The power entwined in his hands pulled out all the energy ripples in the entire battlefield, as if his hands were holding many silk threads.

"Mysterious meaning. Power-breaking fist!"

Fukuda Qingmeng's roar shook up the energy impact of the entire battlefield. At this moment, his fists came into contact with the Redvers.

The power of the strongest sage in the ninja world, the real crushing power, completely exploded at this moment.

The entire battlefield seemed to have been opened up by Fukuda Qingmeng's punch.

Elder Murakami and Yoshimura, who had been struggling to hold on just now, were blown away by the aftermath of the battle. Powerful power and will came, and the sound of shattering came from the center of the twisted battlefield.

boom! !

Broken, the sky was broken into a big piece.

Immediately afterwards, the Redvers broke through Fukuda Qingmeng's power blockade and directly brought Fukuda Qingmeng down.


Fukuda Qingmeng did not retreat at all, and his body resisted the Redvers. Not only that, he also withstood the twisted power of the Redvers.

"Second gear!! Return your spirit!"

More powerful power once again burst out from Fukuda Qingmeng's body, and the twisted mental power forcibly blocked the will of the Redvers.


The Redvers' roar broke through the sky, and at this moment, it truly felt threatened.

A real death threat! !

The person in front of me has the ability to kill it.

Fukuda Qingmeng's power has broken through, or in other words, has already broken through to another level, the same level as Shanks, and can directly carry out will attacks.

This is the strongest sage in the ninja world. In this era, it can even be said that the strongest sage in these hundreds of years is a madman.

A madman who forcibly took over the Redvers with his body.


The entire hull of the Redvers smashed into the sand.

A large amount of smoke and dust was thrown up, and a figure was sent flying. It hit the sand several times before it managed to hold on.

As for Redvers, half of the entire hull was sunk into the red sand.

Redvers definitely suffered more injuries than Fukuda Qingmeng. Fukuda Qingmeng had no injuries at all, but he was not that relaxed either.

It was hard to resist this kind of power. Even if most of the will power on the Redvers had dissipated at that moment, the strange power was not so easy to bear.

However, all this is within the acceptable range of Fukuda Qingmeng.

Seeing Fukuda Qingmeng exuding twisted power, the elder Murakami and Yoshimura on the edge of the battlefield also felt their hairs stand on end.

This is the madman who hunted down other immortals a hundred years ago!

"That guy... blocked that monster with his body!!"

Yoshimura held the elder Murakami up with one hand. Murakami's chest collapsed and blood was still pouring out, but this injury was not the most serious.

The most serious part is the part of the wound that has been eroded by the will. I am afraid it will take a year or two to heal.

"Has that guy grown to this extent?"

The elder Murakami looked at the white-haired Fukuda Kiyome. There was no trace of the years on this man. The aura and vigor on his body were still the same as when he was young.

High-spirited and arrogant! !

The madman among the immortals, the strongest among the immortals, the madman who wanted to challenge the Six Paths Immortal, but has been silent for a hundred years.

“In this era, the madman has been awakened to challenge the Immortal of Six Paths and become a more powerful Immortal than the Immortal of Six Paths.

Break this thousand-year imprisonment! ! "

The elder Murakami gritted his teeth, not paying any attention to his injuries.

After living for so long, he knew the man in the distance better than he knew himself. That man... was a strong man who suppressed an era, a top powerhouse that made all the immortals look at him.

But...he was unwilling, why...why not him.

Why can't an immortal like him be like Fukuda Qingmeng? Is the gap between immortals really so big?

"Yoshimura, take Murakami over to rest!"

Fukuda Qingmeng's voice came, and his white hair floated up. His hands were covered with a layer of dark armed domineering energy, and dark ripples of armed domineering energy appeared on his face.

His eyes looked at the Redvers, which was slowly getting up in the distance. The tattered sails on the Redvers were fluttering in the wind. On the tattered sails, there was a man with red hair and A skull with a smiling face was revealed.

A ship... even a ship possesses such great power.

Fukuda Qingmeng looked at his hands, and through his hands, he saw the land under his feet.


"New world, red new world? How arrogant, Shanks."

Futian Qingmeng raised his head.

Behind him, Yoshimura also saw the ship in the distance.

On the deck of the ship, a familiar face appeared, it was Amado from before.

The moment he saw Amado, Yoshimura's pupils shrank.

"Sure enough, although it feels like he was beaten to death, it was not hit at all. It is not on the same level at all."

"Village chief, let's go there!"

Yoshimura lifted the unwilling elder Murakami up.

At this time, Murakami looked at Futian Qingmeng, then glanced at the islands in the distance and the phantom of the fairyland on the ground that had emerged.

He pushed up his body vigorously.


"Why...tell me, why!!"

Murakami didn't know what he was asking, let alone why he was asking.

And Fukuda Qingmeng just spoke lightly.

"Because... you asked me to save you, this is the difference between you and me, understand?"

