The Snow Country was ruined by his brother's mess, which was outrageous.

Although this kind of wasteful behavior is normal in the eyes of the nobles.

But don't you look at the situation of the Snow Country? Can the "nobles" of the Snow Country be considered nobles? It's nothing.

Anyway, the current Snow Country is almost rotten, and Fenghua Nutao has no expectations. It's enough for the Snow Country to be well in his hands.

Although he was not good to his brother, he directly chopped his brother and did not let go of some of his brother's retainers.

But even in the original plot, you really can't say that Fenghua Nutao deserves to die.

Fenghua Xiaoxue wanted to kill Fenghua Nutao so many times, but Fenghua Nutao didn't kill Xiaoxue.

Naruto was locked up, but he was just locked up.

In such a big Snow Country, Fenghua Nutao has only three people under his command.

It's worse than Cardo.

This guy really saved the finances of the entire Snow Country to the extreme. Although he didn't have the brain to make money, he was cruel enough to himself.

Just squeeze money out of his teeth.

In the whole plot of "Snow Country", have you seen how bad Fenghua Nutao is? I don't think so.

And look at San Taifu, as a retainer, he has always wanted to restore Fenghua Xiaoxue's country, and then he will control the overall situation of Snow Country.

Such a person is a traitor at certain times.

In this way, Fenghua Nutao has no problem killing all the retainers around his brother. What else is that group of people but trash? In that position, they just want to persecute the civilians of Snow Country.

And now? Under this situation, Fenghua Nutao can only barely maintain the status quo of Snow Country.

"Sea Country?"

"Why did Mishima Gekko go to sit behind Water Country?"

Cardo looked at the home position. There were several empty seats behind the Water Country position. One of them looked timid and fat. He was fidgeting, and a trace of fear flashed across his face from time to time.

He looked like a cowardly noble.

"The Sea Country is protected by Shanks anyway, but I'm also curious. Even if they value it, it shouldn't be like this, right?"

Fenghua Nutao was a little confused. Shanks's position was not consistent with the World Government.

This matter should be brought up later.


As time reached noon, a young man in a blue and white robe walked out in the center of the huge conference hall.

Yidai Qingwu, the immortal that Jiraiya had seen in the Fire City before.

With the young man, there were four other immortals, representing the other four major countries.

However, the Fire Country was the strongest among the five major countries, so it was naturally Yidai Qingwu who presided over this meeting. As for the content of the meeting, it was obviously discussed.

Otherwise, the faces of others would not be so bad.

Seeing that the entire venue gradually quieted down, Yidai Qingwu showed a gentle smile on his face.

Everyone's eyes were focused on him. Some people looked eager, while others were a little confused and didn't know his identity.

Many people also looked at him expectantly...

No matter what these people's moods were, the only purpose of their coming here was to wait for the final verdict.

"More than a year ago, a man appeared in the Ninja World. With the appearance of that man, the Ninja World, which had been peaceful, fell into chaos again.

This time the chaos was more serious than before."

"From civilians to nobles, from samurai to ninjas...

The pirates will not let anyone go. In this chaotic era, civilians cannot protect their families, and even nobles are in great danger of life."

"In the united Ninja Village, there are ninjas who directly defected and chose to leave the Ninja Village and become pirates.

The samurai who adhered to their own samurai way also chose to put down their dignity and become those despicable pirates."

"Not long ago, the huge explosion in the Wind Country almost destroyed the Wind Country. Tens of thousands of civilians died in the explosion, and their bodies were gone."

Hearing this, everyone felt a chill in their hearts, and a creepy feeling crept into their hearts.

Many people knew what happened in the Wind Country, but they didn't expect it to be so serious. Just an explosion killed tens of thousands of civilians? ?

"Damn pirates!!"

"Those pirates deserve to die, sink them all into the sea."

"Kill them!!"

The civilians at the outermost edge of the meeting hall began to get excited.

They were really disturbed by the pirates.

Now in their view, the pirates are even more unforgivable.

As for the casualties of the Wind Country, don't be funny, just in that broken place of the Wind Country, how many tens of thousands of civilians died?

But it doesn't matter, this kind of thing can be made up by the first generation.

Seeing the civilians so excited, the Daimyo of the Wind Country slammed the table directly.

"My Wind Country and pirates are irreconcilable. As the Daimyo of the Wind Country, I failed to protect the civilians of the Wind Country. The responsibility lies with me."

"But I promise everyone that in the future, I will definitely hang Dark's head in the Wind Country, and Orochimaru will definitely die in the hands of my Wind Country's navy."


