And most of these marines are ninjas, and because of this, the melee never ends. "

"In addition to these, a large number of rebels appeared in other small countries among the five major countries. Although they were quickly suppressed, the suppressed rebels also became pirates."

"The current situation in the ninja world is so bad that even we can't understand it."

Kabuto sat down, and Amado was also listening to the information Kabuto told him.

"In addition to the rebels from small countries, there are also the rebels on the front line of the navy. From time to time, some ninjas or powerful Devil Fruit users will break away from the navy.

It is precisely because of this that the pirates have been able to fight with the navy until now. "

Hearing Kabuto's words, Amado nodded.

This kind of rebellion is very troublesome. There are too many people. Once a rebellion occurs, it will affect the whole body.

As for the pirates, this situation basically does not exist here, because the pirates do not trust each other that much. If a group of pirates are all rebels, then there will be no rebels.

The situation on the Navy's side is that as the battle escalates, the Devil Fruits born from the collision of Bai Zetsu's ninjutsu will be coveted by some people.

People's pursuit of power is great, and ninjas cannot always send people to guard the Devil Fruit, which brings opportunities to insiders.

“Furthermore, the South China Sea is close to the Kingdom of Wind, and for some unknown reason, some powerful men that we have never seen before appeared in the Kingdom of Wind.

We suspect that the Kingdom of Wind also used dirty soil to reincarnate the strong men of Sunagakure Village. "

Kabuto spoke.

Why do you say doubt? Because that's what they do.

Basically all the people in the Uchiha clan who can reincarnate in the dirt have been reincarnated, and even some special strong men have been reincarnated, but they were sealed by Kabuto.

As for those corpses whose souls were sealed away by the God of Death? With Shisui here, Shisui and Itachi helping, Kabuto had already obtained the mask of death.

Those people have long been reincarnated by the dirty soil.

Anyway, in general.

The situation on the South China Sea side is the most complicated, because there are a lot of people, and the strength of both sides is relatively balanced. There is no situation where one side is crushing the other, it is a complete quagmire.

“On the other side of the North Sea, it is mainly the revolutionary army that is operating.

The troops of the Kingdom of Iron and the Kingdom of Thunder have entered the sea, and the main force of the revolutionary army is also in the North Sea.

It is worth noting that Rabbi Kiri, the Eight-Tailed Jinchuuriki of Kumogakure Village, became a Devil Fruit user through some method.

The power of the tailed beasts has been developed again, and now the Eight-Tailed Gyuuki Fruit has become the only phantom beast devil fruit after Orochimaru-sama's White Dragon Fruit. "

“In the battle in the North Sea, the revolutionary army did not gain any advantage because of the presence of Kirabi.

However, the World Government Army, headed by the Kingdom of Thunder and the Kingdom of Iron, did not receive much benefit, and the sacrifices of the revolutionary army were not great. "

Kabuto continued to speak.

Although not much time has passed, the situation in the ninja world has seen a lot of obvious changes.

This chaos makes everyone feel the pressure. Everyone is full of pressure. No one can make a final decision in this situation.

There is no way, the situation is too chaotic.

“Currently, the world government has the upper hand in the North Sea, while the South China Sea is still in a state of anxiety.

Because of the existence of the Golden Lion in the West Sea, the entire West Sea has been dominated by pirates. The target of the Golden Lion is Shanks, so the World Government did not send many people to besiege the pirates in the West Sea. "

"As for the rest of the East China Sea..."

Kabuto thought of the terrifying situation in the East China Sea. Compared with other seas, the East China Sea was simply a hell of a difficulty.

"The number of people currently involved in the war in the East China Sea should exceed 700,000."

The war in the East China Sea continues. As the intensity of the war becomes more and more intense, the East China Sea attracts more and more powerful people.

“The battle in the Kingdom of Tea is still going on.

There was a big bandit named Sig who led many people to fight all the way to the Land of Fire, and was then driven out by the World Government's generals and troops.

It is said that he is still leading the remaining troops to support himself in the Kingdom of Tea, attracting a lot of firepower. "

"The great pirate on the sea is a guy named One-Eyed Ghost Dragon.

The pirate group of the Peak family in the South China Sea also entered the East China Sea, and a big pirate named Ross Jace also caused a headache for the World Government.

This guy's strength is very strange, and because of the existence of Uzumaki Kōrin, the World Government has to use most of its power on Rose Jace. "

Kabuto took out some newspapers.

"The great pirate Ross Jess attacked the world's noble generals, and one general died in battle!"

"Cagalo Pico's attack on the Water City was repelled, a victory for the navy!"

"Crazy Gambling Ross escaped again under the pursuit of four world noble generals."


Every piece of news is almost all related to Ross Jess.

"The noble general of the world, also known as the Immortal, Ross Jess is very powerful, and his Devil Fruit abilities are very strange."

"The person with the ability of the Fruit of Destiny.

Within the scope of the fruit's ability, you can change everything in reality, regardless of the power gap..."

Amado took a look at Ross Jace's information.

He remembered Shisui saying that this fruit could be very strong or very weak.

Overall, it depends on luck.

“It seems that the immortal who was killed must have been unlucky.

However, the fighting situation in the East China Sea is indeed more intense than in other places, and so many immortals have been dispatched. "

“There’s no way, the pirates are too close to the naval base.

Jilu became the marshal of the navy, and the naval headquarters was equivalent to being established in the water city. The pirates in the East China Sea blocked the door of the naval base headquarters. "

"But in addition to some big pirates, there are also a lot of small things."

