"There will be no problem with Lord Shanks' plan. Any wise man will look dim in front of Lord Shanks. This is the kingly way Lord Shanks takes.

The real strategy is to let everyone see the plan, but have to jump in."

Bai sighed. When Zabuza's intelligence is used on Shanks, he can definitely be called the top wise man in the ninja world.

Zabuza knows Shanks too well. He doesn't even need to know too much to find out the direction of Shanks' big plan.

This is Zabuza's talent! !

At this moment, even Shisui was surprised at Zabuza's understanding of Shanks. It felt that when Zabuza faced any problem of Shanks, it was as if he had Shanks' brain. The control of the general direction was terrible.

"The immortal has been dragged into the water by Shanks, which completely broke the original pattern of the ninja world.

So, what will Shanks do next?"

Shisui asked. From Santai Hijikata, they also knew some things between the immortal and the ninja clan.

It's just that Santai Hijikata didn't know much, but he was still clear about some conventional conventions.

But compared to this, Shanks' plan was more important.

Although he was Shanks' right-hand man, when Shisui knew Shanks's plan, he also felt powerless.

From using the devil fruit to attract the attention of ordinary people at the beginning, to pulling ninjas from various villages into the new world later, and then breaking the original state of alert between countries.

Step by step!

Directly disrupt the original order of the ninja world.

This is already outrageous, but now it is discovered that Shanks's plan is still going on.

When no one can stand up to stop this plan, it means that this big plan has directly become the tide of the times, engulfing everyone.

After that, it is to cooperate with Orochimaru to trigger the true power of the dragon vein and let these immortals enter the ninja world.

Since then, the pattern of the ninja world has been completely renewed, and all gamblers have entered the market.

And Shanks, the biggest gambler and the biggest dealer, is still in control of the overall situation.

This kind of control over the situation is simply terrifying. The more Shisui comes into contact with Shanks, the more he can feel this sense of powerlessness. He uses his power to suppress others. This is Shanks' "dominant" route.

I can only say that he is worthy of being the man with the strongest domineering color in the ninja world. Such wisdom and courage can indeed be called the strongest domineering color.

But as Shanks' teammate, Shisui suddenly felt a huge pressure. Why did he feel that he couldn't keep up?

It was Zabuza. Zabuza said that although his brain was not so useful, he knew Shanks' character.

"Shanks' plan is very simple.

Since the Sage has entered the world and Shanks wants to change the world, Shanks will definitely strive for the direction of future history.

And the strongest one among the Sages..."

"Six Paths Sage?"

"Yes, the Six Paths Sage has influenced the ninja world for thousands of years. If Shanks wants to create a new world, he must take control of the rudder of history.

This group of intellectually challenged Sages will not be treated like this by Shanks. His target is probably the one who has been dead for thousands of years..."

"Six Paths Sage!!"

Zabuza's eyes were extremely firm. This was his confidence in Shanks. Although it seemed unreasonable, it was unreasonable.

You know, that was Shanks.

"Would Shanks spend so much effort to deal with a dead person?"

Amado didn't believe Zabuza's words at all, but Bai and Shisui were thoughtful.

Their minds had been completely opened by Zabuza's words. Moreover, although Zabuza relied on stupid methods, his ideas were in line with Jiraiya's.

After knowing so much information, Jiraiya also understood who Shanks was going to fight against, and because of this, he had an epiphany and became a top sage.

But Zabuza couldn't have an epiphany. His brain wasn't good enough, and his strength wasn't enough. But you just had to ask whether Zabuza's answer was right or not.

So, under Amado's suspicious eyes, the next day, Shanks threw the information of the Six Paths Sage directly on the table. It was time for the crew to help. As the captain, he had been thinking all night and didn't want to think anymore.

"Everyone, take a look at this!"

At this time, Amado was also convinced. Zabuza really had a different talent.

Seeing this thing, Zabuza directly posed an extremely proud posture (the face of the proud soldier in Bright Sword.jpg). Take a look, I say, in this ninja world, no one knows Shanks better than me.

