Nagato's face was gloomy. He didn't expect that it would come to this.

Chapter 163: The Overall Situation of the Ninja World

Nagato's thin body trembled slightly, and he had already clenched his fists.

He didn't hate this world. Since he was born, this world has been full of war, chaos and oppression.

Those in high positions look down on the common people from above and have never experienced the suffering of the world.

Nagato is not a brainless black. On the contrary, he can even be said to be an idealist.

He wants the world to experience pain, and he wants those who were once high and mighty to experience the suffering of the common people, but from beginning to end, this is not the purpose.

Nagato's real purpose is that after those people have experienced the suffering of the common people and know the suffering of this world, they can treat this world better.

That is the purpose, that is the purpose. The original Akatsuki organization has never been a real terrorist organization, because as long as Nagato is still there, the organization's goals always have a certain idealism.

This is the most obvious sign of idealism. There is still a certain expectation for the beauty of the world. As long as those who are high and mighty experience that kind of pain, they can empathize and treat the world well.

However, after contacting Shanks, Nagato himself also changed a little. He knew that he was being used, and he also understood more clearly that what he needed in his idealism was very unrealistic.

Both Nagato and Yahiko were too idealistic, but Shanks was completely different.

Shanks looked like an idealist, but influenced by his previous life, the basis of Shanks' idealism was indeed very realistic.

In other words, even if Shanks didn't use any brains, his position was too high and his rank was too high.

Shanks was an idealist driven by the practical school, but whether it was the practical school or the idealist school, Shanks' position was far beyond the cognition of the people in the ninja world.

This was also one of the reasons why Naruto could change so much after experiencing the underground prison in the Kingdom of Wind. He saw the influence of Shanks.

At this moment, Nagato really gave up his idealistic goal.

Improvement? Improvement shit! !

Originally thought it was just a problem with some traditional concepts in this world, but what did he see now?

What he saw was the oppression of the immortal class and ancient nobles on this world. Those people have been hiding in the dark and have never appeared in history, but they have been enjoying the wealthy life brought by the suffering of the world.

As long as that class continues to exist, the suffering of this world will not stop, and peace will not come.

Originally thought it was just a problem with the world's social system, but now you tell me that it is not a problem with the social system, but a group of people have been secretly arranging all this.

What else is there to say, I, Nagato, still want to overthrow the current social system by infiltrating various countries, now?

Since someone deserves to die, let's kill them all!

"So... so scary!!"

A Fei's sharp voice came, and he ran out in a hurry.

Obito's current A Fei is still a very unreliable person, but Nagato will naturally not be deceived by this appearance.

Even now, it seems that the biggest suspects within the organization are A Fei and Zetsu. A Fei is better, after all, he has just joined the organization not long ago.

But Zetsu's identity is too mysterious.

Nagato's eyes narrowed slightly, but now, he couldn't care less.

Compared with the overall situation of changing the world, Jue's calculations were nothing.

Today's Nagato no longer needs to focus on his own side, and his vision is completely different. Even if there are some small calculations within the organization, he can tolerate it.

Just like Itachi, he knows that Itachi is definitely not a member of the organization, but Nagato can still use Itachi, but Itachi cannot access the most internal information.

"Nagato, do you really want to do this?"

Konan is a little worried.

"Those people must die. If they don't die, this era cannot end. The new era does not need the high and mighty immortals.

Even Shanks, who is known as the strongest pirate emperor in the ninja world, has never been high and mighty."

"Shanks let the world challenge his authority. He shared the power of the strong with the world and wanted to open up a new era.

And the immortals, hidden in the dark history, firmly control the rules of this world. Therefore, Shanks is willing to gamble his life for the new era, so let the immortals also leave their lives!"

Nagato's voice was extremely cold, with a cold killing intent.

What the immortals did was too much.

You can only pay with your life.

He wants to let the ninja world know that immortals will also die. Only in this way can this era truly move towards a new era.

"Okay! Then let them die."

Konan didn't say anything. She didn't understand, but she could stand firmly beside Nagato and her friends.

She didn't understand those social systems and the so-called classes, but she knew that if doing so could make the world better, then she was willing.

Even if it means death, she is willing.

"What about Yahiko?"

"Yahiko will know what to do. If we fail, Akatsuki..."

At this point, Nagato paused.

"Yahiko will take over the important task of the revolutionary army, but now is not the time. Yahiko exists to deal with problems within the Akatsuki organization."

After hearing Nagato's arrangement, Xiaonan stopped interfering, and the world was in chaos.

At this moment, the immortals seemed to have turned into countless hands of cards, falling from the empty sky, and the authority of the era for thousands of years fell from the sky.

Scattered to the ninja world.

At this time, the ninja world has become a huge gambling table.

When power returns to the gambling table, it's time for gamblers to grab chips and put their lives on the line.

Even Kaguya, who once ruled the ninja world, can only become a gambler on this gambling table at this moment, and the dark cards in his hand are gradually turned over.

