Yes, he is indeed a world noble.

And what is the current situation? Nagato is the only one who has the Samsara Eye, and he is standing on the opposite side of the World Government.

In the eyes of the immortals on the World Government side, this is the reincarnation of Ashura, and then he appears under the will to block their plan of the Earthly Immortal Kingdom.

And to be honest, Di Lu, as a "Nagato", still has some face.

In the past, everyone only paid attention to Shanks. After Di Lu sprayed the major families of Konoha, Nagato officially entered everyone's sight.

At this time, the immortals of the World Government immediately became alert, and the light of Nagato was completely covered by Shanks.

Now it seems that if Shanks is removed, the biggest obstacle to the entire Earthly Immortal Kingdom plan is the Revolutionary Army.

Only the Revolutionary Army can overthrow the World Government.

And Nagato's courage and strength, to be honest, any immortal who stands out may not be able to stop Nagato.

The power of the Revolutionary Army also needs to be treated with caution by the immortals, but at the same time, it is not so outrageous.

This is in line with the immortals' imagination of the son of the Six Paths Sage. He is strong in overall strength and cannot be dealt with by one or two immortals, but he is not as outrageous as Shanks.

No need to check, it is Uzumaki Nagato, the leader of the Revolutionary Army.

The World Government directly locked the target and began to clear out the people planted by the Revolutionary Army in the Ninja World.

Can our Earthly Immortal Country still let you, Asura, stand up? We have even beaten your father, the Six Paths Sage, and it will be easy to deal with you, Asura.

"So... A Fei and Zetsu, and the forces behind them, actually wanted to use us to deal with the immortals at the beginning?"

Konan also understood at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, it is completely reasonable and there is no problem.

The changes in the Akatsuki organization, even including the death of Yahiko and others at the time, are entirely possible to be done by those guys for revenge.

"It is very likely, otherwise I can't understand why they chose us."

Nagato nodded, and now the truth of the matter is completely clear.

"Konan, let them all come back!"

"You can put Yahiko's death aside for now. They must pay the price, but if they use us, at least show their sincerity first."

Chapter 208 See, this is right [Two-in-One]

Nagato is not stupid, but he is not as strong as other top wise men.

But at this moment, the situation is very clear.

"Afei and Zetsu belong to another organization, and Akatsuki is just their weapon for revenge against the immortals.

In this case, everything they do is reasonable, even if they kill Yahiko, change the direction of the entire Akatsuki organization, and make Akatsuki a sharp sword for revenge against the world."

"If Shanks hadn't appeared, Akatsuki would still continue to collect tailed beasts, and then use the power of tailed beasts to revenge the whole world.

And as the world's nobles who are the biggest beneficiaries of this world, the immortals will inevitably become our biggest obstacle."

At this moment, everything made sense.

Nagato knew the Akatsuki's initial plan clearly, and it was because he knew it that he could prove the authenticity of the matter.

He is not a fool. Even if a fool came, he should have understood it now. Not everyone is called the Sandaime.

Let alone, before the new era begins.

The most powerful force in the ninja world is the power of the tailed beasts.

And isn't the Akatsuki organization collecting tailed beasts just to subvert the ninja world?

That's right, Nagato knows the motive and goal.

But for Black Zetsu and Obito, or rather, their original plan was just to target the major ninja villages.

Directly launch the Fourth Ninja World War, and then let the ninja world see their power.

But in the current world situation, who would target the five major ninja villages?

The past was the past, and now is now.

Now anyone with a little brain will not have such a small pattern.

Nagato is like this. Gathering the power of the nine tailed beasts is to deal with the five ninja villages? Isn't this funny? The target must not be the ninja village, but the whole world.

Then to deal with the world, isn't it to deal with the immortals?

"Then force the forces behind them out and see what they are capable of."

Looking at the back of Konan leaving, Nagato has made up his mind at this moment.

The immortal kingdoms and immortals on earth are not that easy to deal with.

They can put aside their hatred with Black Zetsu and Obito for now, and wait until this matter is resolved.

Not long after, Itachi and Kisame also got the information.

And it was second-hand information from Nagato.

Not only Itachi could understand this information, even Kisame could understand it.


Kisame looked at Itachi next to him and said in a muffled voice.

"The information I got from Nagato, and this information is related to the World Government, so the accuracy of the information can be basically confirmed.

So, my Susanoo can target immortals, which may not be the power of Susanoo itself, but it is very likely the power of Indra."

Itachi explained.

Now it seems that everything is clear.

"The contract between the Six Paths Sage and the immortal must be restricted by some kind of power, so it is normal for me to have this kind of power that can restrict the immortal.

And the power in Nagato's body is completely different from that of other members of the Uzumaki clan. "

This information is not nonsense, but has been verified by the World Government.

I don’t know anything else, but the world government of the country of Uzumaki knows the history and understands the power of the Uzumaki clan.

