To be honest, Jin and his friends were also like this when they followed Cardo before, out of respect for each other.

Although they are pirates now, they are not the kind of pirates who will oppress the common people. To put it simply, they are all very classy.

They can't do such despicable things.

On Zabuza's side, Yahiko stood aside with the Great Buddha and Skanda Tian Jiusuke, looking at the distance with some curiosity.

"Is it the enemy?"

Yahiko asked.

"I don't know, but no one should attack us, and although we are pirates, we will not oppress civilians.

We just let Jin and his friends go over to negotiate and reassure the other party."

Zabuza explained, but Yahiko was still too cautious. How could anyone dare to attack them in such a place.


Looking at the situation in the distance, Yahiko didn't quite believe what Zabuza said.

"Of course it's true. It's normal that you don't understand."

Before Zabuza finished speaking, a gorgeous sword light slashed down in the distance.

Boom! ! !

The ground was split by the sword light, and smoke and dust rose.

Zabuza was stunned for a moment, but before he could react, Yahiko and the other two who had been prepared had already rushed to the distance.

At this time, Jin in the center of the battlefield was also stunned. He had no ill intentions, but the opponent suddenly attacked.

"Damn, despicable guy!"

Jin's fist became several points bigger at this moment, and the condensed muscles extended from his arms to his back, and countless blue veins emerged.

The terrifying force directly hit Eric.

This terrifying punch directly blew away the smoke and dust around, and a huge pit appeared on the ground.

Blood dripped down Jin's arm.

"Actually, I was injured!!"

Jin's face was solemn. He used iron blocks to defend himself just now, but the opponent was able to break his defense.

Although Jin was just an insignificant character, under Zabuza, even the most insignificant character had experienced extraordinary battles.

Not only did he fight with Naruto and the others, but he also encountered many pirates on the sea for a period of time afterwards, and after arriving in the Kingdom of Wind, he came into contact with many ninjas.

Jin's strength was improved step by step.

Not to mention that he had practiced on Starlight Island for a period of time before, and his current strength is definitely stronger than some ordinary jonin.

"Despicable? It should be you pirates who say despicable!"

Eric's eyes condensed slightly. Just a contact made him feel uneasy. The other party, a small cadre who came out to explore the way, was so powerful.

As for the purpose of this group of people?

A group of big men with fat faces surrounded you, and then grinned and said, are you alone? We have no ill intentions, let everyone else come out.

This is not kind at all, isn't this a naked threat?

Don't talk about stereotypes, this kind of thing is not very normal? Only Zabuza and his group saw the changes of Jin and the others with their own eyes, so they didn't feel anything wrong.

It was okay before, just didn't look like a good person, now, it doesn't look like a human at all.

As for stereotypes, that's too normal.

Let alone magic here. If you were in a certain country and happened to have dark skin, in this scenario, the other party would probably have emptied several magazines.

"I'll give you one last chance. This is not a place you can set foot on."

Eric's figure flashed, and only a few scattered petals could be seen under his feet. His figure disappeared at this moment.

Buzz! !

Jin's body turned black at this moment, and his hands were directly clasped together.

"Iron block. Immovable Bodhisattva!"

Boom! !

A huge air wave exploded from between his palms and spread towards the surroundings. This was a great control of the body's muscle strength. It looked like only one layer of air wave.

But in the moment before the iron block was used, Jin's arm muscles had vibrated dozens of times. The muscles of his arms seemed to come alive at this moment, and the solidified body was covered with tangled muscles.

That's right, it can only be described as tangled.

Jin's body has been developed to this extreme state by him. The extreme development and control of the body constantly stimulates the power contained in the muscles.

This is the greatest effort that Jin can make as an ordinary person. He squeezes his life force and constantly pushes his body to the limit.

Developing his body again and again, even if the iron block has been fully mastered, Jin is still using this trick that will hurt his body.

The black color on the body surface is not the armed color, but... compressed to the extreme flesh and blood.

Peng! !

Layers of air waves bloomed, and the overlapping air waves directly dissolved the knife light that was slashing towards Jin. The gorgeous knife light turned into petals in the air waves.

Eric's figure also appeared above Jin. The powerful air waves tore Eric's body. Under this air wave, Eric's body surface produced waves of ripples, and his whole face began to deform.

Tear! !

The knife... moved.

Under this air wave, Eric's knife moved again, and the gorgeous knife light appeared from the air wave.

"You... are not qualified to stop me!!"

The next moment, Eric's knife directly cut through the air wave, and a gorgeous knife light dozens of meters wide bloomed and pointed directly at the ground.

The ground was shattered inch by inch under the light of the knife. Under the light of the knife, a black shadow flashed past, knocking Jin out.

