Seeing the departure of the first generation of Qingwu and Danzo, Shikaku in the Hokage building also breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, they reacted quickly enough these days.

"It seems that the World Government attaches great importance to Shanks. I didn't expect that those high-ranking guys would also be afraid."

"Go tell Di Lu and let him prepare to go to the Water City as the Navy Admiral in the next two days.

Also, let the major families prepare. Konoha will not be able to protect so many people at that time. It depends on themselves."

"Yes, Lord Shikaku."

The Anbu ninja next to him left immediately.

Shikaku also breathed a sigh of relief. In this way, Konoha was much more relaxed.

As for the problem of the major families.

To be honest, any family of Konoha can be independent if placed in other ninja villages.

But in Konoha, it is like being completely restrained, and the strength cannot be exerted at all.

So now all the major families of Konoha are released. What kind of achievements they can make at that time depends on themselves.

Even the Nara clan is the same.

Shikaku completely pinned his hopes on his son Shikamaru.

On the other side, Dilu had already left the village and was waiting for Danzo on the road.

On the busy road, only Dilu was left.

Opposite Dilu was Daidai Qingwu and Danzo who was hiding under the mask.

Dilu looked at Danzo calmly.

"Long time no see, Danzo!"

"Are you discovered again?"

Danzo took off the mask, there was no need to hide anymore.

"How could I not find you? After all, I spent a lot of effort to leave Konoha.

Otherwise, I'm afraid you would target me, and there would be no good results."

Dilu sneered, and there was no trace of murderous intent in his eyes.

Seeing Dilu like this, Danzo also smiled.

"Dilu, are you going to attack me?"

Danzo looked contemptuous. Dilu's strength was good, but now his Danzo's strength was not weak either.

"With your elite jonin strength, I'm afraid you can't do anything to me, Dilu."

Danzo crossed his palms, and blue eye shadow appeared under the corners of his eyes. Natural energy gathered at this moment, and terrifying energy fluctuations burst out from Danzo. At this moment, Danzo's momentum was no longer hidden.

He was able to enter the Sage Mode in an instant, and he was able to possess such a powerful force. The terrifying natural energy that could destroy everything was completely under his control.

This kind of power is so terrible! !

The power that the first generation of Hokage could master, he now has easily mastered it, and is even more proficient than the first generation.

"Danzo... It will kill people."

The first generation Qingwu reminded.

He didn't know what strength Dilu was, but his intuition told him that this future Marine Marshal was probably very strong.

"Die, if he dies, just change another Marine Marshal."

After Danzo finished speaking, his figure disappeared directly.

At the same time, the first generation Qingwu also moved and ran away directly. He didn't want to be affected at all.

"Such a powerful force, is this an immortal?"

Danzo was wrapped in the wind, and a white wind blade appeared on his right hand. The dense and terrifying natural energy tore the ground.

This is the power of immortals, this is immortal art!!

This kind of power that he has never experienced before, this is what Danzo pursues.


The wind blade in Danzo's hand went straight through Dilu, and the twisted natural energy tore the air. On the surrounding ground, the stones were directly "pulled" out of the ground by the aftermath of the attack.

But the next moment.

Golden light emanated from Dilu.

A more terrifying and domineering power descended.

"Big Buddha!! Descend."

Dilu's voice was like thunder, golden light emerged from him, and his eyes were majestic and domineering.

Superman fruit, the Great Buddha form of the human fruit.

At this moment, the gods and Buddhas descended, the golden body emerged from the dust, and the majestic voice echoed in all directions.


Chapter 196: The Eighteen Princes

The terrifying might erupted from the center of the battlefield, and even the Daidai Qingwu, who was outside the battlefield, was shocked.

He thought that Konoha would have strong men. He had seen Kakashi's strength, and now that he had a more thorough understanding of the devil fruit, Daidai Qingwu no longer had that kind of contempt for the enemy.

But he never expected that Di Lu's strength would be so terrifying.

Looking at the big Buddha in the distance, the surface emitting metallic coldness, and the strange divine light emitting from his body, Daidai Qingwu felt that his heartbeat seemed to pause at this moment.

"This is definitely not a normal fruit, a mythical fruit."

Feeling the strange breath emanating from Di Lu, Daidai Qingwu really felt a little scalp numb.

The existence of devil fruits is definitely a bug-like existence for the ninja world, especially some powerful devil fruits.