Anyway, when considering this matter, just kick out Shanks, the pure heretic, and select a special one from the remaining people.

And Nagato is the most special one.

Not only Nagato is the most special.

Itachi is also the most special.

Itachi's Susanoo has not yet been exposed to the World Government's information, but Shisui's Susanoo has been, and future Sasuke's Susanoo will appear.

So among these three Susanoos, whose Susanoo is the most special?

Even if Susanoo's weapons have a suppressive effect on sage, Itachi's Susanoo is the most special.

Because other people's Susanoo is just a weapon.

As for Itachi's Susanoo, he has a shield in his left hand and a sword in his right hand, with different equipment.

Isn't this the treatment of a biological son of the Immortal of Six Paths?

When the time comes, even if Naruto and Sasuke are strong enough, they will jump out.

Who would believe it.

One is an ordinary young man with yellow hair, Naruto, who has always been the tail end of the crane.

One is the supreme leader of the revolutionary army, Nagato, who possesses the strongest eye, the Samsara Eye, and can also control the six puppets.

On the other side, there is the arrogant Uchiha Sasuke who can seriously injure himself on a whim, and Susanoo is just an ordinary person.

The other person was one of the top geniuses in Konoha. His talent matched the current vice-captain of the red-haired pirates, Uchiha Shisui.

It has the wisdom of contact and a strong mind, and Susanoo is also an extremely special dual-weapon Susanoo.

Comparing these two groups of people, do you think Naruto and Sasuke are the reincarnations of Asura and Indra? Are you mentally ill?

How is it possible? The painting styles of both sides are different. Can you please give the son of Sage of Six Paths some respect?

"I see. In this case, Mr. Itachi may expose his identity if he goes back this time."

Kisame looked at Itachi, but Itachi didn't care.

“The revolutionary army is getting stronger and stronger, and spies from other forces will inevitably appear among us, but if they are exposed, they will be exposed.

It was only a matter of time before my identity was revealed. "

Itachi said calmly.

The power of the World Government cannot be underestimated, and it is only a matter of time before it is discovered. It is better to go back quickly and solve all the problems within the Revolutionary Army as quickly as possible.

Itachi had already seen that Nagato's idea was very simple.

Talk to Jue and the forces behind A Fei. If possible, we can talk. If we can't talk, we will kill them directly.

When Nagato asked so many people to go back, he did not think about leaving an escape route for the other party, but wanted to solve the problem as quickly as possible.

This is Nagato's decision. Nagato who is able to make such a decision is already considered outstanding compared to the leaders of other forces in the ninja world.

You know, a few months ago, these people were all political idiots, but Nagato has actually made great progress.

Two days later, Obito, Black Zetsu, Itachi, Kisame, Kakuzu, Hidan, Deidara... everyone arrived at the gathering point on the sea.

At this time, no one except Itachi and Kisame understood what was happening.

Just when everyone wanted to ask what was going on, a huge barrier appeared and enveloped everyone.

A twisted force appeared on the sea.

Seeing the stones floating in the sky, Obito had a bad premonition in his heart. The Grayl Stone is a stone with the power of dragon veins... and this thing has the power of space.

"Grel's Stone... these things are only found in the Kingdom of Wind.

Is it a ferret? "

A kunai slipped down his sleeve and reached Obito's hand. It was obvious that they had been discovered.

The next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot, and Obito rushed towards Konan.

But who among the people present is a simple person?

Xiaonan's body was scattered into pieces of paper, leaving only layers of ignited detonating symbols in the air.


Under the huge explosion, everyone reacted.

Just as Black Zetsu was about to escape, a huge sword blade appeared on his face. An orange-red Susanoo occupied half of the battlefield, and the weapon in his hand was only a little away from Black Zetsu.

Feeling the power emanating from Itachi's Susanoo, Black Zetsu chose to give up resistance at this moment.

Obito, on the other hand, also did not cause any harm to anyone else.

But at this time, the eye hidden under the mask was already scarlet.

Itachi was obviously stunned when he saw Obito's eyes.

Although they are all wearing masks, A Fei's aura is completely different from that of the masked man.

But now it seems that the masked man at the beginning should be the Ah Fei in front of him.

"There's no need to struggle anymore. Since I'm going to take action against you, you should understand what's going on, right?"

Nagato spoke indifferently, Obito still had two black sticks stuck in his body, and he had no strength to resist at this time.

Not to mention resisting, even if you really have the ability to resist, you can't get out of this barrier. Even the time and space ninjutsu may not be able to escape from the power of the dragon vein.

"So it turns out the two of them are the moles?"

"Ah! You hid it really well... Afei."

Deidara mocked. He still had some good feelings for Obito. He didn't expect that this usually careless and unremarkable person was actually a traitor.

"Hehehe... Itachi, long time no see!"

Obito ignored the others. At this time, a trace of sadness appeared in his heart.

I didn't expect that he would be exposed like this.

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