"Scorpion, the rebel ninja from Sand Village, Deidara, the rebel ninja from Rock Village...are those guys all members of the Revolutionary Army?"

"Damn it!!"

Looking at his broken weapon, Killer Bee's tailed beast chakra reappeared.

The Eight-Tails recovered faster than expected, and even regained consciousness, which may be due to the influence of the dragon vein, or it may be due to other reasons.

As for the East China Sea, the situation in the East China Sea is even more complicated.

At this time, the number of pirates in the entire East China Sea has exceeded 100,000! !

What is the concept of 100,000? There were only 100,000 White Zetsu in the Fourth Ninja World War, and in the East China Sea, these 100,000 were all pirates.

"Little ones, we can reach the Land of Fire by passing through the Land of Tea and force all the ninjas in Konoha out!"

"Hahaha, in the East China Sea, in addition to the Four Emperors Shanks, there is also my bandit emperor Sig!"

Sig, who has a shoe-horn face, swung a sword, and the sword light rushed towards the navy. A navy general jumped out and blocked Sig's attack.

"Retreat quickly!! Evacuate the Tea Country."

"There are too many bandits and pirates, retreat quickly."

"Reinforcements, we need reinforcements!"

The entire East China Sea was in chaos, not just the Tea Country.

At this time, the same was true in the Water Country, and Mei Terumi had already gone directly to the front line.

One-eyed. Guilong led a large force to attack, and the Pirate Alliance, which consisted of more than 30,000 people, directly blocked the door and output.

A large number of pirates and revolutionary forces also appeared in the Sea Country and the Wave Country, and some of the revolutionary forces had already raised their flags.

Obito and Black Zetsu led a large force to travel back and forth between the Wave Country and the Sea Country area, and the main force of Konoha was forced back by the two.

A part of the main force of Konoha went to the direction of the Tea Country, and some of the main force of Mirror went to the direction of the Water Country.

A large number of ninjas were stationed on the other side of the Naruto Bridge.

The intensity of the war on the sea was unprecedented.

One hundred thousand people, crowded in an East China Sea area.

No, it's not just 100,000 people, these 100,000 people are pirates, plus the navy, the total number of people in the entire East China Sea battlefield has exceeded 250,000.

This is an extremely terrifying number of people, which has exceeded any previous ninja war. Even Obito and Black Zetsu have no time to think about their own plans.

They thought about it, but they didn't think the plan would be like this.

"White Zetsu's supply can't keep up.

How did Scorpion get so many tailed beast chakras? Now Nagato is still urging us to get the chakra of the Nine-Tails quickly."

"That's his younger brother, a younger brother from the same family."

Obito's whole demeanor changed, and he directly slapped a modified chakra absorption device on the table.

This is modified from the chakra armor technology of the Snow Country, and now all the pirates in the ninja world are using this device.

The Six-Tails Jinchuriki Yugao has become one of the great pirates in the East China Sea, and the four Jinchuriki Lao Zi have also become great pirates because of their identities.

At this time, Obito and Black Zetsu both felt a little haggard in their hearts.

Facing so many strong men, the two of them also need to be careful. This era is becoming more and more complicated.

"It is because Naruto is a member of the Uzumaki clan that he asked us to take action."

"And I don't know that the number of White Zetsu can't keep up."

Well, Black Zetsu doesn't understand how Nagato can get so many tailed beast chakras.

But now, chakra absorption devices have appeared, and it is really not that difficult to get the tailed beast chakra.

But what the two people didn't expect was the scale of the war, which was too big, too big.

And for the world government and various villages, the real war has not yet begun.

"In the East China Sea alone, the number of people affected has exceeded 200,000. This is just a word from that man, and the whole world is like this."

"That man is so terrible!"

Obito has experienced war, let alone Black Zetsu. He has lived for so long and has seen everything.

However, this time, he said he really hadn't seen it.

For thousands of years, I haven't seen such an outrageous thing. This moment can no longer be described by the word horror.

Ordinary people, nobles, ninjas, immortals... all were involved.

There are more than 200,000 in the East Sea, and what about the North Sea? What about the West Sea? What about the South Sea?

Add up to 700,000 or 800,000? A war of even millions of people.

"That guy..."

Thinking of Shanks, Black Zetsu finally felt fear in his heart, that terrible man.

At this time, in the new world, countless dragon veins rose, and the whole world began to change. Under the huge power of the dragon veins, the whole world began to grow rapidly.

The power that had been dormant for thousands of years all broke out at this moment. The will of the world, the power of the world, a brand new world was born in this war.

Shanks's Graves stopped on an island outside the gathering place of these dragon veins.

On another island more than 200 kilometers away from Shanks, dozens of large ships have gathered, and many immortals have flown from the sea.

Fukuda Qingmeng stood on the boat with his eyes open. At this moment, his gray hair turned black and his withered muscles were reborn again.

"Use the power to ascend, now is the time!

