To him, it was simply unimaginable art.

"Well, I'm leaving first."

Kakuzu nodded coldly and left the group.

Not only the news from Cardo, but also the matter of Orochimaru resurrecting the first-generation revolutionary army. Both of these things need to be done.

"Why do you look so unhappy?"

Deidara turned around and looked at Scorpion and Hidan beside him, Hidan curled his lips.

"Hmph, that guy has obviously abandoned us."

"It must be that the organization has some big plans. Kakuzu is really a trustworthy companion."

Xia's voice was also very cold, but Deidara always felt that Xia's words had some meaning, as if he was saying that he was unreliable?

"Scorpion, you did it on purpose!!"

“No, let’s go too.

It’s time to go to the Land of Snow. "

Scorpion did not quarrel with Deidara, they had other plans. After the previous lord of Snow Country, "Fenghua Furudao", spent some time cultivating in Konoha, he was taken back by his niece "Fenghua Koyuki".

The environment of the Land of Snow has become a place frequented by pirates because of the world's dragon veins.

Since the offshore area is divided into four seas for various reasons, ordinary pirates can only pass through coastal countries if they want to reach other sea areas.

There is the Kingdom of Thunder on one side and the Kingdom of Snow on the other. Normal people know how to choose.

That is to say, during the period when Fenghua Xiaoxue and San Taifu were in power, the entire Snow Kingdom was in chaos, the economy completely collapsed, and thieves and pirates were rampant.

The consequence of this situation is that the civilians of the Snow Kingdom are lucky to survive. Many people starve to death in their shabby houses, and their bones are buried under the ice and snow.

To be honest, Feng Hua Furao didn't want to care about these things anymore. The reason why he chose to die in the first place was because he was angry with his incompetent brother.

Feng Hua Xiao Xue and Feng Hua Rag Tao have no hatred at all, but they do have a lot of opinions about Third Taifu. He has no ability, but his ambition is not small.

So Feng Hua Furu Tao cultivated in Konoha for a long time and never went back.

Instead, he let the third wife play with Fenghua Xiaoxue, and he just started to play with it.

Under normal circumstances, in peacetime, there would not be any problems with San Taifu and Fenghua Xiaoxue, because these two people have no political ability.

As long as nothing is disturbed, the entire political system of the Snow Kingdom can be turned around without any problems.

But times are different now. Just ordinary pirates can directly cause the entire Snow Country to collapse.

It was precisely because of this that Fenghua Xiaoxue truly saw the cruelty of this era, no, to be precise, she saw everything that being the leader of the country had to bear.

And it just so happened that the people who went to the Snow Country to pick up Fenghua Koyuki and Santafu this time were Naruto and others.

When she saw the tragic situation in the Snow Country, Sakura even beat Fenghua Koyuki angrily and even wanted to kill the third husband.

As for Naruto and Sasuke, Naruto realized a lot after coming out of the dungeon. In this world full of reality, his idealism can only be used for himself.

Because this world is cruel and has always been like this.

If it weren't for Konoha's support, Feng Hua Furuo would not have returned to the Land of Snow.

For Konoha, there is only one leader of the Kingdom of Snow, and that is Feng Hua Ragao, because they really don’t need pig teammates.

However, as a qualified country leader with political ability above that of the Third Hokage, Fenghuafuruo naturally knows the strengths and weaknesses of the Snow Country.

Now that he has taken over, it is impossible for him to be a dog for Konoha. The Kingdom of Snow must have its own strength.

It is precisely because of this that Feng Hua Furu Tao hooked up with the revolutionary army.

This is the difference between passing politics and failing politics. There is no problem in the general direction of the operation of Feng Hua Furu Tong. In the ninja world, it can be said to be outstanding.

Normal people simply cannot perform such a set of operations.

So Kakuzu and others originally wanted to go to the Land of Snow to support the Wind and Flowers, but now, three people are completely enough.

"But, is it really okay if there are only three of us? Our bounty is too conspicuous."

Deidara was still a little worried about not having enough manpower. The world now was completely different from before.