Seeing that the Daimyo on the side was still about to say something, the minister quickly pulled the Daimyo down.

No matter how foul-mouthed the first two are, it's okay, but the latter one is unnecessary.

"Daimyo, Shanks can't say...can't say..."

The Daimyo of Wind Country, who was pulled back to his position, finally reacted and scratched his head awkwardly.

Sorry, I said it casually and pretended too much.


"The Daimyo of Wind Country said it well!!"

"I believe in the navy of Wind Country."

"The navy of Wind Country will definitely defeat the pirates."


Hearing the words of the Daimyo of Wind Country, everyone stood up to support him. A big country should have such a responsibility.

And you know what, this kind of pretending is really good.

"The countries invaded by pirates are not only big countries, but also small countries that are most seriously hurt, because in the eyes of those pirates, there is no order. Pirates are the most vicious criminals in the world.

So under the common consciousness of various countries, after such a long time, we have also broken through the many obstacles of pirates, and finally we can successfully hold the meeting on this day."

"World Government Establishment Meeting!"

As the words of the first generation of Qingwu echoed throughout the audience, the expectations in the depths of everyone's eyes finally turned into a flash of hope.

The World Government was finally established! !

Although the pirates had been obstructing secretly, the World Government was still established under such circumstances.

As for those who knew the inside story, they also sneered at it. The obstruction of the pirates? What obstruction? The pirates did not make any move at all.

Isn't it a conflict of interests between the big countries?

But the civilians don't know, and some small countries don't know.

Small countries are not qualified to communicate with the five major countries.

"The establishment of the World Government is a just organization established to deal with pirates. The existence of the navy is also to maintain world justice.

Led by the five major countries, all the armies of the five major countries have only one name from now on, that is, the navy."

"The establishment of the navy is not for a certain country, nor for a certain person, but for the peace of the whole world.

This peace requires the efforts of everyone. Anyone who passes the basic screening can join the navy and become a force to maintain world peace and a force to resist pirates."

The words of the first generation of Qingwu are for the civilians to hear, of course, also for some ambitious people to hear.

The establishment of the navy is to deal with pirates, and they can also do what they say.

As long as you have the ability, you can get better treatment in the navy.

No matter who you are, there is no national distinction in the navy.

There is only a difference between the world government and pirates.

"Navy!! A force formed to deal with pirates.

Finally, the end of pirates is coming."

"Hahaha, as long as I can become a navy, I can also have the rights and money I want. With such a choice, who would become a pirate?"

"Those idiots, this so-called new era has just arrived, and they have become pirates. Now is the real new era."

"The world government is established. As long as you have the strength, you can become a navy general. Then you can have whatever you want?"

"In order to maintain world peace and to fight against pirate organizations, there is no national navy?"


People outside the meeting also heard the voice, whether it was for the "justice" in their hearts, or the "hatred" of pirates, or for their own "ambitions".

Becoming a navy adds another option to their choices.

And the establishment of the navy also gave all countries a reassurance.

Navy, since there is no distinction between countries, there is no need to worry whether the navy will only protect the interests of the five major countries.

Of course, of course not.

The navy is still very fair, everything depends on strength.

However, the strength of our five major countries is strong, and when the navy is full of people from the five major countries, you have nothing to say.

But even so, the establishment of the navy is still of great benefit to maintaining the stability of small countries.

"In addition, the establishment of the navy is to deal with pirates.

Starting today, the world government will issue a bounty to all pirates. Anyone who kills or captures pirates can exchange the bounty at naval bases in various places."

"Those who choose to become pirates are fighting against the world government and against the justice of this world."

"To express the determination of the establishment of the world government.

I am here to issue the first bounty order for pirates!"

"The world's greatest pirate, the New World Four Emperors, Red Hair Shanks.

A bounty of 4 billion!!"

The voice of the first generation of Qingwu echoed inside and outside the Ya conference hall. As the huge bounty of "4 billion" came out, the entire conference hall and the crowd outside all stopped.

4 billion! !

A full 4 billion taels.

Such a terrifying bounty made many people feel a little dry-mouthed.

The establishment of the World Government directly doubled the bounty on Shanks. Is that man so terrifying?

Even when Cardo heard the amount, his calm face trembled slightly, and his eyes began to become a little scared under his black glasses.

"Four billion!!"

"Does the World Government really have so much money? That's four billion."


Not to mention Cardo, Fenghua Nutao on the side also trembled uncontrollably when he heard the number.

This kind of impact was really terrifying for him, the ruler of the Snow Country.

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