There are no immortals or ninjas in the Sea Country.

He, as a noble, is actually just a name.

To those immortals, they are nothing.

Mishima Tsukiko has great ambitions. In the past, he set his sights on the Water Country, but now he has only set his sights on the highest level of this world.


"The so-called peace and justice of the World Government is ridiculous. They even want to give Shanks the status of a world noble."

"This practice is even more pathetic than pirates."

The sarcasm on Mishima Tsukiko's face is really unconditional. The pirates can still attack Shanks openly.

And the World Government? They also want to give Shanks the title of a world noble. In this way, ordinary people cannot directly attack Shanks, at least they cannot kill him.

In Mishima Tsukiko's view, this kind of maintenance of one's own class can no longer be summarized by the word shameless.

The so-called justice and peace, the ultimate beneficiaries are still the world nobles, or those high and mighty immortals.

"The people who write history will never appear in the historical documents. The immortals have been forced out by Lord Shanks.

No matter how hard they try, they can't break free from this new era."

Fu Qing's words can be regarded as a comfort to Mishima Moonlight.

Now, it's just the beginning.

All the people who should perform on the stage have arrived. This great era has really begun.

The ship slowly moved away from the port, and a figure appeared above the port.

A trace of helplessness flashed across the face of the first generation of Qingwu.

"It's really troublesome, but the establishment of the world government always requires someone to sacrifice.

Even the immortals are the same."

The eyes of the first generation of Qingwu turned blue, and at the same time, three balls of blue flames appeared behind him.

He did not chase after him, but looked in the direction of the Fire Country.

In the vision of the first generation of Qingwu, a powerful natural force appeared in the direction of the Fire Country.

"This is our final plan."

"Use the immortals as Jinchūriki to establish a world government to fight against the new world, and use the bipolar world will to let the ninja world enter a growth period again.

The establishment of the world government is inevitable."

"But we immortals have already paid this price, and now ordinary people can only bear it."

The flames on his body exploded after the first generation of Qingwu finished speaking.

Then his eyes slightly lowered, and his might also burst out at this moment, and the terrifying killing intent was directly aimed at the bottom.

And at the port below, Kakashi, Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura also looked at the first generation of Qingwu in the sky.

"Teacher Kakashi, what should we do?"

Kakashi's face showed no expression, but he slowly drew out his weapon.

"You go over, he is here to stop me."

Kakashi said.

The remaining Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura heard Kakashi's order, stepped on the sea and rushed towards the direction where Mishima Yueguang disappeared.

The first generation of Qingwu did not make a move to stop him.

Kakashi is his opponent, as for those Genin?

He, the first generation Qingwu, has to have some dignity.

"Kakashi, right?"

"I heard that you are the next generation Hokage."

The first generation Qingwu's face even looks a little childish, but Kakashi does not look down on him at all.

The other party may be several times older than his father.

"The immortal from the Land of Fire?"

Kakashi asked.


The first generation Qingwu nodded, with a smile on his face.

The next moment, the flames on his body swelled again, and a huge flame in the sky smashed straight towards the port.

And Kakashi also made a move.

Countless white sword lights appeared, mixed with the blue flames, and the dense sword lights instantly tore the immortal flames apart.


Become stronger again.

Chapter 181 Countermeasures


The first generation Qingwu did not expect that his flames could be torn apart by Kakashi's sword light.

The torn flames turned directly into a wisp of blue natural energy, all dissipated in the air.

The heat wave in the air dissipated, and the people in the port below looked at the scene in the sky.

"That... that is, a devil fruit ability user, right?"

"Just now, was that guy going to attack the port?"

"Quick, evacuate quickly!!"

At this time, the navy in the port also reacted quickly.

Among the five major countries, the navy of the Water Country is definitely the most experienced. There are too many pirates in the East China Sea, and some devil fruit ability users appear from time to time in this place.

However, such a powerful devil fruit ability user has never appeared.

"It's a natural fruit ability user, let everyone leave the port quickly!"

The naval commander of the port immediately made a judgment when he saw the flames in the sky.

Under normal circumstances, pirates would not make such crazy moves. That guy was clearly attacking the port.

The natural fruit ability user is not something that ordinary people can deal with.

"Captain, we are the navy."

"It's none of our business now, let's go, this kind of battle is not something we can intervene in."

