Chapter 189 Chameleon is also a dragon

A week later...

In the tavern of the Tea Kingdom, a one-eyed man was drinking, and a group of pirates walked in from the door.

"Huh? Isn't this the famous one-eyed ghost dragon? Why are you still drinking here? After all, you are a hero pirate of the new era, why don't you dare to go to the new world?"

"Can't you even solve the sea monster?"

"Hahaha, a pirate who hides in the tavern every day is still a hero?"

Hearing the sneers of these pirates, the one-eyed ghost dragon trembled and grinned.

"Thief hahaha!!!"

His voice blended into the pirates' sneers, as if he was also mocking himself.

And hearing the neurotic laughter of the one-eyed ghost dragon, the other pirates stopped sneering.

A pirate wearing a ninja forehead protector said disdainfully.

"A loser who doesn't even dare to go out to sea can only wait for death in such a place, but your good days are almost over.

The World Government has been established, and the pirates around the Land of Water have begun to be cleared. In a few days, the World Government's navy will arrive here. Losers like you can only wait for death."

"How pathetic."

Another pirate also looked down on them.

As the navy began to appear in an organized manner, the pirates slowly left the waters near the Ninja Continent and began to head towards the New World.

It was too dangerous for them to stay in this place.

"A useless animal fruit, even if it is an animal fruit, at least get a ninja beast fruit, but it turned out to be a chameleon.

What a failure, senior."

Another big pirate also mocked.

They are not ordinary pirates, they are all devil fruit users.

Although not to say how strong, compared with the one-eyed ghost dragon, the difference in their fruit abilities is simply incomparable.

In addition to the basics of the animal system, the ninja beast fruit also has the unique skills of the ninja beast.

The gap between fruits is sometimes so big.

When Guilong's men heard these taunts, they were so angry that they trembled all over.

Guilong's vice-captain "Gaska" stood up from his seat, his face flushed red.

"Watch your mouth."

"What's wrong with Chameleon?"

"Chameleon is also a dragon, he Orochimaru is a dragon, our captain is also a dragon, ignorant trash."

Seeing Gaska so ashamed and angry, the pirates in the tavern did not continue to talk, and walked to their seats in silence.

After a while, someone finally couldn't hold it back.

"Puchi... Hahaha!!!"

"That guy, actually said that Chameleon is also a dragon?"

"Hahaha, too funny, these guys."

"Is this the pirate recognized by Shanks at the beginning? I thought it was something else."

"Hahaha, nothing special."


Hearing the ridicule of the crowd, Guilong's men were so angry that they gritted their teeth.

But Guilong didn't care at all. As for the tavern owner "Sancha", he also smiled at Guilong.

When this guy was still an ordinary person, he fought against ninjas with Ross Jess. He was just an ordinary person at the time, but now he has become a devil fruit ability user.

Let alone other things, this guy has been able to stay here all this time. This kind of spirit is not possessed by ordinary people.

And Guilong, Guilong has been here for several months. He wants to leave, but the time is not right, so he must be patient.

As the sun sets, the people in the tavern slowly leave, and Guilong also returns to the port with his subordinates.

"Boss, when do we have to wait to go to sea? It's too late. Soon, the world government's troops will probably come, and we can't stay here anymore."

Gaska frowned. They have wasted too much time.

At this time, many pirates have entered the new world, received the baptism of dragon vein power, and become stronger and stronger, but they are still wasting time here.

"The time has not come yet, but it should be soon.

The World Government has already started to act, and Shanks' counterattack should be soon."

Gui Long was also anxious, but he knew that it was useless to be anxious.

Ross Jess and Kagallo set out from the South China Sea in the south of the Wind Country. The only person worth noting in that sea area was Orochimaru.

And Shanks was in the sea area where he was.

If you want to do something under Shanks's nose, you must be careful. Without perfect preparation, Gui Long dare not act rashly.

They, the little people, can't fight against such a huge force, so they can only unite.

And what Ross Jess and Kagallo asked Gui Long to do was that he could do nothing, but never make mistakes.

Ross Jess and Kagallo faced Orochimaru, but Gui Long faced a more complicated situation. Of course, crisis also represents opportunity.

"Will the Revolutionary Army really send someone over?"

Gaska was a little uncertain. The news they had passed on before was like a stone sinking into the sea.

“Don’t worry, the other revolutionary soldiers may not care, but after all, I saved that kid from the Uzumaki clan.

The leader of the Revolutionary Army is also from the Uzumaki clan, they will definitely send someone here, but the Revolutionary Army has always been well hidden, and now, it is not the right time. "

As Guilong spoke, his long tongue was drooling.

