This power will be fed back to all the people in the World Government, just like the pirates became stronger at an outrageous speed after the advent of the new era.

The difference is that the sages used some technical means, unlike Shanks, who relied on his own strength to forcibly change the world's will into his own shape.

However, the power of the sages is not enough, and this technical means must also pay a corresponding price.

That is, there needs to be sages to serve as pillars.

Almost belongs to the world's will Jinchūriki.

And this position is still very dangerous. As the power continues to increase, in the end, if you can't transcend before the power is stable, you will never be able to transcend.

The lighter consequence is that you will be locked up with the World Government for a lifetime, or locked up with a certain country.

In a more serious situation, the personal will is completely wiped out, and a new will will be regenerated, and then become a tool to protect the World Government.

The nature of the World Government has also been explained from the beginning. In fact, the entire World Government ultimately protects the interests of the world's nobles.

In this way, at the beginning, the sages almost became the personal bodyguards of the world's nobles.

Of course, it is not the case now, and not all immortals have become "bridges", so the status of immortals is still the most noble world nobles.

It can only be said that the things that the current world government plays with are actually the leftovers of the three holy places.

Do you really think that Orochimaru has become so strong because of his personal efforts?

Forget it.

Ryuchi Cave also has its own foundation.

Orochimaru really emptied the foundation of Ryuchi Cave, and finally he was able to successfully use the dragon veins to form a devil fruit in that deadly situation.

Although Ryuchi Cave does not have a real dragon transformation technique, it has imperfections, which is enough for Orochimaru to use.

And the moment Shanks appeared, the reaction of the three holy places had already attracted the attention of the world's will.

The power of the three holy places has been constantly increasing.

To put it bluntly, this thing is actually similar to the so-called "national destiny".

As a person from Ryuchi Cave, Orochimaru naturally also enjoyed this "bonus", and Orochimaru's talent, don't you say it is not strong?

Not strong is compared with other monsters in the ninja world.

Compared with the group of immortals in Ryuchi Cave, Orochimaru's talent can even surpass the White Snake Immortal by several streets.

The White Snake Immortal relies on the foundation. She was born stronger than Orochimaru and has a more solid foundation than Orochimaru.

As a result, she has been surpassed by Orochimaru now.

As for the situation in Myoboku Mountain, it is the same.

That is Jiraiya. Jiraiya's process of becoming stronger is smoother than Orochimaru, and there is no danger.

This is about Jiraiya's outrageous place. Not only did he perfectly inherit the inheritance of Myoboku Mountain, but his affinity with Shanks was also outrageous.

When Jiraiya "suddenly realized" at the beginning, the three immortals thought that Jiraiya was enlightened because of the increase in the power of Myoboku Mountain. In fact, Jiraiya's situation was more complicated than they thought.

Under normal circumstances, Jiraiya should have been able to use the inheritance of Myoboku Mountain to invite the spiritual power of the Six Paths Immortal to form the Six Paths Immortal's clone.

After all, he is the strongest sage in the world. Such a strong man is Jiraiya's training opponent when he is enlightened. At that moment, it shows that Jiraiya has the qualifications to step into the top sage.

And Jiraiya did invite the spiritual power of the Six Paths Sage to appear.

What happened? This guy didn't understand what was going on at all.

So Jiraiya, who was originally a contestant, regarded himself as a referee and directly invited Shanks again.

The moment Shanks' spiritual power was pulled over, he directly smashed the clone of the Six Paths Sage on the spot.

Then Jiraiya, the "referee", realized his identity as a contestant, and his opponent became Shanks.

After being tortured to death by Shanks, Jiraiya relied on his luck and finally exhausted this big devil-like opponent to death.

"Shanks is also qualified to establish a holy land, but I really don't know who can inherit his legacy.

The inheritance of the anti-sage is not that simple."

"Anyway, Orochimaru has failed."

The White Snake Sage thought of Orochimaru. Why didn't he follow the inheritance of Ryuchi Cave and become an anti-sage? Is that something Orochimaru can do?

"It is precisely because it is too difficult that Shanks will open a new era.

His inheritance may be different from what we think. Shanks seems to regard all pirates as his inheritors."

The Slug Sage still spoke in a daze, and her words were not wrong.

In fact, Shanks's approach is worth thinking about for all of them.

Because Shanks does not reject the pirates becoming stronger, and has even been encouraging the pirates to become stronger, preferably to be strong enough to replace him.

This approach is only the same as the approach of the three holy places to cultivate inheritors in the general direction.

In terms of specific methods, Shanks is a free-range approach, while the three holy places will make some targeted training.

"Shanks is really dangerous. This kind of reckless guy is always the most unstable."

"I don't know how good Jiraiya is now. He should have absorbed a lot of the power of the Six Paths Sage, right?"

The White Snake Sage looked at the Toad Sage. Although Jiraiya's epiphany was his own way, he should have absorbed some of the knowledge and inheritance of the Six Paths Sage.

The so-called inheritance is just like this, a way to cultivate stronger people.

And the Six Paths Sage?

That is a real hexagonal warrior without any weaknesses.

The Six Paths Sage is so powerful that it can be said to be unprecedented. The White Snake Sage is somewhat impressed by Myoboku Mountain.

