"Xiao Di……"

Kakuzu and Konan took action, and Konan directly pulled Deidara back.

As the youngest member, it was natural that Deidara was a little immature. Of course, if Nagato hadn't said it first, Konan himself might not have been able to understand.

Xiao Nan looked at the sky with a cold face, and she was also a little embarrassed.

The others, as veterans of the ninja world, all gathered together. They were all qualified to hear this information.

Obito looked at everyone, especially when he saw Itachi, his eyes paused.

"We killed the former members of the Akatsuki organization."

"And I was also responsible for the annihilation of the Uchiha clan."

Obito directly admitted what he had done.

"We all know this, but you should just be a pawn."

"Kill Yahiko and the others, let the Akatsuki organization serve your forces, collect the tailed beasts...and then use the power of the tailed beasts to fight against the world and the world government.

Likewise, let our revolutionary army become your pawns, right? "

Nagato looked at Obito and expressed his guess, or in other words, logical thought.

When Obito heard what Nagato said, he was stunned for a moment. Why did Nagato say the same thing as what he just thought? So what else can I make up?

Seeing Obito's reaction, everyone became more convinced.

However, Obito shook his head.

“I don’t know that person’s specific plan, he really wants to get more power.

A lot of the information that guy gave me was false. Our original plan was to collect tailed beasts and then use the power of the sacred tree to cover the entire world. "

"That plan is called the Eye of the Moon Project. It uses the moon as its core and uses illusions to cover the entire world and create a new world.


Obito looked at everyone.

"But in my opinion, based on what I know about that guy, his ambition is definitely not like this. Therefore, he wants to use this power to destroy all immortals."

Hearing Obito's speech, Black Zetsu next to him remained silent.

He didn't dare to say that this plan was actually made up by him just to save Kaguya.

Of course, it is feasible, but... no matter how you look at it, it is different from what Obito said. Madara would never do this.

"Destroy all immortals?"

Others didn't quite understand what Obito said.

"I'm afraid the power of the tailed beast is not that strong, right?"

Itachi didn't quite understand. The power of the tailed beast was not weak, but it was definitely not that strong.

"It's not that strong.

But our plan is not the tailed beast, but... the power of the Six Paths, using the tailed beast to condense the power of the Six Paths Sage. "

“Besides, besides the plan that I don’t know about, there are also you and Nagato.

The power of Asura and Indra, coupled with the power of the Six Paths Immortals, once the power of the Six Paths Immortals who once suppressed the Immortal Age appears, it is possible to destroy other Immortals. "

At this time, Obito relied on the information he knew to completely supplement this part of the intelligence.

Black Zetsu next to him was just sighing that it was already this time and Obito was still kept in the dark by him.

"The power of the Six Paths Immortal... If this is the case, it is indeed possible.

Since the plan for the Immortal Kingdom on Earth, the immortals have been suppressing the power of the Six Paths Immortal and do not want the power of the Six Paths Immortal to appear. "

"I see……"

"Using us to deal with immortals? You are really despicable and cowardly."

Kakuzu said with some disdain.

The current revolutionary army, without relying on the power of the Immortal of Six Paths, has been able to take action against the Immortal. Only the weak from the old era would be so cowardly.

"To be precise, we are just one part of it, and we are not even taken seriously by the other party."

Kisame next to him spoke calmly.

However, the size of the current revolutionary army is completely different.

With the advent of a new era, many strong men have appeared in the revolutionary army, and their power has spread to cover the entire world.

"Speaking of which, thanks to Shanks, the appearance of Shanks directly broke the world structure and even forced the immortals out."

"That guy Shanks..."

Thinking of Shanks, Kisame nodded.

There's no comparison, that guy is not a human being.

Although many people in the Akatsuki organization can be called humanoid tailed beasts, in front of Shanks, I am afraid that even the reincarnations of Nagato and Itachi, Asura and Indra cannot do it.

"Shanks, it's different."

Kakuzu also sighed.

At this point, the original truth was almost revealed.

But Itachi still asked his question.

"Did you intervene when the Uchiha clan was exterminated?"

Obito sneered after hearing Itachi's words.

"You should know this matter better than me, right? You came to me in the first place."