"Don't worry, it might have happened in the past, but now we are not so conspicuous."

Xie took out a bunch of bounty lists. They had not committed any crime recently, and the bounty amounts were still the same. To put it simply, their prices had not been updated, so they would not attract anyone's attention at all.

“The underground prison in the Kingdom of Wind was robbed, and a large number of pirates escaped.

The captain of the Sky Pirates, the Golden Lion, faced an immortal and several jounin alone, with a bounty of more than 500 million. "

In Ci Xian's bounty photo, in addition to his big face, there are also golden, armed white clouds filling the sky behind him.

This portrait was painted by Jiraiya himself. Needless to say, Jiraiya's painter is fine, right? This is the author of best-selling comics and novels in the ninja world.

“There are also these people in the Beast Pirates formed by Orochimaru.

Bone Dragon Kimimaro has a bounty of 80 million... Ghost Spider Kidomaru has a bounty of 50 million..."

"And you also know Lao Zi, the four-tailed Jinchuuriki. Now he has become a pirate, with a bounty of 100 million..."


Looking at so many bounty lists, Deidara thought about his bounty, which was only 30 million. Don't ask, just ask him. Deidara didn't cause any trouble, and he didn't have much money to ask for in Iwagakure.

Because really speaking, Deidara is indeed not well-known in the ninja world. Although his strength is not weak, the bounty is only so small.

Iwagakure Village can't take out any more.

Effect: It can be taken out now, but Deidara has not come out again. It is because Ohnoki forgot about it.

Lao Zi is different, Lao Zi's seniority is different, and if you leave, you will take Siwei away with you. It's okay to take him away so that everyone can get together and disperse.

Now that you have become a pirate, isn't this not giving face to the Kingdom of Earth and the nobles of the world?

For the sake of face, Ohnoki could only increase the bounty, even though Lao Zi did nothing.

"how about yours?"

Deidara asked reluctantly.

"Fifty million, I killed the Third Kazekage after all."

Scorpion's tone was indifferent. When he heard Scorpion's bounty, Deidara immediately lost his temper. No matter what, he was going to get a big one.

"Damn it, I, Master Deidara, have been looked down upon by these pirates. Why are these pirates higher than me?"

Deidara's thinking is different. As an artist, he naturally hopes that his fame will be as big as possible.

Look at this man named Dak. He participated in the big explosion in the Kingdom of Wind and got such a high reward. If he participated, the only one who can be known by people in this world is himself. Where else can he get it? Duck's share.

Hidan on the other side is a little unclear. He doesn't seem to have any bounties. Looking at it this way...

Could it be that Kakudu looks down on him because he has no reward?

It seems reasonable. That guy from Kakuzu has always loved money.

Hidan nodded. It seemed that he needed to do something during his trip to the Land of Snow.

At this time, Kakuzu who left the team was the one with the most troubles. There was no other way. The two people Nagato trusted were Itachi and Kakuzu.

Everything Hidan and the others didn't know, Kakuzu knew everything about.

For example, the information sent by Cardo this time involved immortals, the existence of the immortal class and the world's nobles, and a certain tacit understanding between this class and ninjas.

And Kakuzu is considered a true insider, so he naturally understands what Nagato will do next after knowing this information.

"It seems that the revolutionary army is really going to go to war with the entire ninja world. The world's nobles and immortals are the hidden class in this world. Nagato will definitely not use this tame method to change the world again.

However, Cardo represents Shanks, a filthy earth reincarnation technique, so it’s not that important! "

Kakuzu knew the importance of the information he had. A dirty soil reincarnation technique was not enough. Shanks must have other ideas.

"Forget it, let's go find Orochimaru first and let Orochimaru come up with a solution."

Kakuzu didn't think much about it, this matter affected too many forces.

I'm afraid, Orochimaru will also be involved this time.

Chapter 161 An Unbearable Heavy Price

Kakuzu simply gave up thinking about these issues. He was still very accurate in his positioning. When the sky fell, a tall man would hold it up. Anyway, after so many decades, he had managed to survive.