The biggest inheritance of Myoboku Mountain is not the inheritance of power, but the inheritance of power of the holy land.

Each of the three holy lands has its own characteristics.

The biggest feature of Myoboku Mountain is that it is easy to produce good teachers.

Whether it was the Six Paths Sage or Jiraiya, they all perfectly inherited the inheritance of Myoboku Mountain.

The Six Paths Sage wanted to educate the ninja world.

Although Jiraiya now does not have such great courage, he is also a very powerful teacher.

This is the biggest inheritance of Myoboku Mountain and a unique power of the holy land.

As for Ryuchi Cave, the real inheritance is not the inheritance of power, but the exploration of "heretical power".

To put it simply, the inheritance of Ryuchi Cave is to make you qualified to explore other powers, so Ryuchi Cave is actually the most messy.

It's hard to say about the Wet Bone Forest. Anyway, the power of the Wet Bone Forest is definitely related to vitality and life span. It is relatively simple and very powerful.


"Although I don't know what's going on with Jiraiya, he doesn't seem to show some of the characteristics of the Six Paths Sage now."

Slug Sage said.

She also has a clone next to Jiraiya, which is used to pass on some information.

In her opinion, Jiraiya did take the last step, but it seems that he took the wrong direction.

She didn't feel the breath of the Six Paths Sage from Jiraiya.

"Is that so?"

"But our two holy places already have true successors, and it's almost time for you, Slug Sage."

"Yeah, okay~"

Slug Sage was stunned. He had clearly agreed to this, but he always felt that this guy would not do anything.

In fact, the holy land characteristics of the Wet Bone Forest have nothing to do with vitality, but another unique talent - opening!

It can be seen from the Slug Sage, but he did not think about this aspect, but thought that this was purely a personality problem.

Well, although it is also a personality problem, this is the inheritance characteristic of the Wet Bone Forest.

You don't have to do anything, you can do everything well.

So now the Slug Sage saw Tsunade opening at the World Government Conference, and he was more and more satisfied.

As expected of the successor of my Wet Bone Forest, little Tsunade is really suitable for my Wet Bone Forest!

Thinking of this, the Slug Sage turned over happily and continued to observe the World Government meeting.

At this time, the meeting room became lively again.

That is about the establishment of a navy, increasing military spending, and increasing taxes. When they heard that taxes were to be increased, almost everyone was furious.

This is not about money, this is about life! !

"I object!!"

Chapter 179 Courage

When they heard that they needed to pay taxes to the World Government, and the tax rate was extremely outrageous, exceeding 60% of the national income.

The moment they heard the news, some people couldn't sit still.

Especially for those small countries, this is equivalent to directly handing over their own countries. The ambitions of the five major countries are no longer hidden, but directly exposed.

60% of the income is all handed over, what's the point? From this point of view, the World Government is the major shareholder with 60% of the shares.

And the autonomy of the country will be completely lost at this time.

Although small countries will not talk about national autonomy, as traditional countries, these people still care about their positions.

Not all high-level officials in all countries are the kind who will exploit civilians. Some countries are so outrageous that they let civilians go directly without any management system at all.

Therefore, it is difficult to implement a unified implementation plan under the chaotic system of the ninja world.

"Are you opposed?"

"Of course, our world government also supports everyone's approach, and I can guarantee that the world government is absolutely a government that upholds fairness and justice.

We will not force countries that do not want to join the world government, and similarly, the world government will not do anything for your country."

The first generation of Qingwu standing in the center of the conference hall is easy to talk to, and still looks gentle.

"However, I hope everyone can understand that the responsibility of the world government is to protect the peace of the country, so if your country is invaded by pirates and the revolutionary army, our world government will also take action."

The first generation of Qingwu looked at the people in the conference hall, and a mighty aura burst out from his body. Under the originally gentle figure, a violent breath appeared, and he directly entered the immortal mode.

The blue flame appeared next to the first generation of Qingwu.

At the moment of seeing this flame, everyone in the audience felt a sense of fear.

And other immortals also stood up at this time, and huge natural energy gathered in the conference hall. Under this terrifying power, everyone actually felt a sense of fear.

This is the instinct of living things, the instinctive perception of danger. At this moment, it has become a naked threat.

The world nobles cannot give up their superior status, and the immortals are even more so.

For the immortals, they have contributed the most to the establishment of the world government.

Immortals and ordinary people are not at the same level, nor do they belong to the same category.

In the past, immortals would not even take ninjas seriously. Now with the advent of the new era, ninjas also have a very high status.

But immortals are still at the top.

Their status is beyond doubt.

These people have their own arrogance. For ordinary people, killing is killing. They don’t care how many people die. Even the death of world nobles is not important.

The death of world nobles is just about the face of immortals.

For immortals, these people are just tools, not even tools.

It is true that immortals cannot be said to be all trash, but this group of people are definitely not good people, and they can’t even be called people.

Just look at Yamano Shizhi and Kiyosu Iemitsu, who were almost beaten to death by Orochimaru, and you will know that these people have seriously left the crowd of the ninja world.

Thousands of years of cultivation have allowed them to live carefree, and their lofty status has made them lose their thoughts on their identity.

In other words, for the immortals, they are born extremely noble.

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