The navy general spoke directly, the dense white sword light in the sky was too obvious.

Kakashi has been active in the East China Sea for the past few months. Although there won't be any big pirates in the East China Sea, there are many people with devil fruit abilities.

Almost every month, some inexplicable devil fruits appear, and it is unknown how those ninjas developed them.

So the situation in the East China Sea is not as simple as it seems. It's just that compared to the New World, the pirates here are not that strong, but they can't be said to be trash.

As for Kakashi, no one has seen Kakashi go all out.

At this time, in the sky, the flame of the first generation of Qingwu was extinguished by Kakashi again.

Kakashi's sword was too fast, and it was almost airtight.

The scorching flame was crushed by the white knife light, and Kakashi's figure appeared behind the first generation of Qingwu. At this time, a layer of cold sweat broke out on the back of the first generation of Qingwu.

"How is it possible!!"

The right arm of the first generation of Qingwu exploded directly, and his right hand completely turned into a blue flame at this moment. This flame was not even in the form of energy, and it showed a weird liquid feeling.

Huge power and scorching breath burst out from the right arm, and a punch hit behind him.

The twisted arm ignited the surrounding air, but the white knife light was not affected at all.


Kakashi's knife directly cut the arm of the first generation of Qingwu, and the huge force came, and the first generation of Qingwu's right hand was torn apart, and then he fell down.

"Is it impossible?"

Kakashi's eyes were calm, and he did not take the anger of the first generation of Qingwu into his heart.

How could it be impossible?

He is Kakashi.

He is one of the first people to come into contact with the power of the new era.

After being defeated by Zabuza, facing this new era, Kakashi has already completely become a process of nirvana rebirth.

He is a genius, but it is not enough, Kakashi's accumulation is not enough.

So he is not as prominent as other strong men. He has always been a team leader, quietly leading Naruto and Sasuke.

Kakashi understands his weaknesses.

The biggest weakness of a genius is that he is too good at taking shortcuts.

Kakashi did not study the six styles of pirates for too long because he did not have enough time.

As for the redevelopment of his physical constitution, Kakashi did not do it to the extreme, also because he did not have enough time.

So Kakashi chose his own shortcut.

Converting the power of the Sharingan directly into the devil fruit, as long as he can gain power, Kakashi is willing to make this choice, even if he knows there are risks, he will do it.

He also understands that his swordsmanship is not suitable for the route of extreme attack intensity like Shanks, nor for the route of huge force like Zabuza.

His biggest advantage is speed.

Since one sword can't cut it off, then use more swords.

The swordsmanship masters that Kakashi has come into contact with since the beginning are Zabuza and Shanks.

And after so much time, how could he not have made progress.

"It's impossible because you guys haven't faced this new era yet!"

"White Blade. Great Suppression!!"

Kakashi used the power of the devil fruit again, and countless sword lights burst out from the space, and the huge force tore the body of the first generation of Qingwu in an instant.

The next moment, as the power of space unfolded, the torn body of the first generation was directly suppressed in mid-air, and the white knife light nailed the body of the first generation to the air.

The extremely terrifying suppression force is one of Kakashi's secret techniques to deal with the natural fruit ability users.

Of course, the first generation of Qingwu is not a devil fruit ability user, but the body of the first generation of Qingwu is the same as the natural fruit ability user, which can ignore most attacks.

"The weird devil fruit ability is the ability formed by the space-time ninjutsu!"

The first generation of Qingwu raised his head, and the flames in his eyes had not yet extinguished. He really underestimated Kakashi.

As the next generation of Hokage of Konoha, Kakashi is definitely qualified. It can even be said that the Kakashi in front of them is definitely a person worthy of their attention.

"But do you think that as a sage, I have no back-up?"

"Flame Substitute Technique!"

The first generation of Qingwu looked up at the sun, and the flames on his body gradually extinguished. As the first generation of Qingwu looked, another first generation of Qingwu appeared in the sky.


The body of the first generation Qingwu, which was imprisoned by time and space, disappeared, and reappeared not far behind Kakashi.

"I have also studied time and space ninjutsu."

A ball of fire appeared in the first generation Qingwu's hand, and then the fire began to split, and one clone after another appeared.

Nearly a hundred clones surrounded Kakashi.

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