The white part is gradually revealed.

Black Zee opened his eyes and looked at the sky.

God, things have changed.

At this moment, the entire ninja world changed. He once thought that he was the one playing chess, but now, he has been pulled into the chessboard.

"Shanks...damn it, what did that man do?"

At this moment, Hei Jue truly felt his own insignificance. He only had so many chips in his hands. Now, he could only carefully hide himself under this big era.

"If we can't make a comeback, then mother..."

"Rejoice, fortunately we did not appear directly in front of that man, otherwise we might be dead now."

Obito said, although he couldn't hear Hei Zetsu's inner voice, but looking at Hei Zetsu's face, it was obvious that Hei Zetsu was unhappy.

Now, the whole world is in chaos, no, it should be said that the whole world is no longer under their control.

"Under the general trend of Shanks' kingship, all our conspiracies and tricks seem so insignificant, and it is impossible to cause any trouble in this general trend."

"The good thing about it, though, is that not many people notice us."

Obito seems to be quite relaxed. Shanks' target is not them, although the side effects will make it difficult for them to handle.

But it's better than facing Shanks directly.

"Go quickly. Nagato seems to be quite angry. Others have taken advantage of him. However, remember to leave a way out for yourself and don't be too confident."

Obito reminded that Nagato suddenly wanted to use "White Zetsu", which already showed the seriousness of the situation.

This incident must be related to Shanks, and it also disrupted his and Black Zetsu's plans, but it doesn't matter, plans can be changed at any time.

"Hmph, you'd better take care of yourself. If I'm discovered, you won't be able to run away."

"Today, we are not qualified to be seen again. Let alone you and me, even if Uchiha Madara is resurrected, what will happen?"

Obito laughed at himself.

Black Zetsu didn't talk back to Obito anymore, but just left.


Watching Hei Zetsu leaving, Obito's eyes turned cold.

This time, Black Zetsu forgot to protect Madara. As the incarnation of Madara's will, he actually made such a mistake.

“It seems that that guy Madara was also deceived.

How ridiculous, haha. "

Obito sneered. Finally, under this general trend, he finally caught some people's flaws.

In this case, he would just sit back and watch the show, and see what these people can do.

Want him to work? Wrong idea.

He Obito has nothing left and nothing he cares about. How can those people restrict him?

Obito left aside the conversation for the time being, and Kuro Kyutsu rushed to Nagato's side soon.

At this time, Hei Jue's attitude was also lowered. He was just an intelligence agent of the organization, nothing more.

"Master Chief, A Fei said you need the secret technique I mentioned before, right?"

"Take it out and tell us what happened."

Nagato is very direct. Now Nagato's health has improved a bit. Although he is still a little sick, Hei Zetsu has to be cautious when facing the current Nagato.

"Yes, Sir Chief."

Hei Jue took out the secret scroll that he had prepared.

"This is a use I discovered when I was studying devil fruits. The tissue of the sacred tree can reverse the magic into a devil fruit. But after practicing it, I found that the tissue of the sacred tree can be cultivated into white through the cultivation of special chakra. Absolutely.”

Black Zetsu began to introduce, explaining his technique in detail.

As for how he discovered this technique, it was naturally discovered when he was studying devil fruits. Anyway, he knew nothing about Nagato having the Ten-Tails.

But that's not what Nagato cares about. What Nagato cares about is only the role of White Zetsu.

It can be heard from Black Zetsu's words that White Zetsu can produce unlimited products and is absolutely loyal to the organization. It is a manufacturable item that is absolutely loyal.

With his own self-awareness and the ability to execute some orders, the most basic White Zetsu can possess the fighting power of a genin.

The fighting power of genin may not be enough in this era. I am afraid that it is about the same as ordinary pirates.

But... Bai Jue's quantity can greatly make up for the lack of strength.

"Special chakra, do you still need the chakra of the tailed beast?"

"The chakra of tailed beasts is naturally the best. After all, tailed beasts have more chakra, but you can also use the chakra of ordinary ninjas."

Hei Jue nodded, but didn't say too much.

But the best way to produce so many White Zetsu is to use the chakra of the tailed beasts.

"Does the leader need a lot of White Zetsu?"

"We need a lot in a short time, so we will produce as many as we can."

Nagato took the scroll of secret technique and said.

After hearing what Nagato said, Black Zetsu also understood that something big was going to happen, and something big was going to happen in a short time.

One hundred thousand White Zetsu, it is not easy to produce so many White Zetsu, but what is the use of these one hundred thousand White Zetsu?

Black Zetsu did not understand and did not dare to ask.

"Go down, next, you and A Fei have a new mission, and the information of the ninja world needs your timely response."

"Yes, leader."

Black Zetsu did not ask too much, nor did he dare to ask.

He had already told Nagato how to control White Zetsu.

The only thing he did not say was that he had a way to make White Zetsu completely out of control, and even Black Zetsu himself could not remove the control of this kind of out of control.

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