Although "Chameleon" is also a dragon, Guilong's appearance is completely different from Orochimaru.

Orochimaru looks majestic and domineering, with an air of majesty without anger.

And Guilong, although he looks very strong, always feels a little wretched, especially when he speaks, his tongue will stick out of his mouth, which is not just ordinary wretchedness.

But sometimes appearance is deceptive.

"But the Revolutionary Army may not cooperate with us pirates, after all, we are not on the same side as the Revolutionary Army. "

Gaska was a little worried.

Unlike ordinary pirates, these old guys, in addition to strength and courage, the more important thing is brains.

There is no way around it. As long as they are ambitious pirates, they must have brains, otherwise they will not be able to survive in this new era created by Shanks.

Without enough wisdom, they can't even understand the situation of this era, let alone other things.

Not to mention these pirates, even a strong man like "Ci Xuan" has recruited Dark.

Ci Xuan doesn't need anything else, but no matter how arrogant he is, he understands that he needs someone who can see the situation clearly.

Ci Xuan's recognition of Shanks is absolutely true. To put it simply, he thinks that Shanks should be his real military advisor.

But in order to subdue Shanks, Ci Xuan can only find a way to deal with Dark first. Brains are something that only top strong men have.

"It doesn't matter if it's different. What matters is that we can appear in front of the Revolutionary Army, and we are qualified enough to cooperate with them. "

Gui Long licked his lips and showed an extremely confident and obscene smile.

Of course, there is one thing he didn't say, that is, in addition to these most basic conditions, there is something more important.

That is Ross Jess's fruit ability.

That is the most bizarre fruit ability Gui Long has ever seen, so powerful that it can even change reality, and Ross Jess's luck blessing is the reason why Gui Long decided to bet on the East China Sea.

When Shanks set out from the East China Sea to the New World, most pirates had already seen it clearly.

You can go to other seas, but don't even think about going to the East China Sea.

How What do you say?

Shanks is here. If you meet Shanks, you won't fight him, right? Now that you are here, if you don't try, you may never have a chance in this life.

But fight? You can't win by fighting with your head.

This group of people understand that if they are unlucky and meet Shanks, they will be in a dilemma, and their hearts may even be broken.

It is better to start from other seas and enter the new world. If they meet Shanks in the new world, their strength will be strong enough at that time, and they will not be unqualified to challenge Shanks.

But Guilong is different. He is very ambitious.

So He chose to start from the East China Sea and wait for an opportunity in the East China Sea.

Hearing his captain's words, Gaska nodded. Everything has a price to pay. They are just gambling.


Gaska was about to say something, but in a blink of an eye, he found that his captain had disappeared.

Then, a creepy feeling rose from Gaska's heart.

The intuition of having experienced several large-scale battles warned Gaska that he had been targeted by danger.

His right hand instinctively grasped the gun.

The gun's lethality is not weak, provided that it can hit, and Gaska just has this premise.




Clear and heavy footsteps sounded from the deck of Guilong's ship. As the footsteps approached, everyone felt a terrifying sense of oppression.

As the footsteps approached, a huge black shadow appeared above the ship.

His body was like an iron wall, too strong to be human. The strong muscles on his upper body were like a shield. Even in the dark, he could see the terrifying muscle lines.

Just such a strong physique could make their heartbeats involuntarily speed up, and the fear from the bottom of their hearts, the feeling of powerlessness.

"That guy... is he looking for us?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the man on the boat moved.

Gaska didn't see the other party's action clearly, only saw a residual image flashing by.

Bang! !

A muffled sound accompanied by the explosion of the air, and in the darkness, Guilong's figure was forced out directly.

The long tongue hung on the edge of his mouth, and the color of his body was flowing. The moment he found the enemy, Guilong had already activated the fruit ability and entered the chameleon form.

"Thief hahaha!! "

Gui Long's eyes showed a crazy look, and he grinned.

The people who came were not the Revolutionary Army, but... Shanks's people. Interesting, hahaha, they are here, finally here.

"So strong, worthy of being the strongest shield of the Bladeless Pirates."

"How could the famous Jin, the third in command of the Bladeless Pirates, appear here?"

Chapter 190 The Wind Rises

The people who should come did not come, but the people who should not come appeared in this place.

Gui Long's eyes flashed with madness. The appearance of Jin did not represent the Bladeless Pirates, but Shanks.

But once Shanks is involved, it will definitely not be something that Guilong can control, but... this is also an opportunity, a bigger opportunity.

"I'm here for the World Government. You should know what my appearance means, Guilong."

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