"The annihilation of the Uchiha clan has nothing to do with us, but it can weaken the power of Konoha and the power of ninjas.

After all, our enemies also include ninjas. "

Hearing Obito's words, the others had no reaction.

In fact, the enemies of pirates in this era also include ninjas.

It's just Obito's words that made both Nagato and Itachi a little confused.

You guys have to deal with ninjas and immortals... aren't you just pirates? Isn't that the same thing as Shanks did.

No, to be precise, it is similar to what the Revolutionary Army is doing now.

It's just that the purpose is the same, but the methods are completely different.

"Why do you feel like you are a group of guys who are targeted by ninjas and immortals?"

Konan was stunned for a moment.

Deidara next to Konan also muttered.

"This seems to be no different from pirates..."

"There is indeed not much difference..."


After hearing what everyone said, Obito couldn't explain it himself.

Explain it!! What they did was not human, but the process and purpose seemed to be the same.

Don't accept it, but no matter how Obito looks at it, they are not people like Shanks.

Only Black Zetsu, who was quietly beside him, felt a sudden shock after hearing what everyone said.

Looking at it this way, he seems...it seems that this is what he did? It seems that it really can't be explained.

"The last question, what is the power behind you?"

Itachi asked.

"I don't know, I'm just a pawn.

But the guy who arranged these things for me, you should have heard of his name..."

Obito looked at Kakuzu, who was a person of that era.

Seeing Obito's serious eyes, everyone perked up.

"That man is called... Uchiha Madara! One of the powerful ninjas who ended the Warring States Period.

The first rebel ninja of Konoha, and also a person that Konoha's first Hokage valued very much."

The man who should have died is still alive! !

"Uchiha Madara?"

"That guy... I heard about him from my grandfather."

"Who is that?"

The only one who made a puzzled sound was Hidan, who was not a ninja, and the others gasped after hearing the name.

When Kakuzu heard the name, his body trembled uncontrollably, because that was a man more terrifying than Hashirama.

"Uchiha Madara, now it seems... the arrival of the new era has already been foreshadowed in the Warring States Period."

"What puzzled everyone in the ninja world at the time was why Uchiha Madara suddenly defected? Obviously, the Uchiha clan and the Senju clan had a feud, but after Uchiha Izuna's death, the two families formed an alliance."

"And when the Warring States Period ended, there was obviously no conflict, but Uchiha Madara directly defected."

"Perhaps Konoha at that time had already come into contact with the immortal."

Kakuzu connected all the things he knew, but it didn't make sense, but if Madara was trying to deal with the immortal, then everything made sense.

As for Black Zetsu, Black Zetsu just sneered when he heard these things. Madara was just a fool who was fooled by himself.

"Where is Uchiha Madara now?"

"He's dead. The plan is to use the Impure World Reincarnation to revive him.

As for the forces behind us, I don't know. I only know that when he was about to die, he left the sight of all of us."

"And... Madara can also touch the sacred tree, and not long after Madara died, Shanks appeared."

At this point, Obito raised his head with great certainty, with a gleam in his eyes. He was absolutely sure of this.

"Madara... must have touched Shanks!"

The moment Obito said this, Nagato's mind exploded, matching the missing branches of the sacred tree...

The overlap between what Madara did and what Shanks did.

The truth of this era... everything matched.

At this time, there was another person whose brain exploded, that was Black Zetsu...

Because, it really matched!!!

Madara did disappear for a while.

It seemed nothing before... But now, everything matched, Madara has completely escaped his control.

So...isn't his plan over? ?

"How... How could it be... How could Madara do that? The plan is not like this at all."

"How could Madara see through it... My plan is clearly..."

At this moment, Black Zetsu was completely insane. It was impossible, absolutely impossible.

His plan could not fail.

However... at this moment, a scarlet magatama appeared behind Black Zetsu.

In the real world...

Itachi slowly opened his eyes. Black Zetsu was also used by Madara.

During the time when Madara disappeared, he obviously had contact with Shanks.

Shanks and Madara have the same goal, and the same goal as the Revolutionary Army, but they have chosen different methods.

As for the truth, as long as Uchiha Madara is resurrected, everything will be clear.

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