"It seems that there really is one."

"You said, the Six Paths Sage..."

Before Shisui finished speaking, a hand reached out from outside the barrier and rested on his shoulder.

A terrifying look from behind.

"What is the Six Paths Sage?"

Chapter 170 Awakening of Natural Energy (4,000)

At the same time, in the southern waters of the Wind Country, Orochimaru's ship also stopped at an archipelago. This is the main ship of the Beast Pirates, that is, the ship belonging to Orochimaru.

A lifelike dragon head was carved on the huge bow. Orochimaru originally wanted to replace it with his own head, just like the appearance of the successive Hokage carved on the Hokage Rock.

However, a human head was placed on the bow, which was more or less disgusting.

"Kabuto, those sages still haven't appeared?"

Orochimaru sat in the middle of the deck, opened his eyes wide and asked, he seemed to have sensed some malice just now.

"No, those guys are so arrogant, they won't be so anxious to catch up."

A sneer appeared on Kabuto's face, he didn't understand what qualifications those sages had to be proud.

Sage? As a sage, he understood it very well. Facing the power of Orochimaru, how could an ordinary sage be a match?

How could a sage who had long been left behind by this era understand the power of this era?

"It's strange. I always feel that there is a sense of malice."

Orochimaru didn't understand it either. His observation Haki was not weak. In the battle with Shanks, Orochimaru did not gain nothing.

At least there was some progress in observation Haki and Conqueror Haki.

Of course, sometimes the intuition of observation Haki is just pure intuition. Zabuza didn't expect that he could be inexplicably sensed when he said bad things behind his back.

"Maybe it's the secret technique of a sage. This secret technique related to natural energy is difficult to sense."

Hiruhu on the side said that this was not the first time their fleet had come into contact with sages.

Well, in fact, they were chased and beaten by sages a few days ago.

There were too many low-level pirates in the team, and Orochimaru didn't want to cause too many casualties. He could only force the other party to retreat and run away.

With the help of this period of time, Orochimaru, Hiruko and Kabuto have almost studied the characteristics of the immortal.

Orochimaru's pirate group has nothing but a lot of talents.

Orochimaru, Hiruko and Kabuto are definitely geniuses in the ninjutsu research of the ninja world.

Kabuto may be a little worse, but ordinary people definitely can't learn a lot of knowledge like Orochimaru.

And Kabuto only spent such a short time to learn almost everything that Orochimaru knows.

In contrast, let's look at Sasuke in the official history. In Orochimaru's base, Orochimaru didn't restrict him at all.

Did he learn anything in the end? Nothing at all.

In short, this group of people in the Beast Pirates can definitely compete with the top forces of the five major ninja villages.

Konoha is fine, but compared with other ninja villages, it is absolutely overwhelming in terms of talents.

"Although we have a general idea of ​​the situation of the immortals, we are currently unable to fully analyze the immortals' secret techniques."

"And there is a dragon vein in this place, so the energy will be stronger, which makes it more difficult to sense."

Kabuto added that it was for this reason that he did not find anything abnormal.

The power of the Sage Mode is called Immortal Chakra, but in fact, the nature of that thing is completely different from chakra.

The name Immortal Chakra probably appeared after the Six Paths Sage.

After all, it is the era of ninjas.

"It doesn't matter if you can't sense it. Since the other party can sense us, just wait here.

With the arrogance of those guys, they will come to find us."

Orochimaru said in a deep voice. He also looked down on those immortals, but he had to say that they were immortals after all, so they still had some means.

Although the immortals who retired and became history did not have much involvement in the ninja world, they were also able to use more time to study immortal techniques, immortal magic, and secret techniques, etc.

In short, those guys did develop a lot of weird secret techniques, which were also very troublesome to deal with.

Moreover, there are things similar to blood limit among the immortals, which are special talents and are also worth noting.

"However, can we deal with five immortals?"

Obiru said with some concern. Five people, five pirate groups, the number of people is already not small.

"I don't care, you two should be careful and don't die."

Orochimaru is full of confidence. In this world, he has never been afraid of anyone except Shanks.

Only after truly experiencing that kind of absolute power can you understand how weak the so-called immortals are.

"Huh? Orochimaru, do you think we can't survive under the hands of those immortals? Do you look down on us?"

Obiru was very unhappy and dissatisfied.

I didn't expect Orochimaru to look down on them so much.

"It's not that I look down on you, but those guys are very strong, for you."

Orochimaru frowned. He had contact with those immortals and knew that those immortals were definitely not that simple.

Of course, there is no way to compare with himself, but Obiru's current strength is too weak, and Kabuto, a new immortal, is also very weak.

It’s not that those people are strong enough, but also that Kabuto and Hiruho ​​are too weak.

"Those few people have strong combat experience, not like those who have never experienced combat, and their style of action is extremely cautious, without the slightest carelessness or slackness in the battle."

It is true that he disrespects the immortals, but Orochimaru recognizes the strength of those people. With such strength and such combat awareness, it is normal for them to be able to suppress the ninja world at that time.

Fortunately, Shanks acted quickly enough, and by the time the immortals reacted, the situation was almost settled.