After all, the ninja world is the ninja world. Some strange devil fruits have not appeared yet, but there are not many ordinary devil fruits.

Even those seemingly lowest-level animal-type devil fruits are actually mostly ninjutsu fruits, which, in addition to possessing the abilities of ordinary animal fruits, can also use certain special abilities.

As for the parahuman-type fruits, they look no different from normal parahuman-type fruits.

Among the superhuman fruits, there are also phantom species similar to the animal fruits.

This kind of fruit is classified into the "mythical species".

Orochimaru's "White Dragon Fruit" belongs to the mythical species, and the land in front of him is also a person with the ability of the mythical species fruit.

The power emanating from the Buddha is not just ordinary power.

This kind of power makes even Yi Qingwu feel afraid.

As for Danzo at this time.

" is it possible!!"

As the dust dispersed, a huge deep pit appeared on the ground. Layers of cracks around the pit spread outward, and golden light emitted from the cracks.

Danzo was covered in blood, and the bones in his body were completely shattered, with white bones penetrating from the flesh.

Just one blow could kill him.

"Not dead yet?"

Jilu looked down at Danzo under the pit with a majestic gaze, but within this majesty was a naked chill.

"Big Buddha Pudu!"

The next moment, a pair of giant hands rose up from behind Di Lu, and his palms came together above his head.

Layers of golden energy emerged from his body, like ripples of glass. With the emergence of energy, Dilu's hair floated one by one.

The next moment, golden energy burst out from his hands.

The speed was so fast that only a golden light could be seen.

The huge Buddha statue stretched out his hands and clasped his hands behind him, and the other hand hit Danzo on the ground at an extremely fast speed.

hide? The half-dead Danzo couldn't escape at all, and the terrifying golden energy completely locked Danzo at this moment.

Jilu didn't give Danzo any chance.

"Since you are dead, then just lie down!!"

Dilu's demeanor at this time was not a bit like a monk. His violent appearance made Qingwu stupid.

As for Asuma who was further away, although he was also startled, when he thought about it, wasn't this the land of the earth?

Although that guy said he had brains, his temper was completely different from Shikaku's.

"Did you meet an enemy?"

Asuma couldn't figure out who Dilu met, but Dilu told him not to get close, so he could only watch quietly.

At this time, Danzo suffered.

Needless to say, his strength is definitely not that of an ordinary immortal. He is a Jinchuriki.

But Danzo was too careless. If Jilu was an ordinary Devil Fruit user, it would be easier to handle.

But Dilu is not, Dilu is not ordinary at all.

In the original story's history, Chiriku would stay at the Fire Temple until Kakuzu and Hidan came to take his life.

At that time, Dilu was actually already determined to die.

This guy has lived in Konoha's environment for too long. Although he came out alive, he actually has little hope for the world.

If you look at why Chiriku left the Fire Temple and returned to Konoha in this era, you will understand. It was not just because of the death of Daibutsu. The death of Daibutsu did not have much impact on Chiriku.

For him, this was the case in this era, and it was expected that the Buddha would die.

Not only the Great Buddha, but also Dilu didn't care so much about his own life and death.

How to change this era? There is no way to change it.

But with the appearance of Shanks, the world changed.

When Kakuzu and Hidan found Chiriku, Chiriku saw the hope of this world. He couldn't see through this world, but someone had already done it.

Shanks broke the shackles and opened the skylight, allowing Dilu to see the sunlight shining in from the outside.

At this moment, the earth and land directly ushered in new life.

Similarly, it is precisely because of this belief that Dilu was able to complete his own Devil Fruit. This Devil Fruit not only tests skills, but also tests will and belief.

And his land is definitely qualified.

Under this kind of strength, he has great wisdom, and he also directly schemed Danzo.

It’s clear when you look at how Orochimaru was so sinister in the first place. Although Danzo is not weak, he is not that strong either. Likewise, Earthquake is not that strong either.

But at this moment.

Accompanied by golden ripples and bursts of air, terrifying attacks hit Danzo one punch after another.

Danzo's body was shattered, but he was still alive.

"Dilu, you want to kill me too!!"

"But I am an immortal!!"

Danzo roared.

The fragmentation on his body has been suppressed by the golden light. Not only is it a physical attack, the golden light also limits Danzo's physical recovery.

As a Jinchuuriki of the World Government, as long as Danzo is still within the sphere of influence of the World Government, he will not die. Even if his body is broken, he will not die.

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