In short, Shanks said that the things on the bounty list were not his fault, but Orochimaru's.

But who would believe it?

Shanks also told Amado that the bombing was all Orochimaru's fault, and Shanks couldn't be blamed.

Amado just smiled.

As a result, now...

"The fluctuation of the dragon veins in the Kingdom of Wind was really triggered by Orochimaru? Then Shanks..."


Amado didn't know what the consequences would be.

He estimated it based on Orochimaru, but what about Shanks?

"Finished what?"

Yahiko came out from the side, also looking at the red sky with a surprised look.

Seeing Yahiko's curious eyes, Amado said calmly.

"Perfect, everything is as planned!"

"As expected of Amado, the strongest scientist in the ninja world, this way, the pirates will have the strength to fight against the world.

Shanks is really terrible. The matter of the Kingdom of Wind is probably also using Orochimaru for experiments."

Yahiko exclaimed.

As for Amado, he could only retreat to the back and slowly entered his own experimental chamber. At the moment when the door was closed.


The calm face instantly turned into a dead horse, and the sweat on the pale face could not stop falling down. The whole person seemed to have aged dozens of years at this moment.

"It won't explode!!"

"It's over. If this dragon vein explodes, the whole world will be finished."

"Amado, is it really okay?"

Shisui's voice came from outside.

Amado's face instantly returned to normal and opened the door.

"It's just a small problem, nothing."

As soon as Amado finished speaking, he saw that the red color on the seabed had already surfaced.

The red energy was layered on the sea surface, and these energies were still transforming.

"The energy of the dragon vein has become a physical entity?"

Amado took a look and found out what the problem was.

"Small problem, the ability of the dragon vein can create something out of nothing. After all, this is the ultimate power of the world and represents the life of the world."

Regarding the research on the power of the dragon vein, Amado has almost done it. The normal explosion of the dragon vein power is normal.

"Is that so? But I think there's something wrong with the Graves?"

After hearing what Shisui said, Amado looked at the bow.

At this time, everyone on the ship was looking at the bow.

"Is this ship alive?"

"I don't know."

"Why do I feel like it's afraid?"

Yahiko pointed at the bow, and the head of the Graves had begun to sweat.

"I think it's afraid, too."

The Buddha was very straightforward.

Everyone turned their eyes to Amado again.

Amado's forehead was also sweating.

"Why are you still looking at me? Graves was made by the sacred tree. Now that the world will has come, why don't you run?"

After Amado finished speaking, he came out of the laboratory with a bunch of things in his arms, and without stopping for a moment, he jumped off the ship.

Although the rest of the people reacted immediately, they just left the ship where it was.

Putting the sacred tree directly under the world will, isn't this courting death?

Jiraiya, Shisui, Yahiko, the Buddha, and the five people of Weitu Tianjiuji also jumped off the ship directly.

One foot stepped on the sea.

"Hurry up!"

At this time, the entire sea surface had turned into red sand. Everyone looked at the sand rushing towards the ship, and without a second's delay, they chased directly in the direction of Amado.

It's just a ship, if it's gone, it's gone, don't hurt them.

The world's will is not something they can deal with.

However, as they ran, Yahiko, who was running at the back, always felt that something was wrong.

"Shisui, is it an illusion?"

Yahiko looked behind him uncertainly.

Everyone turned their heads when they heard Yahiko's words.

At some point, Graves also chased after them.

No one knew where those legs came from, but they saw a big ship carrying four legs running towards them on the red sand.

The whole ship exuded a terrifying malice, and huge energy emanated from the Graves.

"Run! Don't let it catch up."

Amado's voice came from the front, and the hundreds of meters of red sand sweeping behind the Graves was no joke.

"I'll stop it!!"

Shisui's eyes condensed, and he rushed towards the Graves. The next moment, Susanoo fully unfolded and kicked the Graves back directly.

The huge ship was like a toy in front of Susanoo.

But the next moment, the propeller behind the Graves burst out with energy, and the entire Graves broke through Shisui's defense and threw Shisui behind him.

Looking at the sand wall in front of him and feeling the terrifying aura emanating from it, Shisui's face was like a dead horse at this moment, and it turned blue in an instant, and cold sweat dripped from his forehead.