With more knowledge, Kakuzu's mentality has calmed down a lot.

The situation in the ninja world is not something Kakuzu has to think about. He has no ambitions and his only hobby is making money. From some aspects, Kakuzu is really just a person who spends money to go to work.

However, as the only person in the revolutionary army organization who has the ability to make money, Kakuzu feels that this is nothing. As a senior, it is normal to take care of the juniors who cannot make money.

Half a month later, Kakuzu finally found Orochimaru on the sea south of the Kingdom of Wind. At this time, Orochimaru was also ready to go deeper. Of course, it was just preparation.

After all, he was a man who had experienced the explosion in the Kingdom of Wind. Orochimaru knew the power of dragon veins. He was not afraid of ten thousand, just in case. Just in case, he even communicated with Dak.

Dark is in the sea to the west of the Kingdom of Earth, Shanks is in the sea to the south of the Kingdom of Tea, and he is in the sea south of the Kingdom of Wind. In this way, there should not be any big problems.

But even so, Orochimaru was still extremely cautious. During this period of time, he and Beilihu had been studying the power of dragon veins, but the progress was not very fast.

In the last battle with Shanks, Orochimaru's brain was affected to some extent. The pressure of the world's will was somewhat unbearable for him. As a result, his brain now appears in a muddled state from time to time, and the time he can spend thinking about scientific research every day is greatly reduced. .

It is precisely because of this that Orochimaru is even more reluctant to face Shanks at this time. Who knows how that guy can stay awake under such a huge will of the world.

"Lord Orochimaru, Mr. Kakuzu of the Revolutionary Army is here."

"Kakuzu? That guy came to see me before, what is he doing now?"

Orochimaru was a little confused. It wasn't that he didn't want to see Kakuzu, but he also had his own things to do.

"I'm going to see him. I'm afraid something has changed in the new world."

Orochimaru said, and Beiruhu on the side paused and also spoke.

"I'll go too."

Beiruhu didn't wait for Orochimaru to answer, and took off his coat directly. The research had come to an end, and the direction of his Devil Fruit had not yet been found.

There is no hurry now.

"This guy..."

Orochimaru gritted his teeth. Okuru really didn't take him, the captain, seriously. However, thinking that he had become the strongest creature, Okuru must be unhappy with himself.

Orochimaru curled his lips and walked towards the port of the island.

At this time, Kakuzu, who was at the port, looked at the ships gathered at the port. There were at least fifty ships, and there were several large ships.

From this point of view, Orochimaru's fleet had at least two thousand people.

When Kakuzu was looking at others, the pirates on the surrounding pirate ships were also looking at Kakuzu. The pirates were quite curious about this man.

"The clothes on that guy, is he from the Revolutionary Army?"

"It should be. How could the Revolutionary Army come together with us pirates?"

"Humph, in this era, only the strong have the right to speak. Although the Revolutionary Army is an organization that liberates civilians, the power of the Revolutionary Army is too weak.

And our boss is a man who can be on par with Shanks."

A pirate folded his hands, with a look of admiration.

They are not qualified to follow Shanks, but Orochimaru is not bad either.

For these newcomers who have just gone to sea, Shanks is already a completely legendary existence.

They can't get in touch with Shanks at all. Being able to get in touch with the veterans of the pirate era is already a very powerful person.

Although the strength of the pirates on the sea now seems not very good, as long as the data is compared, it can be compared.

In the past, when the ninjas of the ninja village went out to perform tasks, it was usually one jonin and a few genin.

But now, the ninja village dare not be so arrogant when chasing pirates.

For big pirates like Zabuza and Dark, even if a ninja village is dispatched, it may not be able to encircle and suppress these two guys.

It's too easy to run on the sea.

And for the next level, such as Ross Jess and Kagaro Pik, the veteran-level pirates, even if the ninja village sends three or four jonins, or even elite jonins, they may not be able to catch the opponent.

This is the change of this era.

The ordinary man in the past now has the strength to fight against the jonin and elite jonin.

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