"Shanks, leave it to us with confidence!"

Zabuza handed the interrogation information from last night to Shanks and patted his chest to indicate that there was no problem.

The next thing is up to them. It's time to let the world see their wisdom. The four emperors are surrounded by heroes.

Let the sages of the ninja world see the power of the top pirate group in the new era. In this era, there are more than just Shanks.

It's time for Zabuza to take action!

Chapter 159 The chill from behind

Shanks was worried about leaving the things to Zabuza alone, but he felt relieved when he saw Shisui, Haku and Amado were all there.

These people on my ship are all smart, so just leave the matter to these people. As for Zabuza? Isn’t this guy Zabuza just joining in the fun?

However, Shanks needs to take a closer look at the information he got from Santai Hijikata. There may be a major version update in the ninja world today, so he should check the content of the version update in advance.

Shanks' positioning of himself is still very accurate. He just needs to rely on hard power and see the general direction clearly. As for the details? The details are left to people with brains, such as Shisui and Shiro. Shanks prefers to spend time having a banquet and enjoying himself. There is no big problem.

As for Zabuza and his group, they just opened the information scroll about the Six Paths Sage, and everyone stopped.

Because Shanks writes more about Asura and Indra, which involves more of the fateful battle between Asura and Indra, the endless battle and reincarnation.

So what Shanks wants everyone to solve is very simple. At present, they only need to figure out what the reincarnation system of the ninja world looks like. However, Amado and Shisui have no clue at all.

As for Zabuza and Haku, not to mention, Haku is a layman in ninjutsu, and Zabuza is almost the same. Although he was once an elite jounin, he has no background, no power, and doesn't know much about ninjutsu. .

At this point, Shanks obviously overestimated the ninjutsu level of Shisui and his team. This guy really thought that ninjas could study all ninjutsu.

What a waste of research. If Shanks hadn't said it, they wouldn't have known that chakra could actually reincarnate.


"Who just said that everything was left to us?"

Amado lifted the frames of his glasses and looked at Zabuza. Waves of cold light were reflected on the lenses.

No one doubted whether the information Shanks gave was wrong. Although Shanks was careless, he would never fool anyone, not even his enemies.

Some people's character is so firm. Even though there are so many people in the ninja world who want to kill Shanks and then rise to power, the entire ninja world has full trust in Shanks.

Looking at Amado's suspicious eyes, Zabuza swallowed his saliva.

He seemed to know why Shanks gave this thing to them, because Shanks's research on ninjutsu seemed to be a little different from normal.

But they won't know how to throw this thing out.

"This is also the first time I know that chakra can actually reincarnate, but at least it proves that our target is the Sage of Six Paths.

As long as we start from this point, there will be a solution. "

Zabuza thought about it for a while. His mind hadn't turned around for a while, but he already had a vague idea.

On the other hand, Shisui and Shiro on the side have already thought of something. After Zabuza's previous suggestions, their thinking is no longer limited to themselves. In any case, they are also the top heroes of this era.

So Shiro and Zhishui felt relieved at this time. Zhishui glanced at Shiro next to him thoughtfully and nodded towards Shiro.

"You are worthy of Bai. As time goes by, I am afraid that the title of Qing Pheasant will be well-deserved. Among the younger generation, you should be the first person of this era."

Zhisui marveled that he was able to find a solution in such a short period of time. Whether it was wisdom or strength, Shiro could already be said to be the well-deserved number one among the younger generation.

"Brother Zhisui is also very powerful. Brother Zhisui and I are not very different in age, so we are not the number one."

Bai Wen said softly that it was not Bai's goal to compete with the younger generation of this era. Since he was on this ship, he had to see this new era with his own eyes.

In this era, his name should be there.

"Well, I'm so proud. I have to work hard, otherwise it will be difficult to catch up."

Shisui rubbed Shiro's head in admiration. At this time, Zabuza was still thinking. Suddenly, he thought of something.

"The son of the Immortal of Six Paths can be reincarnated and resurrected in this world infinitely. Since Shanks' target is the Immortal of Six Paths, he just needs to follow the Immortal of Six Paths' method and use the same tricks, right?"