As for the situation of the immortals, it is certainly not that simple.

The combat effectiveness of the immortals two hundred years ago was probably not so strong, equivalent to a group of trash who only had strength but could not use it.

As a result, there was an outlier like Fukuda Qingmeng among the immortals, who directly gave all the immortals military training.

As a result, the combat effectiveness of the immortals was forcibly raised.

Although it was not raised very high, the current immortals are definitely qualified fighters.

"Is that so? However, I should have no problem, as long as I can hold the opponent back."

Kabuto believed in Orochimaru's words, but the immortal mode of Ryuchi Cave still had strong survivability, so it was not that dangerous.

It's okay to die once or twice.

"Hiroshi, you should know my strength. Although the power you control is not weak, you have too little combat experience.

So, don't take it lightly."

Orochimaru warned again. Hiiroshi, who was standing by, remembered the situation between Orochimaru, Jiraiya and Tsunade, and could only nod with gritted teeth.

"Got it!"

Orochimaru was telling the truth. He was indeed seriously lacking in combat experience.

From this point of view, among the three people, only Orochimaru was qualified, and even excellent.

As for Kabuto and Hiiroshi, the data panel looked good, but the actual combat power was not high.

This is a fact. In the original history, Kabuto's panel was very strong, but he didn't show much strength.

The same is true for Hiiroshi. The data panel was terribly high, but he was still crushed by Naruto.

"But the one who should be most worried is you, Orochimaru. This is the dragon vein. Don't forget how you dealt with Shanks.

If those sages use the same method to deal with you, you may not be able to handle it."

With the study of the sage mode and the reverse sage mode, Orochimaru and the other two also understood why the sages were so anxious to come out.

In short, the revival of the dragon vein will actually greatly improve the natural energy of the entire world.

This is also a kind of improvement for the sages, which can greatly widen the gap in strength between sages and ninjas.

Compared to the physical improvement of ordinary people, sages can use natural energy to directly improve twice.

From this perspective, the new era is the era of awakening of natural energy, and the biggest beneficiaries of this era are undoubtedly sages.

Well, at least on the surface.

It is for this reason that some people on the sage side feel that Shanks is a bit outrageous, and even directly help Shanks to find out the genealogy of the Uzumaki clan.

After all, Shanks is not a sage, but what? There is an ancient noble identity there, so isn't that also on their side?

To be honest, for the immortals, giving Shanks the identity of an ancient noble is actually an acknowledgement of Shanks' identity.

Otherwise, you are a country of whirlpools, a ninja country, and a country that has been destroyed. What kind of ancient noble identity can I arrange for you? Are you worthy?

But it's different when the immortals speak.

The inheritance of immortals is called since ancient times.

This is just like the forged letter of authorization given by the Aburame clan. The letter of authorization is real, the seal of the daimyo is real, and I wrote it, so it's real.

The immortals' recognition of Shanks' ancient noble is also the same. If the immortals recognize it, it is equivalent to being recognized by the world government.

As for giving Shanks the identity of an immortal? Forget it. It's a bit too much to say black is white.

And the immortals don't know which camp Shanks belongs to, or whether he is a psychopath like Fukuda Qingmeng.

So the identities arranged for Shanks are enough.

More importantly, the identity that Shanks has represents the recognition of the ancient noble identity of the Uzumaki clan.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

The benefits of the immortals are too high.

And for the ninjas, there are also huge benefits.

For the civilians, it is even more so.

This is the case that the immortal class is compared per capita, and the civilian class is compared in total.

You said Shanks is for the civilians, just pull out the average benefit and see, isn't this a person of the ancient aristocracy?

You said this guy is from the ancient aristocracy, pull out the total benefit and see, this guy is completely preparing to overthrow the old system with the civilians.

And back to the present, the immortals no longer care about Shanks's team, but are more concerned about their own interests.

The power of the dragon vein!

"Hehe, the power of the dragon vein is not so easy to bear. People who cannot possess the domineering color domineering will definitely not be able to bear the power of the dragon vein."

Orochimaru said sarcastically. He used this power and knew that the world will on this thing was outrageous.

Those immortals do not have this strength.

"Not everyone is qualified to access the will of the world. If your strength has not reached a certain level, and you don't even have the strength to attract the attention of the will of the world, how can you use the power of the dragon veins?"

"And the easiest way to use the dragon veins is to use the Conqueror's Haki to attract the attention of the will of the world.

But the Reverse Sage Mode itself does not have the ability to control this power, so it can only be contained by the body."

"In this world, only I can use this trick."

Orochimaru spoke very arrogantly. He has the qualifications.

But even if he has this qualification, he dare not use it indiscriminately, because he will die if he uses it too much.

This trick is used to deal with Shanks, or to be more precise, to hold Shanks back when necessary.

Everyone is getting stronger, and Shanks will definitely surpass this era again.

So, it was indeed Orochimaru's last chance at the beginning, and he looked too far ahead.

Even if his strength is not as good as Shanks, at this moment, Orochimaru is already very close to Shanks and sees the direction of Shanks's road.

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