"This is information about Uzumaki Naruto."

Kabuto took out the information about Naruto.

"Ross Jace is too difficult to deal with, and Xianglin is on Ross Jace's ship.

The World Government has brought Naruto Uzumaki to the surface. I don't know whether these achievements are true or not, but I'm afraid there will be many more in the future. "

There is nothing wrong with the operation of world government.

The biggest problem is that Naruto's appearance has obviously become a thorn in the side of all the big pirates.

What kind of identity do you have, Naruto? How dare you be the same as Xiang Lin?

Because of this, Naruto, Sasuke and Kakashi really enjoy the protagonist treatment now.

Once they appear, it's no longer a one-on-one fight, and a group of people will fight around them.

"What about Orochimaru?"

Amado asked suddenly, he hadn't seen Orochimaru after so long.

"Going to the East China Sea."

This is what Kabuto wants to say. Orochimaru has stepped into the East China Sea. This is the problem of the East China Sea, which has become the most tense area at present.

Chapter 206: A heaven-defying operation

East China Sea--

The East China Sea of ​​the Ninja World is located to the east of the Land of Fire and to the south of the Land of Water.

This sea cannot be said to be big, but the location offshore is a bit outrageous.

Coming out of the Kingdom of Fire to the east is the Kingdom of Waves, and further east is the Kingdom of the Sea. Between the Kingdom of Waves and the Kingdom of the Sea, further north is the Kingdom of Water.

Of course, if you go further, you can even reach the Kingdom of Thunder in the northeast, and in the southwest, there is the Kingdom of Tea and a bunch of islands.

This place is so outrageous.

Under normal circumstances, the main battlefield of the Ninja World War would not be placed here, but the current situation is different.

On the one hand, the scale of the war was too large, and on the other hand, these people were forced to develop their brains and strategic vision.

Therefore, the East China Sea has become the most anxious place of the war, where the forces of ninjas, pirates, revolutionary forces, and the world government all gather.

In this case, the situation in the East China Sea has become more complicated.

What the World Government really wants to say is mainly represented by the world's nobles, and the major ninja villages below also have their own thoughts.

The simplest truth is that the Water Kingdom is the closest to the battlefield, and it is also the Kirigakure Village that is currently the least powerful Ninja Village.

Considering the situation in Kirigakure Village, it would be strange if Terumi Mei didn't have other thoughts.

This woman has never been a simple person. She is completely different from Tsunade. Terumi Mei almost supports the entire Kirigakure Village by herself.

In the past period of time, a large number of Devil Fruit users and foreign ninjas have appeared in Kirigakure Village. These people have new identities in Kirigakure Village and have greatly increased the power of Kirigakure Village.

And with the existence of Terumi Mei, Kirigakure Village also has the basic power to contain Konoha. In other words, in this case, the world government allows Terumi Mei to do some things that are not suitable for public appearances. It can even help Kirigakure Village gain some strength.

In the end, under this complicated situation, Orochimaru had no choice but to rush back from the new world.

"Lord Orochimaru, are we going to the new world next?"

Ghost Light Suigetsu was carried on Chongwu's back with an unhappy look on his face.

Suigetsu and Orochimaru didn't deal with each other, but after Orochimaru began to study devil fruits, there were no such big restrictions on Suigetsu.

Then this guy had no place to go, so he stayed in Otoyin Village, wandering around every day and refusing to leave.

After Kimimaro, Kidomaru and others left Otogakure Village, Suigetsu naturally became the boss of this place. Well, Jugo was the boss, but Jugo didn't care.

"New World? I didn't expect you, Suigetsu, to be interested in the New World."

A smile appeared on Orochimaru's face. For Suigetsu, Orochimaru was completely free.

"Suigetsu thinks it's too boring in the ninja world."

"Are you bored? Is it because you are beaten like this by Naruto and Sasuke because you are too embarrassed and can't stay here any longer?"

Orochimaru mocked directly.

"Those two guys... always feel very abnormal and their strength is very wrong."

Shuiyue muttered, he could only bear the loss. He had no choice but to defeat him.

"After all, Naruto is also a member of the Uzumaki clan, and Sasuke is also a genius of the Uchiha clan.

Against the younger generation of talent, it’s good to be back. "

Orochimaru pondered, thinking about something.

Sasuke...he hadn't paid attention to this name for a long time.

Sasuke was originally the most important part of his plan, but the appearance of Shanks completely shattered Orochimaru's plan.

But for now, Orochimaru has to lament his decisive decision. Now his strength is much stronger than planned.

This kind of power is not only powerful in terms of strength, but also powerful in all aspects.

This is Orochimaru's understanding of himself. Whether he admits it or not, he is now one of the top people in the world.

This was a height he had never imagined.

"Lord Orochimaru, something is really wrong with Naruto and Sasuke. Their strength... is a bit strange."

Jūgo, who usually kept silent, explained that this matter was not really about Suigetsu. He could also feel that there was something wrong with Naruto and Sasuke's strength.

"Is that so?"

Hearing what Jūgo said, Orochimaru also took it seriously.

Jūgo would not speak casually. Since he said it, it proved that there was really something wrong with Naruto and Sasuke.

"Well, Naruto and Sasuke's strength has increased dramatically.

Under normal circumstances, they would be suppressed by Suigetsu and me, but their strength will continue to rise, and even, I can't see the upper limit."

Jūgo's tone was solemn and serious. It was because he noticed the situation of Naruto and Sasuke that Jūgo hurriedly took Suigetsu to retreat.

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