We immortals are already as high as the sky. How high the sky is, how high I am!"

Futian Qingmeng pointed to the sky, and the chaotic sky shattered directly under the terrifying natural energy.

The most powerful immortal in the world, he is Tian!

"Shanks, we finally meet!"

Chapter 198: Statements from the Three Holy Lands

At this time, the immortals had almost gathered.

Due to Shanks' information, some immortals from the World Government also came to support. At the same time, Fukuda Kiyomeu also received a warning from Master Yuan Yi.

Master Yuanyi did not say it clearly.

If this kind of thing is not said, Fukuda Qingmeng still has a chance to live. If it is said, Fukuda Qingmeng will definitely die.

People are ambitious, but the human heart can also be fearful.

Ignorance is not necessarily a bad thing sometimes.

Looking at the broken sky, the immortals' eyes were solemn. They could do this in a place like this. Futian Qingmeng's strength became stronger again.

"Fukuda Qingmeng, now that Shanks' location has been locked, what are you waiting for? Once the world government collapses, the entire fairy kingdom on earth will be finished.

The sooner you act, the better! "

An old man came out and looked at Futian Qingmeng who had regained his youth. A trace of doubt flashed in the old man's heart.

Not only his strength, Fukuda Qingmeng's secret skills have also improved.

"World government? Fairyland on earth? What does any of this have to do with me?"

“The affairs of the fairy kingdom on earth have nothing to do with us.

Do you see the power of the dragon vein over there? "

Some of the people around them were immortals from the World Government, and some were other immortals. Although they were also from the same faction as Fukuda Kiyome, they all had grudges against each other.

However, even if they have a grudge, these people have to endure it now.

The eyes of the immortals looking into the distance are full of greed, but under this greed, there is also vigilance.

"We can use the power of the dragon veins to fly up to the fairyland on earth right away? That has nothing to do with us."

"The power of the dragon vein has already affected this place, so there's no need to talk nonsense to them."

"The immortal power in my body is still rising. Is this the power of dragon veins? This speed."

In addition to the group of immortals from the World Government, there is also this group of practical immortals who have directly started practicing on the spot.

There is no conflict between them and the immortals of the World Government, but the cooperation between them is just cooperation. If you want to command them, don't even think about it.

"Elder Murakami, there is still room for improvement in everyone's strength, so there is no need to rush these two days.

Come, eat noodles! "

Ichiraku came up with a big bowl of noodles. This guy had already set up his shop on the sea.

I have to say that immortals are just different.

Rich and powerful, these people directly built a restaurant on the sea for Yile, and Yile became the only chef in the restaurant.

Moreover, everyone likes to eat the Neptune species on the sea. Even Yile feels that life during this period is simply perfect.

"Oh, forget it!

I also went to practice. "

Murakami held the noodles and left.

He didn't want to let go of such a good opportunity.

He finally knew why he came out to test Shanks, and why so many immortals came with such a dangerous plan.

Look at the effect of the fairyland on earth, and then look at the effect in a place like this.

As long as they stay nearby, they can improve their own strength. Although the improvement is not much, at their level, a little improvement is extremely terrifying.

"Evil way, evil way!!"

Murakami shook his head while eating noodles.

He really wanted to throw the bowl directly, but when he thought about it, he thought it would happen if he actually did it.

Not to mention defeating Shanks, but even tying with Shanks, this group of people can also be recognized by the will of the world.

By then, at least half of this group of people will be able to become the top immortals.

As for Fukuda Qingmeng, it is very likely that he will directly become a strong man like the Sage of Six Paths.

Of course, if Fukuda Kiyome has a chance, Murakami may not have a chance.

That was the Sage of Six Paths. He suppressed an entire era by himself, and even directly influenced the strongest men in the ninja world for thousands of years.

How is it possible to say that you are not moved? !

"Defeat the Nixian, buck the trend, break the overall situation of thousands of years, and you can transcend this world!"

Everyone has ambition!

What evil way? Their path is just more risky, and the investment in risk is directly proportional to the gain.

Looking at this group of people, Ilaku could only sigh.

He is not interested in cultivation, otherwise, he would not be able to withstand this temptation.

But that was Shanks.

Even Fukuda Kiyome was not sure of defeating Shanks.

Ichiraku is aware of Fukuda Kiyome's strength.

On the way, as Fukuda Qingmeng learned more and more about Shanks and analyzed Shanks' power more and more carefully, Fukuda Qingmeng's speed became slower and slower.

It’s not that you’re afraid, but it takes time to prepare.

From the moment Fukuda Qingmeng confirmed the direction, he never thought about looking back.

But even now, with Fukuda Kiyome's young body and peak condition, there is only a 40% chance of being tied with Shanks.

As for the probability of winning, it's probably only ten percent.

This is the judgment of Fukuda Kiyome, the most arrogant person, on himself.

So not only other immortals need time, but Fukuda Qingmeng also needs time to stabilize his peak state.

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