately, his good friend came back from the Fire Temple.

Asuma also took special care of Jilu who had just returned to Konoha.

"Now the ninja school in Konoha has begun to reform the system. The content of learning is no longer the same as before, and there is no leading teacher.

Today's ninjas are basically trained as instructors for ordinary soldiers, and the knowledge they learn is more focused on the development of physical and ninjutsu. "

"The policy adopted by Shikaku and others is to deal with the current situation in the ninja world. Elite jounin like us only need to stay in the village and serve as instructors."

Asuma spoke up, it was a good thing he didn't have much talent.

Well, at least I don't have to go to the Hokage Building to work overtime.

In addition, Asuma himself is a person with well-balanced abilities, unlike Kai who is a pure physical martial artist, so he is the most suitable as an instructor.

In addition, an even more important point is Asma's identity.

The son of the third generation Hokage, the head of the Sarutobi clan, proficient in various ninjutsu and so on.

These false names are completely useless to ninjas, but they are very useful to the nobles and daimyo of the Fire Country.

This identity can defraud a lot of money.

Do you think Konoha is not short of money? How can it be.

This is the first time Asuma feels that he is so important. Likewise, as a dignified elite jounin, he actually relies on this method to make money.

Sure enough, times have changed.

But when she thought that she already had a family and it would be a good thing to make more money, Asma felt that there was no problem.

"Being an instructor? Don't you have to go to school at all?"

Di Lu was also a little surprised. Isn't it a waste of talent to let someone like Asuma train civilians?

"No, there's not much to teach in school.

Children with talent will not stay in the village, but will all be arranged to go out. Although it is also chaotic outside, it is much better than the war years.

Although pirates are the cancer of the ninja world, as those who have participated in the war, we should know that the real cancer is not them."

Asuma looked at his friend Di Lu who was standing beside him. Di Lu also understood a lot of things, so he chose to leave Konoha.

As a friend of Di Lu, how could Asuma not understand Di Lu's thoughts.

Although the pirates "do all kinds of evil", in fact, those guys have their own rules. Unlike the Ninja World War, they will only die on the battlefield.

This is also the reason why the five major ninja villages unanimously opposed the harsh laws proposed by the daimyo and nobles.

The nobles think that pirates should die, and the civilians also think that pirates should die, but only when the ninjas have experienced more can they understand what consequences will be caused once the law is passed.

At that time, it will really be a war to the death. Ninjas are not sensitive to politics, but they are sensitive to war.

In the current situation, although the pirates have brought a lot of trouble, they are not guilty of death. In this way, even if someone in their village falls into the hands of pirates, they still have a chance to survive.

It is this situation that makes the ninja village unconsciously stand on the side of the pirates. They don't want to die for civilians and nobles.

To put it bluntly, as the top combat power, they must be at the forefront.

The last family that likes to rush so much is called "Uchiha". They rush to the front in every war. What happened later?

They were killed by their own people.

Now, don't these nobles mean to attack their ninjas?

So when the situation is not so serious, the major ninja villages are still very tolerant of pirates.

Hearing Asuma's words, Di Lu was also very curious.

He didn't know much about pirates. He only knew that because of the appearance of that group of guys, the current ninja world has undergone such a major change.

"Look at it this way, when I come back, I should be able to be an instructor in the recruit training camp, right?"

"Impossible, now Shikaku will definitely catch anyone to help in the Hokage Building.

Dilu, you are different from us, so don't even think about being lazy."

Hearing Dilu's words, Asuma's face flashed a smug look.

You are the only one who still wants to be an instructor? Forget it, do you have such a stupid brain? When you returned to Konoha, Shikaku had already made arrangements for you.

For the first time, Asuma felt that mediocrity was so beautiful. He didn't need to worry about all the things in Konoha, and he didn't need to be so busy.

As long as he maintained his talent, it would not be a problem to live in Konoha in peace.

As for Dilu?

Dilu is indeed a talent.

A talent that even Shikaku didn't know how to arrange.

"The user of the superhuman Buddha fruit can transform his body into the form of a Buddha and use the Buddha's exclusive attack moves."

"He is very strong. I feel that Dilu is not an ordinary elite jonin at all, but..."

Strength is one aspect. Dilu's strength is actually far greater than Asuma's, and the devil fruit formed by this special ninjutsu does not look weak at all.

In this way, it is normal for Dilu to have the combat power of the Hokage level.

Why is it called Hokage? Because the Kazekage is really unworthy.

What makes Shikaku headache is that Dilu is not only strong enough, but also has a flexible mind.

Anyway, the more Shikaku looks at Dilu's life experience, the more he thinks he is a talent. He can be so outstanding and not attract other people's attention, and then successfully leave Konoha.

Although I don't know what method Dilu used, it is definitely not easy to escape from Danzo's hands.

"Forget it, let's arrange it to the intelligence department."

The current intelligence department is indeed short of people. Dilu's ability is too outstanding, and it is reasonable to throw him to the newly established intelligence department.

So when Dilu saw his arrangement, he was also stunned for a moment. He had inexplicably entered the intelligence department of Konoha and became the boss?

And then, Dilu's performance indeed proved Shikaku's wisdom.

Dilu set up the intelligence department in just one month and infiltrated the intelligence network of the underground black market.

Well, although it was all Kakuzu's effort, you just say, can I, Nara Shikaku, judge people accurately?

On the other side, in Myoboku Mountain, Jiraiya was also stunned when he saw the "historical text" that the immortals had fished out from nowhere.

The White Snake Immortal looked helpless.

"Recently, Orochimaru occupied the Ryuchi Cave, and he wanted to let the little guy named Kabuto learn the immortal arts of our Ryuchi Cave.

He has been there for a month."

The White Snake Immortal really had no way to deal with Orochimaru. Orochimaru just stayed there and refused to leave. Moreover, he couldn't beat him, he couldn't beat him at all.

The White Snake Immortal was very powerful, and Orochimaru couldn't kill the White Snake Immortal, but the White Snake Immortal couldn't kill Orochimaru either.

Even... it's hard to break through the defense.

Then Ryuchi Cave was occupied by Orochimaru.

"One month?"

Jiraiya was surprised. Orochimaru would stay for a month? How is that possible?

"That guy insisted on waiting for the little guy named Kabuto to learn well before he would leave, so I had no choice but to take my things here to hide."

"Jiraiya, have you been studying the legacy left by the Six Paths Sage recently?"

The White Snake Sage asked directly, and Orochimaru could do whatever he wanted.

He was chopped off by Shanks after using a dirty trick, which was really embarrassing, and she, the White Snake Sage, would not bother with such an embarrassing dragon.

"Well, the road of ninja has not come to the end, but if you want to make a breakthrough, you must understand the establishment of the Ninja Sect more."

Jiraiya nodded.

Tracing the roots is necessary, and fortunately, he has the conditions.

"If you have no clue, you can look at the roots of the sage."

"The roots of the sage?"

"Yes, the roots of the sage.

The Six Paths Sage did not know the Sage Mode before he met the old toad, and the Six Paths Sage's brother also did not know the Sage Mode."

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