So in this comparison, Orochimaru's offensiveness is not so outrageous compared to his survivability and defense.

"Fortunately, we have been prepared for it."

Orochimaru looked at the battle below. At this time, Hiruko and Kabuto were still able to deal with it. It would be beneficial for them to drag it out.

Twenty minutes, not long or short, is almost enough.

"Sure enough, the shortcomings are still obvious. This kind of attack is so powerful that it is incomparable to Shanks."

Orochimaru opened his mouth, and all the clouds around his body were sucked in. Then, his cheeks bulged and lightning flashed in his mouth.


Opening his mouth again, lightning and lightning blasted towards the two people along with the sucked clouds.

One of them opened his arms, and a huge vacuum zone appeared. Barriers appeared in the entire area, and the layers of barriers blocked Orochimaru's attack.

But the next moment, Orochimaru had rushed in front of the two people, and his sharp claws fell from the sky, bringing thunder and fire.


The barriers were broken in an instant without being blocked, and the two people behind the barriers had already dodged to the side.

The lightning and fire on Orochimaru's claws gave them a thrilling feeling, because it was completely a terrifying form formed by the natural energy.

"Damn it! Find a way to escape quickly."

"No, if we don't fight hard, we will all die here."

Both of them were extremely embarrassed, but they didn't fight hard.

Orochimaru had a backup plan, and they also had a backup plan. If they used it at this time, they would be unlucky.

There is no such thing as winning the resurrection match for the immortals. If they die, they are really dead.

"Then let's all die here."

Orochimaru's voice came, and the terrifying pressure followed one after another. The faces of the two people were very ugly. If they continued to entangle like this, they would really die.

On the sea, the other two immortals had already gone all out.

Their idea was very simple, that is, to leave quickly before Orochimaru arrived.

They were too familiar with this feeling, this feeling of death.

Even if Orochimaru and the others didn't say it, the immortals understood that they were not brain-dead. On the contrary, they had a lot of experience.

Although they had not really experienced being hunted by Fukuda Kiyomune, they had all had a profound experience using various methods.

That was the feeling of death, the feeling of stepping into death step by step.

But they wanted to run, but Hiruko and Kabuto didn't agree.

Kabuto inherited the immortal mode of Ryuchidong. He had no other skills, but many survival skills.

And Hiruko, using several "researched" bloodline limits on his body, could barely hold his opponent back.

However, at the bottom of the sea that everyone ignored.

There was still a person.

At this time, Kiyosu Iemitsu's body had been split into two halves and was cut directly in the middle.

However, his flesh and blood were still moving, and this flesh and blood had turned into lightning, and the last remaining strength was still struggling.

Kiyosu Iemitsu avoided his head at the last moment, otherwise he would have been dead at this time.

Although the current state is similar to waiting to die, there is still a chance.

That secret technique can make some elements appear in Kiyosu Iemitsu's body. As long as the lightning in his body does not disappear at this time, it means that Kiyosu Iemitsu's life has not stopped.

"Ten minutes!! The last ten minutes..."

"Can't die, absolutely can't die!"

Kiyosu Iemitsu's eyes were full of blood, his face was extremely crazy, and the blue veins on his twisted face emerged.



The lightning on the separated body touched one piece under the influence of the sea current.

Then, the palms on the two halves of the body moved.

Although they were dozens of meters away, as the seals of the two palms appeared, the madness on Kiyosu Iemitsu's face dissipated.

"Seven minutes!!"

"Whether you can survive depends on this last moment."

Kiyosu Iemitsu slowly closed his eyes.

In the depths of the trench hundreds of meters away, as Kiyosu Iemitsu's seal was formed, a ball of chakra surged up from the trench.

It wrapped Kiyosu Iemitsu's body.

The chakra of the dragon vein was pried by him.

Normal immortals cannot use dragon vein chakra, and Kiyosu Iemitsu does not use it like Orochimaru. What he needs is not chakra.

But the world will attached to the dragon vein chakra...

"Finally, take me and go one step further!"

"Magic power evolution!"

Chapter 173 Immortals as high as the sky

Magic power evolution, this is Kiyosu Iemitsu's last chance.

He is not weak, he is the strongest immortal among the five people.

However, no one expected that such a powerful person as Orochimaru would be so despicable.

It's not that Orochimaru has not revealed the ability of the fruit, but this guy has been beaten before, retreating while being beaten.

From the beginning, Orochimaru was testing this group of immortals. The immortals are indeed cautious and will not act easily.

But at the same time, this group of people is also proud. After forcing Orochimaru to retreat all the time, this group of people has almost determined the ability of Orochimaru.

The general situation is that Orochimaru is indeed very powerful, and his strong body can block their attacks. It may not be so easy to take down Orochimaru.

And Orochimaru's weakness is that his offensiveness is too weak. He basically has no offensive ability and can only passively take a beating.

This can also explain why Orochimaru can fight back and forth with Shanks, because this guy passively took a beating throughout the whole process, just dragging him hard.

In fact, Kiyosu Iemitsu's analysis is really correct. Orochimaru was passively beaten and dragged him hard.

