"The things that are wrong are too big. The things mentioned in the intelligence are not the point at all."

Shikaku stood up, his eyes filled with fear.

This kind of fear, even if the World Government was established and the immortal plotted against him, Shikaku never showed this kind of fear in his eyes.

Because even if they are plotted by immortals, Konoha can bear these costs.

But the current situation is no longer that simple.

“Not long after the World Government was established, Shanks’ counterattack came.

Even before the World Government's siege against Shanks appeared, Shanks' counterattack was enough for the World Government to use all its power. "

"Wait a minute, you are talking about this kind of thing...don't you need to explain it to me?"

Tsunade stood up directly and slapped her hands on the table. Under the huge force, the entire Hokage Building shook. A crack extended from the corner of the table to the outside of the building, and a huge crack appeared in the entire Hokage Building.

The sun shines in from outside the house and blows in along the cracks.

Pedestrians on the street looked sideways and ran away in horror when they saw Tsunade getting angry.

The sweat on Shikaku's face was also knocked off his face by Tsunade's slap, and fell to the ground. The crystal sweat stirred up dust on the floor, and Shikaku returned to his position feebly.

"Tsunade-sama, let everyone come to the meeting!"

“Well, everyone needs to know about this.

All jonin in Konoha, please come here, as well as Team Kakashi. "

Di Lu also spoke.

After a while, all the Jonin of Konoha gathered at the Hokage Building, and Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura also came.

Sasuke and Naruto were still injured. If the immortal hadn't saved their lives, they wouldn't have been injured.

However, after being hit by senjutsu, Naruto and Sasuke's recovery process was much slower than expected. Thinking about it now, the two of them still have some lingering fears.

But for Sasuke, the bigger blow was that the powerful immortal was killed by his brother.

As for Kakashi, Kakashi was already standing next to Tsunade. Even Asuma's face was full of solemnity at this time.

After the death of Sandai, Asma was already at ease. Fortunately, no one bothered him, and Asma himself was happy and at ease.

But now, I'm afraid things are not that simple. Dilu has probably told Asma about the seriousness of the matter, and Asma doesn't even smoke anymore.

"Everyone has seen the information, right? Tell us what you think!"

Tsunade spoke.

At this time, the first people to speak were naturally the heads of the major families and Kakashi, the future Hokage.

The conflict between Kakashi and the Immortals of the World Government is not yet appropriate to take a bright side.

So I haven't left Konoha recently.

At this time, Kakashi was the first to stand up.

"The information came from Shanks, so there is absolutely no problem. That means White Zetsu and the new Devil Fruit system exist.

But these are not important. The most important thing is the significance of the tailed beast. Without the tailed beast, Shanks' plan cannot be implemented. "

Kakashi looked at Naruto, who looked confused, tailed beast? It's none of his business, no, he still can't use any of the tailed beast's power.

“Without the tailed beast’s chakra, White Zetsu would not be able to produce, let alone anything else.

But the situation is different now, because there are other Jinchūriki who have reached the New World, so there is nothing we can do to stop this. "

“Of course, there is no way to stop it.

As for the World Government, they are fully capable of killing the Tailed Beast Jinchuriki. Once the Jinchuriki is killed, it will take time for the Tailed Beast to resurrect, and this time is enough for the World Government to stabilize the ninja world. "

Kakashi's words were extremely cold, making Naruto feel a deep sense of fear.

"Kill the Jinchuuriki?"

Aburame Shihui, the leader of the Aburame clan, also looked at Naruto. He was Minato's son. This kind of thing was simply impossible.

"But once the Jinchūriki outside are killed, the conflict will be directly transferred to the major ninja villages. This is equivalent to weakening the power of the ninja villages.

If nothing else, I believe the World Government would be happy to weaken Konoha's power. "

Kakashi added again.

"If you put it this way, doesn't that prove that the method of killing the Jinchuuriki is unworkable?"

Hyuga Hiashi, the leader of the Hyuga clan, rolled his eyes, although no one could tell that he rolled his eyes.

"It is precisely because of this that it plays into Shanks's hands. All of Shanks' plans are on the surface. We can see them clearly, but there is nothing we can do about them."

Lu Jiu said helplessly.

"Killing the Jinchuuriki will transfer the conflict to the ninja villages, and the major ninja villages will definitely not agree with this approach.

Other than that, the only way is to protect the Jinchuuriki, but this still cannot solve it. Simply put, we can't stop it. "

"Since we can't stop it, we can also use this power. The jinchūriki of all the major ninja villages are in our hands. We have an innate advantage."

Aburame Shihui spoke dullly.

“On the contrary, for us ninjas, this is not an advantage.

As there are more and more Devil Fruits, the division between ninjas and ability users will be brought about. Moreover, due to the distribution of power among the five major ninja villages, the strength of the ninja villages will be out of balance. "

“Everyone should understand what happened in the Kingdom of Whirlpool before, and Konoha must be restricted, at least on the surface.

We can use it, but we can't use it indiscriminately. This is Shanks's restriction on all our ninja villages. "

"But this kind of restriction does not exist among pirates. Shanks' goal is to destroy the world government. Pirates don't need to think about these political factors at all."