"Six Paths Immortal only has two sons reincarnated, but if we use the dirt to reincarnate, we can bring countless powerful men of this era back to the world."

Zabuza suddenly thought of something. His mind was not very good, but he was experienced.

When he was outside Konoha, he also knew what Orochimaru had done and directly pulled out the first and second generation Hokages of Konoha.

Let the third generation face his senior without shame and die of shame on the spot.

Now that I think about it, the Reincarnation of the Earth can do more than just this. It turns out that Shanks had already figured this out a long time ago.

Zabuza's words drew the attention of the three people next to him. Shisui and Shiro also nodded when they heard Zabuza's words and did not deny it.

"It's not wrong to think this way. With the help of the Six Paths Immortal's past layout, we can also use this to completely break the shackles of this era.

However, although Shanks' goal is the Six Paths Sage, the problem we are given is the reincarnation of Indra and Asura. If the reincarnation cannot be broken, the root of the problem still cannot be solved. "

"But what is the purpose of breaking the reincarnation? I mean...the ultimate purpose."

Amado asked.

Zabuza also had doubts. Why is Shanks so obsessed with breaking reincarnation?

"It's very simple. Shanks has already told us. It's just that we can't interfere too much in this matter."

Shisui pointed at the Six Paths Sage on the scroll and glanced at everyone.

“We all have a rough idea of ​​the strength of Santai Hijikata.

The Six Paths Sage is the strongest sage in the ninja world. In addition to possessing the power of a normal sage, he also masters the power of reincarnation. The reincarnation of Indra and Asura must be related to the Six Paths Sage.

So...since both Asura and Indra can reincarnate, why...the Sage of Six Paths can't? "

Zhisui's tone was calm, but as soon as he said these words, others around him felt cold all over their bodies, and a creepy feeling crawled into their hearts.

Originally, during the Fourth Ninja War in history, Obito pretended to be Madara, which had already frightened the strongest people in the entire ninja world.

As a result, it's not someone like Uchiha Madara who comes out now, but... the Sage of Six Paths! !

At this time, Zabuza felt that his hands were shaking a little.

"Six Paths Immortal...still, still alive??"

This kind of shocking news is a bit scary. Before Zabuza, he was an honest ninja.

Although they no longer work, ninjas in the ninja world have more or less superstitious beliefs about the Sage of Six Paths.

As a result, I suddenly know that the old guy is still alive? No, it’s not the old guy, it’s the Immortal of Six Paths.

"Master Shanks doesn't need to spend so much effort to deal with a dead man.

So there is only one possibility, the Six Paths Immortal is too strong, and more importantly than the Six Paths Immortal's power, the Six Paths Immortal has almost hidden himself in history.

No one knows how powerful he is. "

"The historical text is important, but the most important thing is... Shanks needs to find the information about the Sage of Six Paths from the historical text."

Shiro added again, now even a brain like Zabuza understood.

Everything Shanks said from the beginning was all pointed at the Sage of Six Paths. From the beginning, Shanks had not set his sights on the ninja world.

Instead, it was placed on the ninja ancestor of the ninja world.

If you want to change this world, you must completely break the original rules of this world. If someone comes to stop it, then defeat them together.

"From the beginning to the end, Shanks has never looked down upon the Five Great Nations and the Five Great Ninja Villages.

Although I know that that guy's target is the entire world, but now it seems that it's not just the world, but also the owner of this world. "

"The Sage of Six Paths has controlled the overall situation of the ninja world thousands of years ago. In this case, what Shanks needs to deal with is the Sage of Six Paths and the entire ninja world.

He does not want to fight against the Six Paths Sage alone, but to push the Six Paths Sage to a dead end, pull the aloof Six Paths Sage down from the long river of history, and have to unite with the ninja world.

That guy's courage is really terrifying! "

Zabuza praised, just dealing with the Six Paths Sage was already terrifying in their eyes, but it didn't look like that guy's style.

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