But the person he dragged was Shanks, a man who could even cross the will of the world with one sword.

Similarly, Orochimaru's offensiveness is also weak, but that is also compared to Shanks. Orochimaru cannot concentrate all his strength and exert his body's strength to more than 100%.

However, after being chopped by Shanks for so long, Orochimaru learned that although there are tricks, Orochimaru can indeed use "tricks" to achieve the state of Shanks.

So Kiyosu Iemitsu was hit.

Orochimaru didn't even transform into a dragon body, and he chopped directly with a sword. Before the sword was chopped out, there was no leakage of power and no danger foreseen.

It looks like an ordinary sword.

It can only be said that Orochimaru's meanness is shameful, however, this is really what Orochimaru does. Even when facing an opponent weaker than himself, he doesn't mind using such despicable means.

Besides, I am Orochimaru, not Shanks, why should I be treated like Shanks? After all, I am also a sage, and I came to besiege me. You say it's despicable? Aren't you more despicable?

Everyone is the same, the boss doesn't say the second one, in the ninja world, who will talk about this kind of morality except Shanks.

In this regard, Kiyosu Iemitsu can only admit that he is unlucky. At this moment, although he has entered the end of his life, he still calms down.

"Take the last step, become a top sage, and find a magical method that can transcend death."

This is Kiyosu Iemitsu's solution. He has the opportunity to take this last step.

Just like Jiraiya at the beginning, the difference is that Jiraiya faced Shanks and was forced to the realm of a magical sage by Shanks.

"The great era of pirates, this is a change in the will of the world. If you want to take this step, you can only use the will of the world."

The power of the dragon vein passed through Kiyosu Iemitsu's body without leaving any trace.

But the layers of world will attached to the dragon vein are constantly affecting Kiyosu Iemitsu.

The revival of the dragon vein is the awakening of the world's will and the process of the world's growth.

The immortals are the biggest beneficiaries, this is beyond doubt.

These immortals are different from the immortals who have cultivated like Jiraiya and Kabuto. They are born immortals and have the characteristics of immortals since birth.

And the immortal chakra is the combination of natural energy, physical energy and spiritual energy, which is even more easy to understand.

For the immortals, they can keenly perceive the changes in natural energy.

It's like a person has been drinking iced black tea since birth. One day, the iced black tea is mixed with horse urine. Even if there is only a little bit, it can be detected in an instant that something is wrong.

Although the metaphor is a bit problematic, the immortals are so sensitive to natural energy.

And when the natural energy changes, the dragon veins begin to revive, and the immortals perceive the changes in their power.

Then the next step is simple.

The inheritance of the immortals is longer than that of the Ninja Clan. Before the Six Paths Sage, the immortals in the Ninja World had no restrictions and there were great conflicts between them.

But the inheritance of the immortals still exists.

Not to mention that after the Six Paths Sage, the immortals retreated behind the history of the Ninja World, and there was no conflict between them. At this time, a more systematic inheritance was formed.

The simplest one is the place that Jiraiya saw in the Fire City, which is one of the places where the immortals inherited.

After the dragon veins revived, the immortals soon found a way to become stronger quickly.

And there was Orochimaru, a precedent, who helped them try it.

That is, even if they came into contact with the world will, they would not die.

At this time, the importance of the dragon veins was highlighted.

As long as they can find the dragon veins, they can use the flushing of the world will in the dragon veins to let the natural energy in their bodies slowly come into contact with the world will, and with the rise of the world will, push their own power to a stronger level.

The immortals themselves have the ability to become stronger, but this does not mean that they cannot take this tricky way to become stronger.

Just like seagulls can fly with the help of the sea breeze.

The world will in the dragon vein is this gust of wind. As long as they catch this gust of wind, they can fly.

They can even use this gust of wind to make their strength reach the limit of this world. How high the sky is, how strong they are.

Becoming a pirate is also the influence of a school among the immortals.

That is the research on the "Red Hair" school.

The immortals of the "Red Hair" school believe that Shanks has opened up the great pirate era, and the world will will inevitably pay attention to the pirate group.

And from the perspective of the influence of pirates on the world, there is no problem. The speed at which pirates become stronger is too fast, and some even make the ninja world unable to react.

So they also become pirates, so can't they also enjoy the bonus of the world will?

Of course, this is just theoretical knowledge, but it doesn't cost money to try it. As for dignity and pride?

When you are chased by the madman Fukuda Kiyomune because of your lack of strength, you will know that strength is the cornerstone of everything.

In addition to the theory of the "Red Hair" school, there is another school - the "Reverse Immortal" school.

The research of the immortals can be said to be outrageous. They started their research with only a few materials at hand.

The "Reverse Immortal" school mainly focuses on the research of Conqueror's Haki. The main theory of this school is the relative balance theory.

The existence of the "Reverse Immortal" will be suppressed by the world's will, because this thing is not accommodated by the world, so under the Conqueror's Haki, the world's will will be taken down by the "Reverse Immortal".

At the same time, the sinking vacant part will be quickly filled.

That is, the world's will in this area will become stronger.

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