Shikaku shook his head. They could naturally use whatever means the pirates could use.

But compared to pirates, ninjas' power is completely restrained.

It seems like there are a lot of things they can operate, but in fact, it has no impact on the overall situation.

This is Shanks' general wisdom and absolute strategic crushing.

Under the terrifying general trend, everyone's direction was firmly fixed.

"And in addition, the Devil Fruit produced by the collision of ninjutsu requires different ninjutsu. In your opinion, which ninja village has the most unique ninjutsu?"

After Shikaku finished speaking, everyone in the entire Hokage Building fell silent.

After a long time, two words popped out of Hinata Hizu's mouth.


Chapter 192 The Color of the Will of Fire

The Hyuga clan has always been a weak faction, but being a weak faction does not mean that the Hyuga clan has no brains, it is just that their brains are used in the wrong place.

"The power of Konoha is the first among the five major ninja villages, and the ninjutsu passed down are countless. This information is not a secret at all to the pirates, and can be obtained easily."

"At that time, Konoha will be targeted, and other villages will probably be happy to see it.

The enemy that the World Government and Ninja Village really care about is Shanks. They don't care about us being attacked by ordinary pirates. "

Hinata Hinashi said helplessly.

This is not the most terrifying thing. The most terrifying thing is that the Hyuga family is the largest in Konoha now. Will the Hyuga clan suffer by then?

As for Konoha doing this thing on its own, as mentioned before, Konoha's physique really cannot mess around.

Don't tell me whether other villages can trust you or not, or whether you trust the World Government.

Judging from the information Shanks announced to the world, Konoha will naturally get the most benefits. I, Shanks, will throw the cake directly into your Konoha face.

But in this case, does Konoha dare to eat it?

There are other people watching all around. Even if Shikaku, Jilu and Tsunade really have the courage to do this, what about the other families? When Konoha is besieged, other families will pay the price.

Who would want to? No one dares to do this.

This is the most embarrassing thing about Konoha. They can obviously get the most benefits, but they don't dare. Even in this way, Konoha still needs to send information to the outside world to prove its safety.

"So Shanks has already been prepared. He just wants to force Konoha's power to go out."

“All in all, Konoha’s current situation is very dangerous.

It is possible that the World Government now suspects that Konoha and Shanks are allies. Considering the relationship between the Uzumaki clan and Konoha, and this time to help the Uzumaki clan regain their country, Konoha is obviously contributing. "

"Now Konoha has been forced to the forefront. What to do next depends on what everyone does?"

Shikaku looked at everyone, and the reason why he called everyone over was to prepare each family.

Konoha had no escape route, and all calculations and plans were restrained by the information Shanks suddenly released.

This is the general trend.

Shanks' scary place.

I clearly know the direction of history, I clearly know the rules of the world, but I just have the ability to create history.

Considering Shanks' horrifying Haki, it is not impossible to do such a thing.

"There are two paths to take at the moment."

"One is that we delay for as long as we can, waiting for the major ninja villages and the world government to put pressure on us, so that we can get some benefits from it."

"The other way is to immediately dispatch ninjas from various families to join the navy throughout the ninja world. This will reassure the world government and major ninja villages."

Jilu spoke slowly. With Kyuubi here, they did have a reason to delay.

"Is there a third way?"

Hinata Hizu asked still a little unwillingly.

In this case, the Hyuga clan will still suffer.


Dilu nodded.

After hearing Di Lu's words, the patriarchs of the major families immediately became energetic.

"It's just that the third way requires enough courage. Most people simply can't take this way."

Jilu's tone was calm, but his eyes looked at everyone with a somewhat aggressive look. The mainstay of Konoha? Do you have this courage?

"My Hyuga clan is also the largest clan in Konoha. As the leader of the Hyuga clan, I am not afraid of death.

Vigor? My courage has never weakened day by day. "

The aura of Hinata Hizashi burst out. He was willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of his family. As a ninja, he already had the determination of a ninja.

The so-called life is only valuable if it is sacrificed.

He, Hyuga Hizatsu, has taken on the responsibilities of the clan and branch families. How could he be an ordinary person under this heavy burden?

"You call us ordinary people. Isn't that too contemptuous of us? Dilu."

The head of the Inuzuka clan, Inuzuka Tsumugi, also stood up and sneered.

As a ninja, if you don't even have this kind of courage, what kind of ninja is it? It's better to sell ramen.

Other ninjas also stood up at this time.

"Dilu, we are all ninjas who have experienced war. Don't look down on us."

"When have the ninjas of Konoha ever been afraid? If there is a third way, just say it.

Even if I have to sacrifice my life, I won't be afraid."


Everyone was stimulated by Dilu's words. Only Shikaku, who was next to Dilu, had already made a seal on his hand. A smaller barrier was unfolded under the big barrier of the Hokage Building.

And Dilu looked at everyone and laughed.


"It's Konoha. Then, I recognize your courage."

"The third way is to abandon the village immediately, leave the World Government, and leave the Land of Fire.

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