As the light of the sword fell, some debris appeared among the flying petals.

And Jin has already arrived at Yahiko's side.

Yahiko looked down at the ravine that extended to his feet. In the ravine, flowers bloomed, filling the cracks.

Yahiko's eyes turned to Eric in the distance.

Eric's shirt has been blown open, exposing his chest. What is worth noting is that there is also a crack in Eric's chest. In the crack, the flowers bloom and fall. As the flowers bloom and fall, a stream of life force surges. Enter Eric's body.

"It's amazing. Is this the power of Devil Fruit? It's really weird."

"Devil Fruit?"

Eric grinned and mocked, pointing the knife in his hand at Yahiko, his arrogance flowing out, and even the flowers under his feet grew a little more arrogant.

"Even without the Devil Fruit, my blade is still as sharp."

Hearing Eric's arrogant words, the Buddha beside Yahiko couldn't help it.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant!"

The giant Buddha rushed forward with his Zen staff, and he actually dared to be so arrogant to Yahiko. Did he not take the leader of their revolutionary army into consideration?

The next moment, Eric stabbed him directly.

At this moment, the Buddha had only one thought in his mind...

quick! ! too fast.

The speed, power, attack intensity, and even the direction of the attack are extremely tricky.

Only when he actually faced Eric's attack did the Buddha understand how powerful this seemingly arrogant man in front of him was.

This is no longer something that ordinary ninjas can contend with. The man in front of him, no... To be precise, he is the power of this era. He is no longer the same era more than ten years ago.

This is the power of this era.

" strong!!"

The Buddha looked at his broken lower body. He couldn't react. He couldn't react at all. The two sides were no longer on the same level.

This is helplessness, not only because Eric is strong, but also because Yahiko and others are different from the version. In the current version, everyone's strength has increased.

Not Eric alone, but the entire ninja world! !

Not to mention, Eric was the one directly at the location of the Dragon Vein's explosion, and the power he received was definitely more powerful than others.

"That's it?"

Eric's contemptuous voice came.

"It's not over yet!"

The Buddha's figure returned to normal again in mid-air, and the Zen staff in his hand hit Eric.

At the same time, Wei Tuotian's Jiuzhu's body had also recovered and he rushed directly towards Eric.

Talk about martial arts, they are ninjas! ! And he's still a wandering ninja, so he won't be embarrassed anyway.

At this time, Shanks and his party were still watching the show on the boat in the distance.

"It's really amazing. It's not the power of the Devil Fruit. But it's normal. The power of the Devil Fruit shouldn't create this kind of vitality."

"It should be some kind of power from the archipelago, right? It's similar to the Gray Stone?"

Shanks wasn't sure, but that wasn't what he cared about.

Similarly, Zabuza on the other side didn't care at all whether a fight started.


"Why is that guy's moves so gorgeous? This guy..."

Zabuza also rushed forward.

"Damn it! It's so weak and it's such a waste of money."

Shanks also complained.

The light of other people's swords is pure color, but the light of the guy's sword in the distance is actually colorful, and can even produce petals.

Are you angry? With special effects like this, how much would it cost?

Looking at myself again, not to mention the special effects, even the clothes are so simple, but when I think about it, I still forget it.

I am completely a strong party warrior, and there is no need to pursue such gorgeous tricks.

Shanks looked at his katana, well, it was as ordinary as himself.

"However, Zabuza may not be that guy's opponent, so it's better not to get into trouble."

After Shanks finished speaking, he stepped on the edge of the boat with his right foot, and then lifted his foot slightly.

The figure disappeared instantly, and even Shisui didn't see Shanks' movements clearly.

The next moment, the aftermath of the battle in the distance stopped. Only a crisp sound was heard, and then... huge flames burst out from the center of the battlefield.

The magnificent sword light and scattered petals all disappeared, and everything disappeared under the violent flames.

In front of Eric, there was a flaming samurai sword. The flames were burning. Under the firelight, Eric could only see the owner of the sword's other hand casually inserted in his trouser pocket.

She also wears a pair of very unique sandals on her feet, and the flowery pants are even more unique.

And when he saw clearly, behind the flames, the red hair blown by the wind, and the man's lion-like eyes, the contemptuous anger in Eric's heart disappeared at this moment.

"Red... red hair... Shanks!!!"

Chapter 167 A different kind of strong man [Six Thousand]

Flame, burning flame.

The scorching air came towards him, Eric's attack was directly blocked, and the sword light also dissipated into nothing.

Eric knew that his strength was not weak, and he had this self-awareness, but at this moment, he felt that he was insignificant, so weak.


"Eric, do you know the lord of the Wave Country? He's the big businessman."

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