At this time, in other parts of the New World, the pirates looked at the terrifying red sky, and there was no fluctuation in their hearts.

"Captain... don't you think it's very wrong?"

"Newcomer, you don't understand, this is Shanks.

It's wrong, it's right, don't be afraid."

"If it was normal, we would definitely run away. If it was because of Shanks, it's normal."


Chapter 200 The war in the New World has begun!

Water Country


The five major ninja villages, the world nobles, and the immortals of the World Conference all appeared in the Water City.

Countless navies blocked the entire Water City layer by layer, and the navy of the entire East China Sea gathered here.

Nearly a thousand warships were neatly arranged on the sea, and people from various countries were arranged to come. In addition, major newspapers that emerged in this new era also arrived at the scene.

Below the naval base of the Water City, reporters have prepared cameras.

In the outer periphery, there are neatly arranged navies, most of which are led by ninjas, but there are also many strong men who grew up in this new era.

In addition to these navies, there are ordinary people in the Water Country. People look eagerly at the high platform. Behind the high platform, the "Five Shadows" who are the "Five Elders" sit in their seats, and the signs of various ninja villages behind them emerge, clearly explaining their identities.

And beside the five shadows are the immortals in gorgeous clothes, each of whom has an extraordinary temperament and... strong strength.

At this time, most of the immortals no longer had the arrogance they had at the beginning, but instead had a solemn look on their faces.

Of course, as the protagonist this time, Di Lu was also in a very solemn mood.

Originally, his inauguration ceremony should have been done long ago, but he didn't expect that the changes brought about by Shanks would be so fast, which led to chaos in the entire East China Sea, and Di Lu had to concentrate his forces to stabilize the situation.

As for why Di Lu took so long? It was really because Obito and Black Zetsu didn't have any brains.

How to say it? On the side of the Revolutionary Army, Obito and Black Zetsu were completely without strategic brains, and were not at the same level as those pirates, so Di Lu had to take action.

And he took action, Obito and Black Zetsu were still thinking about the operation, which resulted in trouble for Di Lu, which wasted a lot of time.

Of course, Di Lu didn't know everything during the wasted time, at least now he already understood the situation on the sea.

Pirates are far more troublesome than imagined.

And the World Government is also more troublesome than imagined.

Seeing the enthusiasm in the eyes of the navy and the eagerness in the eyes of ordinary civilians in the distance, Di Lu's heart became even heavier.

"The Ninja Clan has been separated from the civilians for too long. No matter what they do, the civilians will always be exposed to the rule of the world's nobles.

It is impossible for the Ninja Clan to use a few months or years to make up for the gap of thousands of years. Even if the rule of the world's nobles can be said to be a mess, the civilians have long been accustomed to this order."

Di Lu was wearing a navy cloak with a big "handsome" word written behind him.

The tall figure stepped onto the steps step by step, and Di Lu's figure emerged in the ninjutsu projection in the sky.

Under the attention of the crowd, Di Lu's appearance was revealed in front of everyone.

The original Di Lu could be regarded as kind, but now that Di Lu has completely let go, his face has a more majestic and fierce look.

Especially because of the influence of the Great Buddha Fruit, the sense of majesty and strength on Di Lu is even stronger.

"Is that the Admiral of the Navy?"

"The legendary mythical species, the user of the Great Buddha Fruit.

The Admiral of the Navy, Dilu!"

"So strong, that feeling!"

"Marshal Dilu, it seems that the pirates are finally going to be expelled, that's great."

"Marshal Dilu!!!"

"Long live the Navy, long live justice!!"

A warm voice broke out among the civilians. At the moment when Dilu appeared, the civilians seemed to see hope.

They really saw the determination of the World Government.

Facing those pirates, the Navy of the World Government was struggling to protect them, and the World Government had been working hard, and their money was not spent elsewhere.

At this moment, the eagerness in the eyes of the civilians became more real and warm.

"Marshal Dilu!!"

"Sir Marshal, hang all those pirates quickly!"

"Sir Marshal..."


Hearing the enthusiastic voices of the civilians, the Navy became more determined in their hearts.

All sacrifices and all efforts are worth it.

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