"Go ahead, Yuanyi is very smart, I don't want civilians to pay the price for my power, but this doesn't mean that Yuanyi is wrong."

"This is... the difference between me and you."

Fukuda Qingmeng said indifferently, and at the same time, the aura on Fukuda Qingmeng's body also changed, and an ancient aura emerged from him.

Target, directly pointing to the Redvers!

I don't know what's going on, inserting pictures into the text will become garbled! ! !

The appearance of the fairyland on the ground, yes, it looks the same as the Navy Headquarters, the fairyland on the ground is on the fairy platform! [Confirmed]

Also, I haven't been squeezed dry by male girls, but Huifeng is really cute, I kiss, kiss, kiss, kiss! ! ! I kiss, kiss, kiss! ! !

Bobo, bobo, bobo, so cute, so good, so good!

Chapter 203 Defeat

There was also a problem with Futian Qingmeng's state, and the aura on his body began to become chaotic.

However, this change was not perceived by the outside world.

At this time, Futian Qingmeng's right hand was deep in his heart, and his right hand was clenched into a fist, pointing at the Redvers, and the pupil of one of his eyes had lost any spirit.

A large number of uncomfortable memories emerged from the depths of his mind.

The power of the world's will continued to rise in Futian Qingmeng. At this moment, Futian Qingmeng's soul seemed to have left his body and reached the sky above the Ninja World.

That was thousands of years ago in the Ninja World, and the Ninja World at that time was still booming.

It was at this moment that the starlight fell, and the huge will of the Ninja World converged at this moment.

Futian Qingmeng, who was overlooking the Ninja World, saw the sacred tree growing on the land of the Ninja World, saw the withered land, and also felt the movement of the world's will at the same time.

It was at that time that the world's will in the Ninja World made some changes, and the power of the immortals was greatly improved. When the world's will converged its power, the remaining power was fed back to the immortals of the world.

Vague memories kept flashing before Fukuda Qingmeng's eyes.

From their initial state, the immortals began to become more and more powerful, and their power reached its peak. Countless powerful immortals appeared in that era, and under the final guidance of the world's will, the immortals led people to attack the ancestral country and completely destroyed the ancestral country.

It was in that war that the immortals forced Kaguya to eat the chakra fruit.

That was not a war between the immortals and Kaguya, but a war between this world and another world.

"Our will has already lasted for thousands of years.

At the moment when the sacred tree invaded, did the will of the earthly immortal country already exist? However, it was not until this era that the will of the earthly immortal country was truly awakened."

Fukuda Qingmeng instantly understood what was going on.

This is a hedge of wills, but it is not a hedge between his will and Shanks's will, but a reaction between the world's will and the will of the sacred tree.

With Yuanyi's strength and ability, even if he used some secret techniques or at the expense of civilians, he could not create the earthly immortal country for nothing.

The Earthly Immortal Kingdom has long existed, and as more and more Devil Fruit users have been born, the will of the Earthly Immortal Kingdom has also begun to recover. This is why Yuan Yi was able to finally implement the Earthly Immortal Kingdom plan.

Of course, at this moment, Futian Qingmeng also understood his identity, which was probably not that simple.

Not everyone is qualified to see so many things in the past. The only possibility is the memory of oneself thousands of years ago.

That was the power and opportunity that he gave to his future self thousands of years ago.

"There is no power at all, no other extra memories, and even the memories are incomplete."

Futian Qingmeng muttered to himself, and his right fist clenched at this moment. At this moment, it seemed as if something broke.

His eyes regained clarity again.

"Is it an imperfect reincarnation? Or... you believed in yourself so much at the beginning, and the future you will only be stronger and surpass the past you."

"However, I am afraid that I have indeed surpassed the past you."

Futian Qingmeng grinned.

Such self-confidence is really his style. There is no trace of power left. This is the absolute trust in himself.

As a sage, he knew very well what was going on. Although he had not had time to think carefully about some details, but...

"Now I have the power to break the thousand-year shackles.


"Let me show you my strength!"

Fukuda Qingmeng disappeared on the spot, the sound of the wind around him disappeared, the sound of the clouds in the sky also disappeared, and there was silence on the red sand.

"Here it comes!"

Amado, standing on the Redvers, closed his eyes. Behind him, hundreds of chakra cores lit up.

At the same time, dense patterns lit up on the Redvers, and the chakra that was twisted to form a substance burst out from the Redvers.

Circles of chakra fluctuations spread out.


The claws of the Redvers slapped the sky, and at this moment, a black tailed beast jade condensed on the claws.

Not a trace of slowness!

The pitch-black Tailed Beast Ball absorbed all the surrounding light, and the terrifying power blew away the sand beneath it, and the ground began to break. Under this impact, the broken ground began to rise.

Above the Redvers, Fukuda Kiyomune appeared above, without any power on his body.

But the Redvers could clearly feel the terrifying willpower of Fukuda Kiyomune, that power, which had penetrated the sky, and the twisted will directly broke the rendering of the dragon vein power.

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